Better 15 hours early than 15 hours late!

Thanks right! Sid is live on Amazon 15 hours early….YAY! I’m working on B&N, but Nook is hating me at the moment. I’m having a heck of a time uploading, but I will not give up. I know for a fact it’s up on Amazon US and UK so I will post those links for ya! I will keep checking the other countries, but sometimes Amazon doesn’t let me get to those pages. It you’re not in US or UK if you could check and see if it’s live and then post the link in comments I will owe you big time. 🙂

I feel excited, nervous and blessed! You guys are the best and thank you for all your kind words and support! I pray I’ve done Sid and you guys justice with a good story…fingers crossed!  Still get excited about tomorrow cause it’s party time with Sid’s release party. It will be a blast!!  Now off for round four with Nook! I will win this war!!!









Paranormal Romance With A Twist


58 Responses

  1. Teresa I have a question, I was wondering as the warriors are immortal how will their humans mates fair with that as they will grow older as their mates don’t. Jared doesn’t want to change Tessa and I am wondering if Sid will feel the same way about Lana. I know in some other stories as long as they are with their vampire mates they don’t age. How will you address this or have you already and I just missed it. Thank you, love all your warriors and cannot wait for Slade and Jill’s story. You really rock as an author.

    1. Hey Janet! Great question!! I have touched a small amount on if they have human mates, the human mates do have to take their blood. It was a very small part which I’m going to run back through to find it. LOL! I appreciate your question because it makes me want to make sure I explain myself to you guys. I know what I thinking, but sometimes it doesn’t get written down…you know what I mean. LOL! I appreciate your support and so glad you have enjoyed the series so far!!! Thank you!!!! Hugs!!!

  2. I just wanted to say….
    I just found your series and finished all 4 in a matter of days! Didn’t want to put my kindle down! I am sad to have to wait for the next installment but love the series. Your stories remind me of BDB by J R Ward which puts you right up there as one of my favorite authors now. Love love love the humor of Sid (I think he’s my favorite!) Keep doing what your doing. Patiently waiting for more! Thanks for the hours away from the grind. Happy writing and looking for you in the funny pages!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much!!! So glad you like the series so far!!! I love making people smile and forget about the daily grind. If I do that then I’ve done what I set out to do. Thank you again! Your words made my week! Hugs!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Teresa, first I have to say you are a brilliant writer!!! The characters are so realistic, they come alive, I feel like I am in the middle of everything that’s going on. And the humor is fantastic – you write humor very, very, well Teresa. Sid is one of my top fav hero, he can make you laugh out loud, piss you off and a big softie underneath. But all the warriors are great and have their own personality. I had a lol moment with Damon too. I love love love Sid and this series. Each book gets better and better. You outdid yourself again. Sid finally met his match. Sid and Lana were dynamic, the chemistry was hot. I have to say my heart broke for Adam. And I really like Caroline I am thinking she should be with Sloan or a warrior??? She’s warrior worthy :).

    Please tell me that Slade and Jill is the next book, please. And if so, do you have a date? Thanks again Teresa for giving us fans a creative, interesting, intelligent, smart, humorous, sexy world of Vampire warriors. I can’t get enough of them.

    1. Thanks so much Debbie!! I am so glad you liked Sid. I was freaking out about his book because I wanted to do him justice and keep him the same character, but give him more depth. Slade and Jill are next after a small surprise I have planned coming up very soon. I don’t have a date yet, but hopefully I will soon. Thanks again! Your support means so much!!! Hugs!!!

  4. I love your books!!! Sid is so good worth the wait. Can not wait til Sloan comes out!! I can’t put your books down oce I start them. Thank you so much!!!

  5. Loved Sid!!!!!, read it in one sitting, could not put it down.
    I am so excited to hear that Slade is your next book, I was hoping it.would be.
    I can’t wait to read it, please do not make us wait to long.



  6. Thanks so much for the early release of Sid. I will have to wait to start it until after the Packers game and of course there’s the Protector’s party!!! Can’t wait

  7. I can’t believe I missed this! Caught a real bad case of pneumonia over Christmas while up in San Francisco (that will teach me to stay home during the holidays)… so was out of it for quite awhile.. Now that I am on the mend I have something WONDERFUL to read while I am recouping… Thanks so much hon for making my recovery a happy one!

    1. I really hope you’re doing better Julieanne! Take care of yourself and I really hope Sid makes ya feel better!! 😉 Thanks so much for your support!!!

  8. OMG this was an awesome story. As soon as I saw your message I was on Amazon downloading it and started reading. Good story. The stories keep getting better and better.

    No pressure or anything but when does the next story come out?

  9. Teresa you rocked another one, loved Sid but who couldn’t love your warriors. Sid did meet match with Lana and they are perfect for each other. I just have one question how come Sid could feed off of Lana but Jared can’t off Teresa. I was a little confused by that. Cannot wait for Slade and Jill’s story, that is going to be a hot one. Thank you for such a great series.

    1. Hey Janet! So glad you liked Sid. And that’s a great question. They can actually feed off their human mate, but it does not sustain them as a full blooded vampire. Mostly its for pleasure… I will try to make that more clear in upcoming books. Thanks so much for the feedback. It helps so much!! 🙂

      1. Thank you! Looking forward to your next release, will be re-reading my favorite warriors until then.

  10. YAY just checked amazon Australia and Sid was waiting for me 🙂 (normally we have to wait longer since amazon changed the format by about 12 hours- not to bad so I shouldn’t complain)- Hmm Just woke up and all Sunday to go, what to do what to do?? READ!!!!

  11. As a Nook owner I appreciate your fight against the tyranny of unsupportive technology and hope to see your book offered on Barnes and Noble soon.

    1. Hey Anita!!! Good news. My awesome husband figured out the problem and I have hit the publish button about an hour ago. I will post as soon as it’s live if I’m still awake when it happens. But I will let you know! Thanks for understanding and the support!!! 🙂

  12. I have just finished Sid… I could NOT put it down!!! It is amazing!! The best so far thank you for an amazing book!! I’m now going to re-reD it all!! The characters were brilliant!!

    1. Thank you so much Lynn! I am so overwhelmed and feel very blessed with all the messages and love you awesome friends are giving me and the Warrior’s. You guys are why I do what I do and give me that push to keep going. Thank you so much for that!!!

  13. I didnt know that Sid came out today. As soon as I did went right over and ordered it. I cant wait to read about Sid’s mate.

    1. Hey Sonya! Well I wanted to make sure it was ready by the 5th and well it went live on Amazon so fast that I woke up to messages saying it was live. Just happy to meet the deadline. Now hoping B&N will be just as fast with the problems I had trying to upload there. Fingers crossed!! Thanks so much for the support!!!

  14. I keep refreshing B&N – I knew I should have put this series on Kindle – they are ALWAYS faster than B&N!!! Thanks Teresa for a great series!!

    1. Hey Natalie…I am so frustrated. I have been trying to upload to B&N since 3 this morning. I have an email in to the support team so hopefully I will hear something very soon and I get it going. Sorry for the delay, but it will not DEFEAT me! HAHA!

  15. AWESOME! Thanks so much for letting us know it was available early. Christmas sucked, But I’ll consider this a wonderful re-do! Now to start this year off right…

    1. Hey Betty! So sorry for the sucky Christmas, but if Sid can put a smile on your face then I will feel I’ve done a decent job at his story. Here’s wishing you the best New Year ever!!!

  16. Hi Teresa you are the best!!! I have already bought Sid and started it. I have been checking your site and amazon from Jan 1st hoping for an early release. The first thing I did this morning was checked your site and when I saw that it is here 15 hrs early omg, was I happy, I jumped up with joy.

    Thanks a bunch Teresa.

  17. Just home from a busy night on a Trauma unit. Saw your message. WOOT! Sid is downloaded! Off to sweet dreams of Sid! Thank you, Teresa!

    1. Thank so much Kay! Hopefully some Sid can calm you and make you smile after a rough and busy night. By the way thanks for what you do because I know that work is hard and it takes special people to do it. Hope you enjoy Sid and his story. If you smile once throughout the book then I know I did my job! Hugs!

  18. Yay!! I just ordered it for Kindle. Sadly, I’ll have to wait until this evening to start reading. I can’t wait!! I’m sure it will be awesome, as usual. Thank you, for letting us know right away!

      1. I couldn’t put it down once I started reading it! I loved it and I’m eagerly awaiting the next installment. Do you think you will continue the Warriors after Slade, or will there be another awesome set to look forward to?

        1. Hey Barb so happy you enjoyed Sid. Yes, there will be another book after Slade, but not sure how many after that. It really depends on you guys. If you want more then I sure will write more. There are other things I want to do also, but the Warriors are number one for me right now. 🙂 Thanks so much for your support!!!

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