Adam’s Release Day Giveaway!!!

So today is the official release day for Adam. SWEET!! I am doing a giveaway in hopes to get the word out.  I am giving away a Thirty-One Tote personalized for you book lovers. It will be filled with all five paperbacks in the Protectors Series signed along with gift cards and other goodies!!


Pretty isn’t it? Right now it looks empty, but believe me it will not be empty! So all I ask is for a share of Adam’s release and then come back here to comment where you have shared and ta-da you are entered!! You may also share this contest with friends and family, that would be very appreciated. Below I will post what to share. Thank you guys so much because without each and every one of you I wouldn’t be able to achieve this dream. You all are a part of this journey right beside me!!! Hugs!!!






Half-breed vampire, Adam Pride, has an almighty chip on his broad shoulders. Trying to move on after finding Angelina married to another, Adam has a decision to make. Remove the chip and move on or kill the man who took what he wanted most in the world, his Angel.

With his heart in pieces, Adam’s on a mission to become the best VC Warrior he can be. It’s not long before fate steps in, turning his world and life as he knows it upside down. Shocking revelations will realign allegiances and draw the VC Warriors onto a new path. This journey is not Adam’s alone. Every Warrior, half-breed and human will be affected by what is to come. The unknown awaits. The battle has just begun.



NEW RELEASE – Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5 by Teresa Gabelman


The contest will run until July 2nd when my facebook release party begins. If you want a chance for more prizes and have facebook head over and join the party. A prize worth 150.00 big ones is up for grabs!!

Facebook Release Party Link:


Geez there is a lot going on in this post. LOL! Good Luck Everyone!!! Thank you guys so darn much!!! Hugs!!!





73 Responses

  1. Adam was amazing,
    every book is getting better and better i think i would be lost without this series! please never stop writing them i wish i could live in their world its truly mind blowing! your so talented Sid is my favorite he literally makes me laugh out loud. Him and Lana are the best couple EVER their perfect for each other!…closely followed by Jared and Tessa.
    i get so frustrated i’m desperate to get to the end and then its so upsetting when is over 🙁
    Cant wait for Slade i know it will be fantastic!

    1. Thank you so much Sophia! You just made my night. I am working hard on Slade now and hoping you guys will enjoy him just as much! Hugs!!! 🙂

  2. Congratulations Teresa, I’m wishing you all the best with Adam’s release!! 😉 I’ve bought the book and looking forward to read it!! <3
    Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to win! ^_^

    Shared the links on:
    -my Tweeter:
    -my Facebook:
    and my Google+ :

  3. I shared it on Facebook, and I also emailed it to all of my friends and family who don’t do the “social media” thing. My mom and a few a friends have already replied back that they plan to check out the series!!! I don’t have a twitter account or I would have shared it there also 🙂

  4. Shared on Twitter love the books can’t wait for slade I’m having serious withdrawals!

  5. I shared it on my facebook page, on Twitter, and Google. I cant wait to read it and will make sure my friends share it to. I know several bloggers.

  6. There are times I wish I was on Facebook, if nothing other then to brag about your books.

    I just left my review on Amazon, and hon what can I say? You batted another one right out of the park. I read Adam twice within a couple of days because I loved the book so much; you amaze me with your creativity… And I enjoyed the heck out of Steve in this book. I have loved his sweet innocence from the beginning and he always tickled me, but he was laugh out loud in this book! And the cliffhanger? Wow! Never expected that one, and can’t wait to see how this new development plays itself out.

    Looking forward to Slade’s book and I know Sloan will be a book in the future. Was wondering perhaps if there is a book about Jax and “maybe” Phil? I know you mentioned him a couple of times throughout the series (I can always keep my hopes up).

    Keep doing what you are doing hon, go with your gut and what your heart tells you… It will never lead you down the wrong path…

    Hugs and all my best

  7. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On my work break downloaded Adam and tempted to call in with food poisoning to finish this!!!! YEA!!!!! Can’t wait for Slade!!!

  8. I shared on Facebook. I brought my copy on Amazon on Tuesday morning. I finished the book on Tuesday night. I really enjoyed reading Adam. I really do wished that Alice get hers and that Slade and Jill end up together. I know that you hinted that maybe Jax may attracted to Jill; but I really wish that they don’t get together. I’m really looking forward to reading Slade and hope that Slade is released before I go back to work in August.

  9. Shared this on my facebook account so loving the Protectors Series lots of love for all your good work

  10. I have shared this with co-workers and family members. I was so excited that Adam came out ealier on Amazon. I can’t wait for Slade and I hope there will be a Sloan.

  11. Shared on my Facebook page the day Amazon released it (2 days early!!!). Tagged Teresa in my comment 🙂

  12. Shared on FB. Love, love this series. Each book integrates so well with each other. You get the whole “family” dynamic. You are definitely an awesome author. As said before, I am a ‘readaholic’ and have read thousands of books. I think this is the best series ever. Thanks Teresa for your hard work bringing the guys to life. You do it so well

  13. Hmm my comment disappeared. But I did share on facebook and twitter. Thanks for the chance I love your books 🙂

  14. I shared on my Facebook Wall!! Just finished Adam a couple minutes ago. LOVED IT! I can’t wait for the next one. I can’t wait for Dr. Hottie McVampire 😉

  15. I just shared your link about the book Adam on my Facebook wall. As I said on there….can’t wait to start reading it. 🙂

  16. Shared on Facebook And Tweeted ad @shanhun2009 🙂 thanks so much for the chance. Love your books 🙂

  17. Posted on my facebook page…I love this series and I can’t wait for the next book…& I really hope Jax gets a story & maybe him & Caroline or maybe not she seems too nice…I hope he gets a strong minded women who can bring him to his knees 😉

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