Always the underdog!

I was just looking on Google books to see if Damon had been added yet. I typed my name under Google books to see if Damon was there and my name is in Black Belt Magazine for winning the World Championships in 2001. Tito Ortiz is on the cover. Very freakin cool!!!

It just reminded me of how hard I had to work to earn that title. I was born with a club foot and had to have eight corrective surgeries. I missed tons of school, had a hard time making and keeping friends. I was always in a cast and on crutches or a wheelchair. My uncle was a Shriner so he talked my mom into taking me to Shriner’s Hospital in Lexington and he was be my sponsor. That was the best thing that ever happened to my ability to walk right.

I was born in 1966 and then they really didn’t have the technology that they have today. So I guess you could say I was the age of the guinea pigs for club feet. I was put in a cast right after I was born to see if that would correct the deformity, but no luck. Then I wore the shoes with the bar across connecting the two, my mom had bruises on her hips from that with no luck. Two of my last surgeries were done at Shriner’s to correct things that had been done when I was young and then extensive surgeries which should have been done in the first place. My first surgery I had to stay in Lexington Shriner’s for a month. My very last surgery was at the age of 19 by a orthopedic doctor that I actually work for now to release my tightening heel cord which would bring my heel off the floor when I walked.

When I first wanted to start taking Taekwondo I was told by multiple doctors, my mom, friends, family and everybody else it seemed, not to do it. I was told that if I broke my foot it could mean more surgeries and possibly more permanent deformity. Yeah, I didn’t listen. I went for it and loved every single minute of it. Of course I was careful trying not to break boards with that foot. I accomplished more than anyone ever dreamed I would. After 20 years I finally did break my foot when I tried to kick my husband in the head and kicked his elbow instead during a demo. We both knew it broke, but with fifty or so potential students I keep sparring. HA! Dang proud of that moment. It was okay though and healed fine.

So why does my post read ‘Always the underdog?’ Well because I think I’ve always have always been an underdog. It took me so long to get my black belt because I couldn’t break my boards. The board break requirement was a punch which was a breeze, but the kick was the kicker. LOL! I had to either kick with my bad foot or land on it. It was so hard and painful. If it wouldn’t been for my instructors Mr. Larry Creech, Mr. Mike Creech and my husband I don’t know if I would have been able to pull it off. The night before testings Mr. Mike Creech would make anyone who had a hard time with their boards, ME, work on their kick or hand technique  the whole class while everybody else had a easy night with sparring or something fun. I loved to spar to so it stunk big time for me. I would be in so much pain that I would get in the car and cry. Mr. Mike if you are reading this I appreciate every kick you made me do on that dang heavy bag. It made me the person I am today.  Thank you Sir. Then I would have Mr. Larry Creech who with one look could send all of the self conscious and giving up thoughts away faster than they started. I also thank you Mr. Larry Creech. Because of you I never give up! Now to my husband. Thank you so much for never kicking me like I was a girl. You literally beat the crap out of me and when I would have a few tears once we were in the car you told me to suck it up or quit, which pissed me off and I went at it harder. So thank you Ron.

Seeing the article in Black Belt Magazine today from 11 years ago made me realize that even if I am a underdog again in the writing world being a unknown indie writer I will not give up. I love writing as much as I loved getting in that championship ring fighting women from Canada, Korea, Great Britain and the good ole USA. That day a underdog surprised a lot of people, even herself and came out on top. So at a time in my writing when I wonder if I can do this, I come across this article and it reminds me that yeah I can.

So thank you to everyone who has supported me by coming to my page, reading my post, being my facebook friend, my twitter friend, reading my book (soon to be books), reviewing my books, and pimping my books. The support is awesome and I appreciate every single one of you. Thank you!!!

Always remember never give up on what you want most. Being a underdog sometimes is not a bad thing. Work hard and always thank the people who helps you along the way whether you’re an underdog or not.


Teresa “The Underdog” Gabelman  HA! Couldn’t resist. 🙂

Damon (The Protectors Series) Paranormal with a twist!.



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