And the winner of the signed paperback is…..

A huge congrats to Jennifer N-M!!! I have emailed you to get your mailing information! YAY!

I want to thank everyone for their kind words and support. I will be doing another giveaway next week so stayed tuned. 🙂

Paying it forward is very important to me and your support is priceless. Thank you again!!! Every single one of you ROCK!!!





13 Responses

  1. Teresa,

    I live in Indianapolis so I am not sure why I haven’t received it yet. I will check with my post office to see what they say. I WILL be happy with any of the books in the series…I love and have the all as ebooks! I hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation. Thanks for listening!



    1. Well what the heck…you are right next door to me. I will make it up to you, but I did check my little book that I have and you are marked, but that doesn’t mean anything these days with the post office. I live out in the middle of nowhere and lucky to get my mail. HA! I will definitely make it up to. Let me know if you find out anything, but chances are they won’t have a clue. I’m going to try to relax a little on this vacation…good luck with that huh? LOL! I’m so glad you contacted me about this. Either way you will be taken care of….promise! 🙂

          1. Hey Jennifer!

            We did have a wonderful time, but had a nightmare a week later. I have emailed you to explain. Please don’t give up on me. I haven’t forgotten you!!!!


  2. I loved “Damon” and “Jared”! Can’t wait to read “Duncan”. Do you have a release date yet? I have read many different versions of Vampire Romances and I found that your version is very enjoyable. Thank you for your time and keep ’em coming!

    1. Hey Angela!!!

      I don’t have an exact date yet, but I working for a May release. I will definitely keep you informed! So glad you enjoyed Damon and Jared and hoping you will enjoy Duncan just as much!! Thanks so much for your support!!! 🙂



      1. Teresa,

        I am so sorry that I haven’t responded to your email. I am not sure but what happened but if I am still eligible for the signed paperback please email me again. I am really excited about it…if not than I am still excited that my name was drawn/chosen and am happy for whoever it was that received the signed paperback. Thank you so very much and I cannot wait for Duncan to come out!



        1. Hey Jennifer!!!

          You’re fine! You are absolutely still eligible. I will email you again for your address. All is good!


          1. Teresa,

            I wanted to know if you had sent out my signed book yet? I don’t want to sound pushy but I haven’t received it and wanted to make sure that the post office didn’t loose it or that it didn’t get taken from my mailbox. I am excited to get a signed book…this will be my first.:) I am not sure which one to look out for but excited all the same!

            Hope Sid is coming along fine…do you have a release date and will this be the last? I hope not because I just love the VC warriors.



          2. Hey Jenn! You don’t sound pushy at all. Never think that. I sure did send that out, actually a while ago. Refresh my memory because your address is in my email which is on my other computer. You don’t have to put your address down, but are you in or out of the USA. I’m so sorry you haven’t gotten it yet. Let me know and as soon as you can so I can check it out. I am leaving on vacation, but I can order stuff on the road if I have to. Just for the trouble I will send you two books signed of your choice. I do apologize because even if you are out of the country you should have received it by now. 🙁

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