Sorry guys for not posting in such a long time, but tons of things are happening. I promise to be more active here with my posts. I miss ya! 🙂

As some of you know in November I went to LA for a retreat that my agent, Lane Heymont, puts on giving his clientele an inside look at big publishers, Hollywood, etc. It was a blast and met such amazing people. I was actually able to pitch The Protectors to Hollywood producers as well as pitch new book ideas to a publishing house. It was exciting and nerve-racking experience, but loved ever single minute and learned so much.

After giving my pitch’s figuring it was a great learning experience, but not really expecting anything we spent our last days in LA and then finally arrived home. Within 15 minutes of being home and attacked by my dogs I get a call from Kym Grosso, who is amazing by the way and you need to read her stuff ASAP if you haven’t already, called me. Worried that something was wrong because I knew she was still in LA I answered. She told me to sit down. HA! True story.

So, Kym’s series was already optioned by, Gloria Morrison of Dreamstreet Entertainment, which I knew. But after Gloria listened to me flub my way through my pitch she said she couldn’t stop thinking about what I said. I bet she couldn’t hahaha cause I really did flub my pitch. Anyway Kym give me the news that she wants to option both of our series for a possible television series. Yep, I cried and couldn’t talk for a few minutes. Kym and I are beyond excited. She is amazing to work with. We are busy working on combining our series together and it’s awesome. We have been so lucky to have someone like Gloria working with us. She loves the project and wants to see it happen as do we.

As I have more information on the The Immortals and Protectors I will let you all know. I couldn’t have done this without your support for my series. Thank you so much. You will never know what your support has meant to me. I will continue to write books in the Protectors Series. It’s far from being finished. I’ve also started the Mate series with Nicole coming out Feb 27. More on that in another post.

Hugs and again, thank you. Without you this wouldn’t be possible.


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