A day late, but we have a WINNER!

Sorry about being a day late my friends. LOL! Sid is driving me insane and has me all fluttery…if ya know what I mean. Anyhoo, we have a winner. I want to thank everyone for sharing Damon…..tons of hugs to you all and if I could give away a Kindle to each and everyone of you I would in a heartbeat!!!

Congrats to ANGELA PRATT!!! You are the winner of a new Paperwhite Kindle!!! Just email me at tgabelman@live.com with your address and I will have it shipped to you pronto!!!

Again thanks so much to everyone! It means a lot to us authors when you share and I know so many of you do it without contests, but it always nice for me to be able to say THANKS with a giveaway!

Okay back to Sid because I left him in a….let’s just say….steamy situation. LOL! 😉


Hugs and tons of love you guys! And check back…more contests coming soon!!!



17 Responses

  1. Oh my let me see that Slade has my blood a pumpin and Sid he is such a hottie. If I had to choose though I would choose Slade for sure. Can’t wait for Sid to be released. <3

  2. I love this series! Can’t wait for Sid’s book he is so funny. So glad to know Slade will have a book as well. Sloan too I hope Adam finds his Angel and they have a story as well. Thank you so much for your work I’m so glad I found Damon on my kindle and hit the buy button.

  3. I have read the first three books several times, and never get tired of them. I loved Sid from the first time he was mentioned and I simply cannot wait for his story. He was hysterical in Duncan’s book, so I can only imagine what he will get up to in his own. I hope perhaps there is a story down the line for Slade and Sloan? Thanks for such wonderful, fun, and great reads..

    1. Hey Julieanne!!! So glad you enjoy the series so far. Yes, Slade is next after Sid and Sloan will be getting a book. Thanks so much!!! Hugs!!!

  4. How can I get on your mailing lists for updates on your books. I love them, I work all day then run home to run my house, with two grandchildren running around. I AM EXHAUSTED, but I can start reading and the world seems to slip away for awhile. Thank you

    1. You should get them through here on your email Rita! Let me know if you don’t get any updates in the next couple of days. Thank you so much and so happy you enjoy the series so far. Hugs!!!

  5. Teresa,
    It’s great to see an author get so much enjoyment out of her fans & their comments and opinions. Thanks for sharing your wonderful stories with us. Now, get crackin’ on Sid!!! Seriously, I need me some Sid!!

    1. Hey Michelle!!

      I absolutely love talking to everyone. It’s great and you guys are truly the reason I’m where I am now and that’s writing stories of hot hunky alpha males. HA! Working on Sid now and loving it, hope you guys do also. Thanks so much!!!



  6. Hurry, hurry…lol…Can’t wait for Sid to come to meet all of us. I really enjoy your writing style. Loved the other books in the series. Thanks for your hard work to give us such immersion into the lives of your characters.

    PS Hurry Sid

    1. Hey Nora!

      I promise I am working hard on Sid. Loving his story and yes, he is cracking me up. I really appreciate you and your support. It means the world to me. Thank you!!!


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