Another Paranormal Contest!!!

I hate to make certain decisions. I wish I had a little dude on my shoulder to whisper the correct answers in my ear….I’d call him Fred…don’t know why, but that’s the name that pops in me head about my little decision making dude.  HA!

As I am FINALLY wrapping up on Jared’s story I am seriously thinking about changing the cover to Damon. Why you ask???? Well as I hang my head in shame I am totally guilty of judging a book by it’s cover. Yes, okay I’ve done it. I admit it’s wrong and I am ashamed. I know without a doubt I have missed some awesome reads because of this. If there are two books left in the world and one has a blonde hunky manly man and the other has a raven haired God with a six pack then the Raven haired God is the one I would choose. Lately I have been picking up reads that have totally different covers than I normally read and I close my mind to the cover and imagine my own hunky hero. I know the cover has nothing to do with the inside, but well you know what I mean, visualization can get ya. Especially if it’s a tall, dark, muscular, six packed man with a huge packa….ah, well you get the picture. 😉

So I really need you all to be my Fred here and tell me what you think. I depend on readers views. Readers input are just as important to me as the words I write. I know in order for you guys to post you have to leave your email and I know that sucks, but my computer dude..aka…hubby said it has to be that way because of spam and stuff. But if you have a opinion please leave it. I would really appreciate it. You may get three maybe four emails from me a week. I will not spam the crap out of you. This may seem like a attempt to get subscribers, but its not. I will even delete you at your request after you post your opinion and the contest is over, that’s how serious I want to hear what others think. HA! I know I’m weird, but sincere.

Okay my peeps here is the contest. Answer these three questions and you will be entered to win a signed copy of Damon with original cover…LOL! I wouldn’t have time to get a new cover and send it out right away if I do decide to change. I will run this contest until Monday the 18th at midnight!   The winner will be announced on Tuesday.


1. Do you judge a book by it’s cover?

2. Do you think changing a book cover is okay for a author to do?

3. Is Damon’s cover a turn off to you and would it make you totally skip over to the next book on the shelf, so to speak? (You will not hurt my feelings on this so lay it on me… 🙂 )

Okay that’s it. I hope to get tons of feedback on this. Fingers crossed. Back to writing.





14 Responses

  1. Enjoy your books. Seen other authors change covers. I do kind of look at the cover. Damon looks more like the character jax. Looking forward to reading jax’s story and sloan. Hopefully you plan on doing their story. Susan

    1. Thank you so much Susan! I have been debating on changing the cover and I still don’t know what I want to do. One minute I want to and the next I don’t. Thank you again for your support. Means the world to me. Hugs and have a great night. Keep in touch!!! 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for everyone’s feedback on this. It has helped me tremendously!!! I will have the winner posted by noon today during my lunch or one of my breaks. I fell asleep last night so I didn’t do the magic winner picker thingy. Sorry about that. Have to go work now, but winner will be announced around noon. 🙂

    Thanks again!!!


  3. I am just a wee bit fickle and like a magpie to something sparkly, I do love a pretty cover; however, I have read books with some pretty rotten front covers, because they’ve been highly recommended to me.
    If I’m in a book shop, it’s a sexy, hot cover that grabs my attention. On Amazon, yes I’m drawn in by the cover, but rather than this being my soul decision maker, I go by ratings, trusted FB pages & blog recommendations and for Kindle price.
    I think your cover’s pretty hot, but it is a little cliche. I think there are many very similar covers, and if you can afford to venture out and redesign then go for it.
    I think it’s a really good idea for authors to revamp and redesign if they have they option. This may provide you with the opportunity to appeal to a different and hopefully wider audience.

    1. Thanks exactly what I was thinking. It’s a hard decision to make, but with opinions like yours and everyone else it is really opening my eyes to somethings. I am new to this and learning something everyday! Thanks so much for your input bexnbooks and sexy hot covers always grab my attention to. 🙂 HA!

      1. I judge a book by its cover. Guilty in every way. I know better but I just can’t be bothered to even read the blurb it the cover does not capture my attention, it the cover is not attractive or does not spark any hope of being close to the genre I hope to read. *shrug* Life is too short to hope to find a gem.

        1. Thanks for your input semamolo. I think there is a lot of use out there like that. I have actually read a few that I didn’t like the cover recently and really liked them. But I know what you mean and yeah, I raise my hand because I’ve been guilty too. Thanks again!!!

  4. 1) to be honest i used to look at the covers and buy the book but it is the content that i look for now i love good covers but its not the only reason i will buy the book i flip it over to read what the book is about after i look at the cover it could have a great cover but if the story has no substance it goes back on the shelf.

    2) If the author is not happy with the cover then change it.

    3) I love the cover and wouldn’t change it. And again even if you did i would not pass it up because i like the substance. So the cover is just eye candy not the actual candy bar.

    1. HA! I love it and I quote, “eye candy not the actual candy bar.” 🙂
      I am learning so much from this. Thanks tons asmith10811!!!

  5. Yes I do judge a book by its cover. And if its a print version it last page too, I want to know if the hot man will rock my world!!

    Yes an author should be able to change the cover if they think the present one is not representative or is not working for the book.

    As for would I pass over Damon’s books, well if I had to choose I would go for Jared’s , his looks like sex on legs were as Damon’s looks all introspective. Damon’s cover makes it looks like he would give you poetry rather then the ride of your life. I say loose the cape and go tighter on his chest so he looks a little bigger, then he will look like he can do both!!

    1. OMG bookworm that is a great freakin opinion. You guys are hitting it right where I need help. Awesome! Thank you so much… 🙂

      Sex on legs….haha….love it!

  6. OK the truth…I totally judge a book by its cover! I look for bare chests and tatoos first and formost then barechested and swaggering pose then just barechested. I’ve never read a bare chest I’ve didn’t liked.

    Now I have had authors tell me they’ve had no control over their covers and didn’t like them.

    I think if you don’t like it change it. BUT Damon does have a bare chest….need I say more?

    1. Debi thanks so much! I love you have never read a bare chest you didn’t like…cracked me up. 🙂

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