Okay my friends! Passionate Bites is edging toward the top 100. Hoping to help push it along with this little contest. So all you have to do is share for a chance to win a 25.00 Gift Card. Sound good?
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JUST RELEASED. PASSIONATE BITES is live and $0.99 this week.
Ten hot tales of vampire romance from NYT and USA Today Bestselling Authors.
Full length novels. No cliffhangers.
AMAZON smarturl.it/PassionateBites
Hugs and you guys ROCK!!!
47 Responses
hello Teresa,
I love the warriors series and can’t wait for Jax and so much more..This warrior are bad arse….I love Slade…So keep this warrior coming and keep the good work…You Rock my world with this books….
Thank you Agnese! So glad you have enjoyed the series so far.
Cannot wait for it to come out
Can’t wait to hear all your stories on audible!
Check out @JenniferBurkha8’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/JenniferBurkha8/status/585967851149852673?s=09
OMG. I can’t wait for the next book; Sloan. When it comes out I’m gonna buy it
Thank you so much Lisa! I am building for Sloan’s story. I can’t wait to write his and find him a woman who will give him a run for his money! HA! Hugs and thank you so much for your support!!!
I really enjoyed Slade and now I really want to read the Jax story and of course Sloan…..
Thank so much Peg! So glad you enjoyed Slade’s story. Hugs and I promise more to come!
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thanks for the chance! awesome giveaway
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I hope this post goes through this time. It has not been letting me post!
It did Kimberly!
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LOL! I hate then that happens Kimberly. It always happens to me when I do stuff like this. LOL! It’s all good!
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Thanks for the chance!
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Thank you for this chance.
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