Guess who….

Nope, it’s not me. Well, it is me, but better than me….the boss man himself. Sloan is now available at Amazon for preorder and soon to other outlets which I will post as soon as they go live. Whew, I’m so excited about this book and I hope you guys are also. Hugs you guys! […]
Forbidden Seduction is LIVE!

Well I know I said Hunter’s story, Forbidden Seduction, would be released July 30th. SURPRISE! Amazon was on their toes and released him a little less than two hours after I hit publish. I’d rather it be early, than late on the release. I really hope you guys enjoy his story. Oh, uh, there may or […]
Vampires and Shifters…..Oh My!!!

Hey Guys! Whew wee I’ve been busy. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that Forbidden Hunger, the first in the Lee County Series is free on Amazon until Friday! YAY! Also, Forbidden Seduction the second in the series will be released July 30th. Amazon Also, I have finished a short called, The […]
Duncan on audio is LIVE and other news! :)

Hey everyone! Duncan is finally LIVE on audio for all you audio listeners. YAY! Audible Amazon Also the second in the Lee County Wolves Series, Forbidden Seduction which is Hunter’s story, will be going to the editor July 11 as well as a short paranormal story that will be in a box set. I will […]
New short story for a great cause!

Hey Friends! When I first said yes to doing a new short story for Incompatibly Yours: Charity Anthology Supporting Fertility Research it was because Becky Johnson ask me and I will do anything and I do mean anything for this awesome lady. But now it has taken on a total different meaning to me. Last […]
Just wanted to say THANK YOU!
Hey friends! I just finished answering all the awesome messages from you guys. It may take me a while to get to them all, but I will get to them….promise! There are times I get into a funk with writing, but it’s you guys that pull me out. The messages I get are so inspiring […]
Amazon is on their toes!

So the last release that wasn’t a preorder took over 78 hours to upload to Amazon. That was Slade’s book. So I thought, not going to miss a release date again because of that. Well, seems Amazon is on their toes because Jax uploaded to Amazon in less than an hour. So SURPRISE! Jax is now […]
Jax Wheeler anyone????
HELLO FRIENDS! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving for those of you who celebrate. I honestly ate way to much and need to make a treadmill my new best friend. Now with Christmas around the corner I’m eating fudge like a crazy woman. It is not good….I mean the fudge is goooood….but eating […]
It’s LIVE!!!
Yes, A Warrior Wedding is LIVE! So nervous and excited! This book was very emotional for me and had thought about writing it since Adam’s book. Next in the Protectors is Jax. I really hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think after you read. Also if you are free today we are […]
Ready for the Countdown?!

Only 19 days until A Warrior Wedding! Who’s ready? PREORDER LINKS Amazon Amazon UK Kobo