Hey everyone! I dropped off the map for a bit. I was sick for about a week in a half and let me tell you it hit me hard. Haven’t been sick like that for a while, but slowly feeling better. Hope you all are staying healthy and happy!!

I appreciate all the kind words everyone is posting about Sid. I was so nervous about this book, but you have eased my worries. He was so well loved in prior books and as I was writing him I thought to myself ‘Teresa, you better get this right and find him a kick ass chick.’ HA! So thank you so much for letting me know you thoughts on Sid and Lana!

I know I left Adam in a funk, but I have plans for Adam. I am writing a short Novella. It is actually Adam’s book, but it will have all the Warrior’s and more build up to Slade’s story. The main reason I did this is to give you a little more about the Warrior’s backgrounds in a cool way because a lot of you have asked. So just a little glimpse into their past lives. The Novella is almost done and will be going to editing in Feb with a release date of March something. LOL! Slade will follow soon after that. I have been going back and forth on both stories. My plan is to write three more books in the series this year. Fingers crossed!!!

So yeah, that’s what’s up in my world. Stop by and tell me what’s up in yours. Also I will be running a contest for signed paperbacks of all four books very soon. So keep checking back. You guys are the best and I appreciate every single one of ya and love hearing from you all.





Paranormal Romance with a Twist



42 Responses

  1. Hey, just needed to let you know that I absolutely love these books. I had all for read in under a week. I can’t wait form the expolsion that between Slade and Jill. Your books made me laugh, were upbeat, and I never wanted to put my Kindle down. They were wonderfully written. Again, I will be anxiously anticipating your next installments. 🙂


  2. Hi, I have followed the VC Warriors from the first book and LOVE IT. Cant wait for Slades story to get here!

  3. No offence but I’m really looking forward for jill and slades book lol. I feel the way you eft Adam, on how determined he is on being the best VC Warrior, that he still need a time to discover himself before he can jump back into a relationship;Compared to jill and slade, who already have heated chemistry. Let Adam grow more in a book or two that way when Adams book does come out it won’t feel rushed and the readers Can really connect with his character.

    1. Hey Kila, no offense taken at all. Actually even though this is Adam’s Novella all of the Warrior’s are going to be a part of this book and Adam will continue to grow in each book thereafter. Both books are being worked on because they are working together. It’s hard to explain without giving too much away, but hopefully once Adam is out you will understand a little more what I have done and plan to do. Thanks so much for your input and honestly no offense taken at all. 🙂

  4. Hi Teresa hope you are doing well 🙂 weather here in england at mo is terrible was wondering how long we have to wait for Slades story has would love the book to cheer me up in this horrid weather hehe 🙂 x

    1. Hey Lindsey!! I’m working on Adam’s Novella now and have also started Slade, well because I love him and can’t wait to finish his story. Hate to hear about your weather. We’ve had awful weather also. All the snow has melted and it was actually 60 degrees out, but now we may have tornado’s. Ugh….I hate tornado’s. LOL! Talk to ya soon! Hugs!!!

  5. Amazon suggested Sid to me based on my previous purchases and once I saw the high ratings and that it was # 4 in a series I went and read each book. I love your writing & the series. Getting creative with vampires nowadays can be difficult but you definitely humanize them well. The glimpses and buildup of Slade & Jill has me wishing they are next but Adams needs some happiness! It wouldn’t hurt if you kept us updated on Daniel either lol.

    Can’t wait for the next release!

  6. Further to my previous post I just want to say the chapter on th e birth of Daniel had me laughing so hard I was crying. Your description and dialogue between Sid and Sladewashilarious!!!!!! And before that when Pam was having Braxton Box and Sid told her not to sneeze OMG!

    1. Hey Darlena!!! So glad you have enjoyed the series so far. I appreciate you support so much. Yeah, that scene was one of my faves. Sid drives me nuts, but love writing him. LOL! Thanks so much for your support. Yes, Sloan is getting his own book. I plan on releasing three more books in the series this year. 🙂 Thanks again!! Hugs!!!

  7. Teresa, I am a new and now devoted fan! I discovered the VC Warrior series by accident and read Sid’ s book first. His character was hilarious and I fell in love with the Warriors. I ended up buying the other three and read them all in two days. Now I feel like an addict in need of a fix as I am anxiously awaiting Slade& Jillians STORY. I also am hoping that you are considering a story for Sloan.

    I love that you work humor into your writing. I think it makes the Warriors seem more real and Human even though they are Vampires. It helps me connect with the characters more and helps me visualize them better.


  8. Hi Teresa -I just had to let you know that you got THE best compliments an author can get from my family of readers. They rated you with Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunters!! I don’t know what you think about that but I will have to say HOORAY to you, cuz that is the highest praise from this bunch. So glad I turned them into fans of yours. I absolutely LOVE your work. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK. I appreciate it. LOVE D

    1. Hey Diane! That means so much to me. Sherrilyn Kenyon is one of my all time faves!!! Acheron is my dude and favorite book!! So yeah, that brought tears to my eyes because just being mentioned with her means a lot. Thank you for letting me know that and for your support. Seriously, you will never know just how much that means to me. Working hard on the next in the series. Hugs!!!!

  9. I read the series back to back and I loved the series but I’m ready for Slade and Jill story. When can we expect it to be released?

    1. Hey Debbie!!! So glad you enjoyed the series so far. Working on Adam’s Novella and Slade’s book right now. It won’t be long!!! Thanks again for your support!!! Hugs!!!

  10. Hi Teresa
    All is well on my side… thank goodness the flu is over and done with:-)
    I referred your books to a friend, who is absolutely inlove with the VC warriors…. and YOU of course… 🙂 she is currently on the second book now…. JARED 🙂
    Soooooo, what are the chances of having a Valentines day gift for us….. To me from me:-) ……. I can’t wait for my next VC warrior fix 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Keep well, and keep up the amazing books 🙂
    From a rainy SA

    1. Hey Shoneez!!! Thank you so much for spreading the word. I appreciate that so much. It may not be a valentines gift, but hoping a release date of March for Adam’s Novella. Nothing set in stone, but that’s is my thinking. HA! Slade to follow soon after that. Again thank you for your support and tell your friend to stop by and say HEY!!! Hugs!!!

  11. So I came across Damon’s book a week ago and loved it! In just a week I’ve read through Jared, Duncan and Sid and each one gets better and better!! Thank you for being such a terrific writer…the dialogue between your characters is come of the very best I have come across and I read alot!!I am a huge fan of J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood and I have to say you have many of her books beat!! You excell at creative, funny, sarcastic, sexy banter between the characters. I have literally laughed out loud! Authors sometimes forget that the way a reader gets to really know a character is through dialogue. And how ingenious to carry the characters we have fallen in love with from one book into all the others. Very few authors do this and it is disappointing, we get all wrapped up in their story never to hear from them again. You on the other hand have found a brilliant way to keep each character involved in every story!!! Love that!! Wish there was just a little more sexy interaction between the warriors and their mates. Keep up this great formula: superior dialogue, Alpha warriors who love big and sassy, unique female leads!! Much luck to you and keep writing…you have an incredible literary future!!

    1. Hey Laura!!! Your words mean so much and to even be mentioned along side of JR Ward is mind blowing. Thank you!!! I just can’t let go of the characters and they are like a family in the books and it just seems odd to let them go. Sometimes I get myself in trouble because I become so involved in the secondary characters that I have to stop and focus on who I’m writing the book about. Slade’s book is probably going to be the sexiest in the series to date so stay tuned. HA! Thank you so much for your words and supports. It means more to me than you’ll ever know. Hugs!!!

  12. Lost my email for a few days and all is well now. The creeping crud has been going around here too. My advice is lots and lots and lots of vitamin C, hand sanitizer and rest. I really hope you’re feeling better. I’m looking forward to Slade and Jill’s story, but I am much more interested in Sloan. Who knows why….I hope it’s one you are thinking of.

    1. Hey Diane!! I am finally feeling better, but it took a while. I have washed and sanitized my hands so much they feel like sandpaper. HA! Sloan will definitely have a book. I am working on Adam’s Novella and Slade’s book now. There will be more Sloan I promise. Thanks so much for your support. I appreciate it so much!! Hugs!!!!

  13. Hi Teresa
    Well I joined you on the sick wagon :(( Here in SA we are having our summer season, so you can just imagine it, heat and sickness just don’t go together.
    I am glad that you are feeling better…. for my recovery, I re-read all the books, just love them books 🙂 Jared is still my favourite (yummy). I just love reading about him
    Thank again for an absolutely awesome series. I can’t wait for Slade and Adam”s books.
    Keep t up the excellent work. Thank you again:-)
    Have an awesome 2014.

    1. Hey Shoneez!!! Man I hope you are feeling better. We are having below freezing temps here in Ohio and I hate it. My poor dogs poor paws keep freezing on her and I have to bring her in to thaw out and then take her back out so she can try to pee. It’s awful. Thank you so much for your support and I’m so happy you have enjoyed the series so far. Thank you again and get better soon!!!!! Hugs!!! Stop back and let me know how your feeling! 🙂

  14. I am addicted to your books! I am constantly checking to see when the next one will be out. Thank you so much for creating such fun characters. I am particularly excited about Slades book and enjoyed the little teases you have used as a build up. Cheers and keep up the great work!

    1. Christine this is one addiction I love hearing about. I’m excited about Slade’s book also. I’ve had a great time writing him and Jill. I also have a huge crush on him. HA! Thanks so much for your support!!! Hugs!!!

  15. Hey hon, I am so very sorry to hear that you have been unwell… Having just gotten over pneumonia, I totally understand how you feel. I bet you want the license plate number to the steam roller that hit you yes? I sure hope the hubs took good care of you during that time.

    What a treat to hear that Adam will have a happy, happy… I felt so bad for the poor guy after all he went through for her. But with you at the helm, you just know things will work out for him. This will keep us all sated until Slade and Jill’s book comes out.

    Another thing I love about your books (along with how you build up each new character throughout the series) is how you make sure all the prior heroes and their ladies still play a part in the new books. I have read series where there was one or two lines of the previous characters and I’m like “what the hey… did they get abducted, did they leave the planet, are they in a coma”? You have a knack for making sure they are still playing a vital role without taking over the main characters of the book.

    Stay well darlin…

    1. Hey Julieanne!! Oh man I hope you are feeling better. I had pneumonia once a long time ago and that is nasty stuff. So make sure you rest and get better! Yeah, Doc Teresa here. LOL! You know sometimes I get yelled out by my beta who reads my stuff before it even gets to my awesome editor and then my editor yells at me sometimes because I can get carried away with the secondary characters. HA! But man oh man do I love Slade and had a blast writing about him and Jill. I have a big ol’ crush on that vamp. HA! Thanks so much for your support. Take care of yourself and get better. Pneumonia is no joke!!! Hugs!!!

  16. Hello Teresa, Happy to hear that you are on the mend, nothing worse than being really ill it just seems to take forever to get on top of it. Really did enjoy Sid my only complaint is the waiting for another book to come out (grin) but so far it has always been worth wait. Thanks for putting in the hours so we can have the benefit of a great series. Take care, look forward to seeing Adam then Slade’s book.

  17. Hi Teresa, so sorry to hear you have not been well, but glad you are back on the up.
    So looking forward to Adam’s story and of course Slade’s. All such different characters but you make them all so interesting and believable. I just love the series and really look forward to each one. Long may they continue.
    Love and hugs

    1. Hey Linda Ann!! Thanks and yeah, doing much better finally! It took forever it seemed to start feeling better. This stuff going around is nasty! Hope you and your family have been healthy!! So glad you have enjoyed the series so far. Thanks so much for your support!!! Hugs!!!

  18. Hi Teresa, I a sorry to hear you got sick so bad but happy you are starting to feel better.

    Thanks again for a great series. I loved Sid so much, I still think of him and Lana. I am so looking forward for Adam’s novella and Slade’s book. Three more books, Yes, Yes, fingers crossed. I wish there could be more – don’t want to let go of these warriors, they are so delicious 🙂

    You’re the best, Teresa, it comes through your writing.

    All the best – wishing a Healthy and Happy 2014


    1. Hey Debbie!!! Thanks and finally feeling better. Whatever I had knocked me on my butt! Ugh… Hope you and your family have been healthy! So happy you enjoyed Sid and the series so far. Keep them fingers crossed for me. HA! I do love writing, but want to make sure I give you guys my best! Hugs and wishing you the same, a Happy and Healthy 2014!!!

  19. Teresa, so glad you are feeling better it stinks being sick. I think if you rewrote the yellow pages people would line up to buy it. That is how good you are! I am so looking forward to Slade and Jill’s story, but Adam’s story will be a great story to keep us busy until Slade’s and Jill’s story comes out. I am so glad Adam is getting a story my heart broke for him, I am glad that the VC Warriors accepted him back and that he will continue to be in your stories. Have a great finish to the weekend .


    1. Hey Janet!! You know I could probably make the yellow pages a little more funny at least. HA! Thank you for that. Adam is going to get his happy I can tell you that. Thanks again for your support and after this series you have given me a great idea…rewrite the yellow pages with some drama, humor and sexy moments. YES!!! Hugs!!!

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