The Difference Between Night and Day by Author Melissa Turner Lee Cover Reveal!
This is my first cover reveal ever on my site and I’m very excited. The cover is beautiful and designed by Marcy Rachel Designs. Please take a minute to check out this wonderful book, cover and author note. Thanks friends!!! Nathaniel Taylor was a Christian who thought believers were exempted from “dark times.” That was […]
It’s peanut butter and contest time….HEY….It’s peanut butter and contest time. Get it??? You know peanut butter and jelly time, but I put…. Okay…okay, it was dumb, but kinda catchy. Eh? Anyway on to the more important stuff. IT’S PARANORMAL CONTEST TIME AGAIN!! Sexy Jared is now available on Amazon and B&N…HEY! For the next […]
Jared is now available!

Happy New Year! I know I’m a little late and I’m sorry, but it’s been a busy New Year so far, which I’m thankful for. Jared is finally available on Amazon. SWEET! I am working on getting him available through B&N and Smashwords. It should be very soon and will keep you Nook lovers updated. […]
The Paranormal Romance Christmas Giveaway Winner Is…
Paranormal Romance Christmas Giveaway winner is Mariann!!!! Congrats! Make sure you send me your address at so I can send out your $25.00 Amazon Gift Card! I loved reading all the comments so thank you for participating. Also if you commented that you have not read Damon check your emails because I sent you […]
Paranormal Christmas Giveaway!
Helloooo everyone! Hope you all got your shopping done! I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for their support and friendship! It has been a fantastic ride for me and yes..finally… Jared is due out the first of the year. YAY! Again thank you so much for your support, reviews and spreading the […]
Why Indies Rock Blog Tour!
I am so excited about being a part of this tour. First, I am going to be totally honest and say when i was first called an indie author I was like…”Huh?” I didn’t know what the heck it was. Okay, another honest revelation. I had to ask Tamara Beard what exactly a blog tour […]
Damon’s interview on Bitten by Paranormal Romance!
I just wanted to post the interview I had with Damon. I got such great feedback and wanted to share with those of you who did not get to see it on the awesome Bitten by Paranormal Romance blog. Once again I would like to thank them very much for allowing me to be apart […]
My interview with Damon DeMasters!
How’s everyone doing tonight? Well I just wanted to pop in real quick to let you know the awesome blog ‘Bitten by Paranormal Romance’ has posted my interview with Damon. You also get a little taste of Jared during the interview. Please share or hit the like on the interview if you enjoyed. I would […]
Indies do it…..
Okay how many of you came to see what indies do….? Humm??? Well Indies do it….different! They say a author shouldn’t respond to reviews good or bad, but hey I’m an indie and we indies do it different. HA! It may be a no-no, but I just can’t let reviews go by without saying anything […]
Always the underdog!
I was just looking on Google books to see if Damon had been added yet. I typed my name under Google books to see if Damon was there and my name is in Black Belt Magazine for winning the World Championships in 2001. Tito Ortiz is on the cover. Very freakin cool!!! It just reminded me […]