Anyone have tickets for the SLADE TRAIN?

Yes, that’s right, the Slade Train is coming! First I want to thank everyone for your understanding and patience. This summer has been a rough one. Most of you know about my mom, who is doing much better by the way, but still recovering. We have lost loved one’s and friends tragically. I count my blessings everyday and I count you all in those blessings. Thank you so much for your words, prayers and positive thoughts. It means the world to me.

Slade is officially in the hands of my awesome editor, Becky Johnson at Hot Tree Editings, hands. Slade’s book is longer than any others in the series. This past weekend I spent 24/7 on this computer with read throughs and rewrites, but after many hours of wondering if it would ever be Slade is finished. My awesome hubby will be putting the counter up as soon as I get the official word from Becky on the release date, but it will be in December!

The cover was finished before the book which has never happened to me before so. That was really weird to me, but a cover reveal will be happening very soon! I hope I did you all proud with Slade and Jill’s story.

If you have left me messages I will be answering them all this week. Again thanks for your patiences. Love you guys tons!!!





68 Responses

  1. Hi you. So glad that your mum is doing better. Congratulations on the Space train ha. I’ve had my tickets since Slate appeared. Can’t wait for Slade & Jill’s story.

    1. Thanks so much Liz!! She is doing much better, still recovering, but doing better every day. Hugs and thanks again for your support. Means more to me than you will ever know!!!

  2. I am so glad to hear your mother is doing better. I started reading your books about year ago and have loved each one but my favorites are the “Protective Series”. I can hardly wait for the story of Slade and Jill. I do love me a tall man since I am 5’10”.

    1. Hey Darlene!! Wow, you also just made my day. You keep me going and as long as I make you guys happy with the stories I will keep going. Thank you again. Your support means the world to me. Hugs!!!

  3. Hi Teresa, so pleased your mum is recovering lovely news send a kiss from me! So so sorry to hear that you have lost loved ones, can’t imagine what you are going through at the mo but keep smiling things will get brighter. Looking forward to Slades and Jill ‘s story what a lovely Christmas prezzie that will be!!! Look after yourself my lovely, take care hugs Pauline x

    1. Hey Pauline! Thanks so much! She is doing so much better. It has been rough second part of the year, but I know there are peeps much worse off then me. I keep counting my blessings. Hope you guys enjoy Slade. Sooooo nervous!!! LOL! Hugs and thank you again!!!

  4. Omg can’t wait!!! Ive been checking your site over and over for this wonderful news! So excited!!! I just got three of my co-workers completely hooked on this series and they all have a new book boyfriend in Slade (though i refuse to share him!) Cant wait for the official release date! My kindle and i are waiting with baited breath.

    1. Hey Brie! Thanks so much for hooking others on the series. LOL! I appreciate you so much for hanging in with me. It’s been a rough second half of the year, but hoping things improve. Fingers crossed I did you all proud with Slade’s story!! Hugs and thanks again!!!

  5. Hey hon, I have been out of the loop due to illness, and I am so very, very sorry to read about your mom’s illness and other personal tragedies. You just take care of yourself, your mom and your family first, we will still be here waiting. Once again, good things are worthwhile waiting for so I look forward to Slade & Jill’s book

    Hugs, and prayers,

    1. Oh no! I hope you are better Julieanne!! It has been a bummer of a summer around here, but many peeps are worse off than me so I keep counting my blessings and keep on keeping on. I appreciate you so much and let me know who you’re doing!! Hugs and take care of yourself!!! 🙂

  6. Have enjoyed your books and have been patiently waiting for slade. I know it will be awesome. So glad I stumbled across your series. You are a very talented lady….look forward to reading more of your works.

  7. Wow!! Cannot wait. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the protector series. They’ve got everything; romance, suspense, action and a happy ending! I’ve been eagarly anticipated Slade & Jill’s story after so many cleverly placed hints!!!!! Cannot wait. Thank you Teresa gabelman

    1. Thank you so much Sophie! When I write I am keeping you all in my thoughts. Hope their story does you guys proud! Fingers and toes crossed. HA! Hugs!


    1. Thank you so much Christy! I’m going to keep going as long as you guys want more. When I start Sloan’s book you’ll know that will be the end of the series. 🙁 But I still have some things up my sleeve with the series! 🙂 Hugs

  9. Way to go. I am so happy that you have finally finished. It had to have been hard with all that was happening in life..Thank you. I look forward to the cover reveal and mostly the book. Yeah Christmas!!!
    Will Sloan be next??

    1. Thank you so much Diane! Yes, finally haha just waiting on edits, but it was such a relief. Sloan will not be next. Sloan will be the very last book in the series… 🙁 that makes me sad to even say. LOL! I have a surprise for the next so I can’t say yet. HA! Thanks again! Hugs!!!

  10. I am so excited. Please don’t delayed it any longer than you have too. I am so in to this series. Please keep it going. It didn’t get boring by the 3rd book like most of the series. You are an awesome author. I hope you decide to do another series. But please keep it in the vampire and werewolves line. You rank right up there with Lora Leigh, J R Ward, Laurann Dohner, Diana Duvall, and the list never ends. Thank you for the good books you have given us.

    1. Thank you so much Jo! Just to be mention next to those authors is truly humbling. I appreciate you support so much. Always know I keep you all in my thoughts as I’m writing because I’m writing for you. I want each book to be different with moments you didn’t see coming, but keeping it to where each Warrior makes a little appearance. Trying hard to do it right! Hugs and thank you again!!! 🙂

  11. Im so glade to here your mom is doing so well. And am so glade you finish Slade and Jill. Please dont stop with Jax and Sloan. Love and kisses to your family.

    1. Thank you Christy!! Mom is doing so much better. It’s been a up hill battle, but she has kicked butt. HA! Sloan will definitely be the last book in the series, but I still have some ideas to keep the series going for a little longer because every time I type or say Sloan will be the last book I get sad. HA! Hugs and thank you again!!!

  12. OMG really can’t wait for the slade train 😀
    Your books have really helped me keep sane, as a mom to 2 autistic boys real life can be hard going but my boys keep me going along with reading your books, by being able to escape for a few hours does me wonders.
    Really hope Slade will be out real soon. Thanks for your amazing world you have created with The Protectors your hard work is greatly appreciated 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I taught Taekwondo to a little girl who was autistic and what a blessing she was. How old are your boys? Everyone needs a escape and I’m so happy I can help you do that with my weird mind. HA! Hugs and thank you again!!!

  13. I have been desperate to hear that! I’m officially excited, nothing I’m reading at the moment even compares to this series. Seriously congratulations I can’t wait!!

    1. Thank you so much Sophia! I really wanted it out earlier, but I wanted it to be right more so I hope I did you guys proud. I tried really hard. LOL! Hugs and thank you again!!!

  14. I need a ticket 😀

    I am so sorry for your loss and glad that your mom is recovering. You had all these going on and still finished the book. Thank you.

    I fell in love with Slade when he first showed up at the camp. I also love Jill’s strong character and how she speaks her mind; specially how she doesn’t back down when she is cornered. I re read Slade and Jill’s lines in other books several times and still can’t get enough of them 🙂

    Like others, I have been waiting for Slade and Jill ‘s story and so excited to read it as soon as it comes out. I hope the pre order would be available so I can see it in my kindle the minute is available.

    Looking forward to re unite with Slade and Jill 😀

    1. Thank you so much Mahsa!! Mom is doing much better! Jill actually has a special place in my heart, I just connect to her character for some reason so I enjoyed writing it. Fingers crossed you all enjoy this one, well all of them, but this one more! LOL! Hugs!!!

  15. Yes I have my tickets right here in my pocket, standing on the platform. You know we didn’t push you to “bug” you….well “they” might not have but I did. lol We did it out of love and support. I’m amazed at how fast you write and you always keep the guys in line, but let them live their own lives. You make them real. You added so much content, I may have to take the day to read instead of 2-3 hrs. Such a sacrifice. You continue to amaze and inspire me. I’m so thankful to be part of your “family” Whether it be the guys or your physical family, you let us all into your life. Thank you for that.

    OK you’ve slept a night or too, how much have you gotten done on the next one? lol

    1. Hey Nora!Hey you guys are my driving force. I feel honored and blessed when asked about the series or when a certain book is going to done. I do know that I will never put a book out just to make a buck. If I’m not happy with it then I figure how will you guys be happy with it. I know you all understand and I appreciate that so darn much. Never in a million years did I think I would ever have six books out and people who actually read them. You guys are my family and are welcome into my world always whether is during reading time or reality. Oh, and while I was sleeping I had a awesome idea for the next, but cannot say or I’ll give something away. HAHA! How’s that for a teaser! Hugs!! 🙂

      1. I am sure whatever idea that is, it will be great. I just read one your replies regarding Sloan and his book being the last of the series.
        That is sad 🙁 I just hope you keep writing vampire book.

        I have read so many vampire books and loved the some of the hero but
        no-one came close to Slade. There is something about his silent, loyal and powerful character is so attractive. I don’t blame Jill for falling for him so quickly. I did too 🙂

        By the way I want to compliment a part of Adam’s book. The meeting that happened in the warehouse right after their test was incredible and Jax’s input was brilliant.
        Can’t wait to hop on Slade’s train!

        Big hugs

        1. Hey Mahsa! I will continue even after this series….how I don’t know because these guys are my family now and always in my head. LOL! Yeah, I’m crushing hard on Slade at the moment! Thank you for the compliment on Adam’s book. That was a hard book to write for me for some reason, so I appreciate that feedback very much!! Hugs and thank you again!! 🙂

  16. I love all the books in this series, and have read them many times! I can not wait for Slade and Jills book. I hope there are more books after this one, please tell me there is more.

    1. Thank you so much Olivia! It is such a compliment to hear someone has read the series more than once, thank you! Yes, there will be more in the series I promise you! Hugs and thank you again!!!

  17. I can’t wait. I know it will be great. I love this series and it never disappoints. I hope this next year will be a happier, less stress filled one for you and your family.

    1. Hey Debra! Thank you so much! I hope so also, this summer has been a real pooper, but getting somewhat better. Have many reasons to feel blessed and you guys rae one of those blessings. You guys keep me going and I appreciate that so much! Hugs and thank you again!!!

  18. Glad your mom is doing better. I know slade and Jill’s story will be just as good as the other protectors stories I have read.

    1. Thank you Dianna! I have fingers, toes and anything else I can cross crossed that this one is a good one. HA! I really enjoyed this story so I hope you guy do as well! Hugs and thank you again!!!

    1. Thank you so much Sherry! Should have a official date by next week! So nervous, but yet excited for you guys to read it. Hugs and thank you again!!!

  19. You know your fans would wait forever for Slade!!!!! Family always comes first and we will still be here for ya regardless how long we had to wait. I’m glad things are better with your mom and pray it continues.

    1. Thank you Tammy!! Family does come first, but always remember you guys are my family also so as long as everyone here is okay health wise then I’m focused on you all to bring you the best of the Protectors that I can. Nervous and excited for this release. Hope I did you all proud!! Hugs!!!

    1. Thanks for the support Fire Fairy Bookaholic! He’s a comin down the track….haha….okay, that sucked and I was thinking it in a Johnny Cash voice. Yeah, I’m tired, but made myself laugh. Ugh! Hugs and thank you again!!! 🙂

  20. So happy to hear that your mom continues towards a full recovery. Very good news. Of course thrilled to hear that Slade and Jill’s story will be available in December, hope it will be a early Christmas. Have a great week and again very happy about your mom.


  21. First, I am happy your mom is doing much better, wishing her the best and a speedy recovery!

    I am jumping up, so happy Slade will be here soon. I cannot wait and I am 100% sure it will be great – all your books are!!!

    1. Hey Debbie! Thank you so much! She is doing better and making progress daily. I was jumping up and down after I sent him off to my editor and then I freaked out. HA! I get so nervous. Hugs and thank you again!! 🙂

    1. Hey Amanda! I will see what I can do with that. If not the book I may be able to get Slade to come by and sing Happy Birthday to ya! 😉 Hugs!!!

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