Duncan, Facebook & Hugs!!!

Hey friends!!! Sorry I’ve been missing in action, but with work, promoting and writing it’s been crazy. First before I say anything at all I want to say THANK YOU and send out virtual HUGS! Because of your support Damon and Jared have been in Amazon’s Top 10 in both Fantasy and Futuristic as well as Paranormal. I cannot express how much your support has meant to me. Hearing from you guys has been the greatest for me because never in a million years did I think that this was possible. So again THANK YOU! I seriously can’t say that enough. 🙂

Now I’ve been ask if there is going to be a next book, who is it going to be and when is it coming out. Yes, there is another book coming, actually two more…maybe three. Duncan and Pam’s story is next. I was going to stop after Duncan, but I’ve had such a response for Sid that he is getting his own story also. I love him anyway so yeah I can’t leave our Sid hanging. Now my plan is to have Duncan’s story completed by March and to my beta’s, checkers and the awesome Hot Tree Editor’s. So my hope is that it will be ready sometime in April for final upload. Finger’s crossed. The more I hear from you guys the harder I work to make you happy…hint…hint!

So I am going to leave my link and would love to see ya on my facebook page so we can interact more. I do have some contests running so you can win signed booksmarks, 5×7 cover pics of both books, upcoming news and just my goofy posts. Also if you ‘like’ my facebook page and comment that you came from teresagabelman.com you will be entered for a signed bookmark. Now if you don’t have facebook that’s okay. Just comment here that you do not have facebook and I will pick from here a winner for a signed bookmark. Sound good???

Tons of love and hugs to you guys. I appreciate every single one of you. 🙂




Paranormal Romance with a Twist!!!

Damon (The Protectors Series) #1

Jared (The Protectors Series) #2

Duncan (The Protectors Series) #3   Coming Soon!



82 Responses

  1. Hi Teresa

    Some things are worth the wait :). Hope you are well and getting ready to give what we are waiting for….. DUNCAN!!!. I keep visiting your site waiting for the release date…. I so need my warrior fix ;)…..
    Your biggest supporter, all the way from South Africa.

    1. Hey Shoneez!!!

      Thanks so much! I am working hard on Duncan and I promise it will be soon. Hoping to get Duncan off the editor in the next week or two. Fingers crossed!!! LOL! Thank you so much for your support! 🙂



  2. Oh my gosh,I am so in love! I’m telling you Teresa these warriors have my blood on fire! I have read both books in less than two days because I defiantly couldn’t put my Nook down,needless to say my poor hubby has been neglected by my book warriors,lol! Now I need Duncan,please! You are a incredible and passionate writer and I need warrior world to escape back in (hint hint)! So please keep them coming!

    1. Hey Kristel!!!

      Thank you so much!!! I will definitely keep writing as long as you all want more warriors!!! Again thank you for your support and kind words. Means tons to me!!!


  3. Hi Teresa,
    By any chance are we going to get to know Sloan better and is Sid gonna get his own story because I am in love with him. And for some reason though even though his name was mentioned once I wanna get to know Phillip more maybe I’m crazy but its like that small part in Damon’s story made him somewhat import to me. Keep up with your stories they are awesome and so much fun to read.

    1. Hey Susana!!!

      Yes you will get to know Sloan better and Sid will be the fourth book. He is so deserves his own book. HA! I’m glad you like the series so far and thanks so much for your support!!!!



  4. Hi Teresa,
    I am a new reader of yours and I can’t tell you enough how wonderful your Alpha males are!!! I am in the middle of Jared’s book and had to start searching to see when Duncan is coming out with his. Hurry Hurry……I want more Protectors! Great story, hopefully soon you can quit your day job 😉

    1. Hey Tracy!!!

      I am so glad you’re liking the series so far. Working on Duncan now! Well, my day job sure does put a damper on my writing time. 🙁 Maybe one day very soon…. LOL! Thanks again for your support! It’s so wonderful meeting some many awesome people!!!



  5. Devoured your books! Started Jareds first (because I’m just silly and didn’t pay attention that it is, in fact, the second book) and was kinda happy because then I got to enjoy 2 books! Then at the end all I kept thinking was “you go Duncan, you go! you track down your woman”. Then thought I might not want to speak out loud because I was getting funny looks…hummm 🙂

    Anywho, really enjoying the series. Can’t wait for Duncan and Pams book! And Sids and who ever else you want to write about cause I’ll read’em all. 🙂

    1. Hey Debs!!!

      I am so excited you like the series so far. I’ve started in the middle of series before. I love to hear when you get excited about characters I write. I’ve done the same thing with some of the authors I read. It’s so fun. Again thanks so much for your support. I hope to do you proud with Duncan and the rest of the warriors!!!



    1. Hey Carrie!!

      Love to hear that. Working on Duncan now and hoping you’ll feel the same about that one. Thanks so much for your support!!! 🙂


  6. I have also just discovered your books and loved them. Powered through Damon and Jared in less than a week. Super excited to hear about Duncan and Sid! Please be sure to post when Duncan will be available for pre-order.

    1. Hey Melanie!!!

      So glad you enjoyed the series so far. I will absolutely let ya know when Duncan will be out. Right now May is the month, but don’t have a day set yet. LOL! Thanks again for your support!!! 🙂


  7. I stumbled upon Damon during one of my reading fits I go through while my husband is deployed and LOVED it. I love a book with banter and sarcasm. I’m sure if my husband was home he would think I was crazy for laughing out loud at some of the things they say throughout the book. So of course finishing that book I downloaded Jared, and dang if I haven’t finished that one in a DAY! Can’t wait for Duncan to come out and I am very excited to see what else you have in store!!

    1. Hey Jennifer!!!

      Thanks so much and excited that you like the series so far. Thanks for sharing your husband so we can all be safe. Total respect for you both. That has to be so hard. Working on Duncan now and should be released in May. HA! I don’t like to jinx myself by saying a set date until I’m close to being finished. Sid will be after that and then a few more, but not sure which yet. Thanks again and so glad you stumbled on Damon… who wouldn’t want to stumble on him…HA! Happy I made you smile!!!!


      Teresa 🙂

  8. I love this series, and well I would have been destroyed if Sid would have been left hanging. He is just so fun! I can’t wait to read about Duncan, I have been worried about him and Pam. Wonderful series!!

  9. Teresa,
    Just wanted you to know that you were a recommended read on my Amazon recommendations for my kindle. I bought and read both books within two days because I could not put them down. Your characters are so easy to fall in love with and root for. I cant wait for Pam & Duncans story, they deserve their HEA. I do have a questions about the vampire world our warriors live in. Is this where I would ask or is there another place to talk about the books? Keep up the great storys.

    1. Hey Stacy!!

      Thanks so much for your support. Glad you like the series so far. 🙂 You are more than welcome to ask me any questions here or you can email me at tgabelman@live.com! Whatever your comfortable with! Again thanks so much!!


  10. I just seen the cover for Duncan’s book. I can’t wait . I was reading some of the other comments and I ‘m sorry to hear about your family member. I just lost my mom in December and a friend of the family just recently. Life can throw you for sure but you just have to pick your self up and move on .Even its the that’s the last thing you feel like doing. your books keep me laughing and makes me smile gives me something to look forward to, I just wanted to say thank you

    1. Hey Shirley!!!

      I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad the books have made you smile and hope to continue to being you laughter. Thank you so much for the support. You are right, life does throw a lot of curves, but it’s words like yours that keep me going. Thank you!!! 🙂


      1. Hey Jennifer!!!

        I knew what you meant. 🙂 Thanks so much for your support. Excited you like the series so far!!!

        Hugs and thanks again!!!

  11. I am very happy to hear there will be 2 more books. Duncan and Sid need happy endings, and Pam REALLY NEEDS a happy ending. That poor woman has been through more than her share of bad.

    1. Hey Neecee!!!

      Pam does need a happy ending LOL! Thanks for stopping by! I hope to have Duncan’s cover up soon so stop back. 🙂


  12. You were definetly blessed with a wonderful talent. I pray you are planning on making many different serires along the same line. Thank you for sharing it with us all. This series is absolutey great. I just couldn’t put them down once I started reading them. They were action packed and just the right amount of steamy and dreamy. The way you make your characters come to life on the pages makes me feel almost like Im living the paranormal with them. Thanks again for taking us to places we never could have dreamed of without you!

    1. Hey Heather!!!

      I am so glad you like the series so far. As long as you all want more I will keep writing them. I appreciate your support so much. Working on Duncan now and hopefully soon will have his cover up on the website. 🙂


  13. Love the Protectors! Very hot and exciting! I just came online to buy book three and can’t get it yet, so I will try to wait patiently! I must tell you, Jared’s book cover is what drew me into buying your books, so give props to the person who designed that cover because Y-U-M! I hope you continue stories for all of them, I look forward to Duncan, Adam, Sid, and any other hot Warriors you want to write about. Thanks for having a thick redhead as one of your choices…I could relate to her being one myself (along with her temper, lol). Good luck with all your books,

    Much love,

    1. Hey Shari!!!

      I am so glad you are liking the series so far. I loved Jared’s cover. Getting ready to post Duncan’s… 🙂 Thanks for your support. It means so much!!!


  14. Hi
    Just wanted you to know how muchI enjoyed Damon and Jared’s stories. The humor and interaction of all the charactors is great. Most of all I was touched by the way the warriors treated Tessa and Adams grandfather. I have dealt with the sadness of not knowing if someone you love knows you are there for them and hoping you may have really seen that little glimmer of recognition. Fiction or not that brought me an unsumountable amount of joy.
    Thank you. I am looking forward to more wonderful books from you…I AM HOOKED!!

    1. Hey Sissi!!!

      I am so glad you have enjoyed the series so far. We are going through the early stages of dementia with my father-in-law with short bouts of memory loss, etc. My Uncle Bill no longer recognizes any of us and it is truly devastating. Sometimes with my Uncle Bill I see him…really see him and know that he is in there. Writing those scenes gave me some satisfaction and hope that maybe one day dementia and Alzheimer’s will be a thing of the past. I am so glad that you felt joy as I did when I wrote those scenes. 🙂 Thanks so much for your support. It means the world to me.


    1. Hey Irene!!!

      So glad you are liking the series so far. Thank you so much for your support!!! Working on Duncan now and hope to be done by the end of April….earlier if he cooperates. HA!


  15. I LOVE this series! I just finished Jared this past weekend and please tell me you have an idea when Duncan is going to be released!!! I am so ready for it. Please keep them coming!


    Ps, Oh and if you have a street team, please sign me up to help!

    1. Hey Christy!!!

      I am hoping to have Duncan done by the end of April. I will let ya know about the street team, thank you!! You support means tons to me. So happy you have liked the series so far!!!


  16. Ok gonna -try- not to be verbose.. Only cause I want you to keep writing!! I am an avid reader we’re talking a book a day.. What can I say I love brain candy! But truly don’t discount what you do (amazingly) as someone said it may not be Shakespeare but it makes people happy and is something for sure! I am a cancer ass-kicker and chemo (which really sux) survivor. I am pretty much housebound during the cold months and books are my sanity saver. I usually wait until an author has either finished a series or close to it to start reading it because when they do it right I fall in love with the characters and get frustrated waiting for the next part of the story… Job well done I am completely frustrated and want to read about all of them now! So please do not believe for a second that we are going to let you get off easy with only 3 more books… Hell in your books you said there where hundreds (or was it thousands) of warriors,.. Hint,hint … Get to typing lady!! We want to here all of their stories…lol Again thank you for brightening my crappy winter days!

    1. Hey Marlene!!!

      I am so freakin happy that I have helped brighten your crappy winter days! You have absolutely made my year with your words and for that I am going to do my best to have Duncan done by the end of April and keep writing these warriors until you guys tell me to STOP! I do not want to frustrate you so I will leave here and get busy! You write me on here anytime if you feel I need a push! LOL! You, my friend, are a true warrior and I’m proud to know a survivor as yourself has read and liked my books. Big score for me!!!


  17. I just finished Jared, it was awesome & I LOVED IT. I love how it picks up where Damon’s book ended. I can’t wait for Duncan’s story. I also love Sid he just so different but in a good way. I told my girlfriends about your books, & how amazing they are. So keep them books coming lol !!

    1. Hey Shirley!!!

      Thank so much for the support. I’m working on Duncan right now and Sid’s story will be next. Again I appreciate you support and so glad you liked Jared. Sweet!!!! 🙂


    1. Hey Maureen!!!

      I am so glad you like the series so far. Thank you so much for the support. Duncan is next and then Sid. 🙂


  18. Teresa,
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series!!! I read Damon as a recommendation from Amazon and immediately looked for more. Then I read Jared and was blown away!! You keep getting better and better! I don’t usually write to authors (not my thing) but I wanted to let you know that you are very, very talented and to keep these books coming!! I read on an earlier comment that you only plan a few more books in this series. SAY IT AIN’T SO?!!!! Yes, I just said “ain’t”. My country comes out when I get emotional!! Anyway, whether you write LOTS MORE (hint) on this series or begin a new series, either way, I will be keeping tabs on your website to find out about your newest releases. Thanks again for such wonderful stories that make me laugh, argue with the characters (yes, I’m one of those people) and pant out loud (my husband used to give me weird looks when I would do this, but now he’s used to it so he’ll just smile and shake his head).

    1. Hey Michelle!!

      I am so glad you wrote me!!! I absolutely love to hear from everyone because it only makes me better. I promise you that as long as you all want more I will continue with the series. When you guys say enough then I will move on. How’s that? As long as I can help people leave reality for a while, make them laugh and have their husbands give them weird looks I am one happy person. YAY! I am currently writing Duncan now and Sid will be next. Keep in touch and I am so glad you found me and the boys!!! LOL! Seriously, thanks for your support. It means more to me than you will ever know!!!


  19. OMG, cant wait for Duncan’s & Pam’s book to come out.

    Question though: Does anyone know who the and I quote from Jared’s book:

    “Lone figure silently made their way out of the church only looking back once in a silent goodbye, a single blood tear fell seeing the love that will never be for the last time”.

    I thought maybe the lone figure is Pam but now im not to sure. Would anyone know who it might be.

    1. Hey Sylvia!!! Duncan is being written as we speak, well as I write this. LOL! I do know the answer to your question and without giving much away, you are on the right track and it will be revealed in Duncan’s book. YAY! Thanks so much for your support. I appreciate it so much!!! 🙂


  20. Hi Teresa!

    Love the books. Already love Duncan and am so happy Sid is getting his story as his humor is amazing and I am already having the biggest crush on him.
    Just a thought…. I almost did not buy the Damon book because of the cover. He seemed a bit too old and the hair seemed that of an older man trying to grow it out. When I read the book I was drawn like no other but the cover almost turned me away. So when you say cover is important, you are right. It definitely is. The first impression that draws a reader.
    Looking forward to Sid’s story….

    1. Hey Loli!!!

      I am so glad you enjoyed the series so far. Sorry about the old man pic…HA! You know it has been really hard. I thought doing the covers was going to be one of my favorite parts, other than writing, with this whole experience. And well…it’s not. It is so hard to find good pics out there that hasn’t been used, etc. I know exactly what you mean because in all honesty I have passed up books because of the cover. Yes, I’m guilty. I appreciate you bringing your feelings on the cover. I’m very happy you took a chance and looked passed the old dude growing out his hair. 🙂 Loved that! I can see how someone could look at it that way. Sid is awesome isn’t he, yeah I’ve been crushing on him big time. His cover will be better…PROMISE!!!


    1. Hey Lynn!!!

      Have no fear! None will be left hanging as long as you all still want them. Promise!!! Thanks for your support and so glad you like the series so far. 🙂


  21. I just finished Damon ‘s book. I LOVED IT. I couldn’t put it down. I can’t wait to read Jared’s story. I just want to say you are awesome & You are one of my favorite authors now . Keep the story’s coming. I’m looking forward to Duncan & pam’s book also. thank you for making me laugh &for getting a little teary eyed.

    1. Hey Shirley!!!

      SWEET!!! I am so glad you liked Damon and hope you like Jared just as much. I am working on Duncan and Pam’s story right now. Thanks so much for your support and I’m glad I made you laugh…LOVE IT!


  22. Just finished Jared and read Damon yesterday loved them both can’t wait for Duncan’s book and aids keep up the good work.

    1. Hey Kim!!!

      I am so glad you liked Damon and Jared. I’m working on Duncan’s book now! Thanks for your support. It means a lot to me!!! 🙂


  23. Hi Teresa
    I must admit that I had never read any of your books until Amazon recommended one of your books onto my profile. I started reading Damon in Feb 2013, and was completely hooked. Half way through the book I immediately bought Jared. I have just finished reading Jared and can’t wait for your next book. I giggled and laughed at the humour!!!! I could not put the book down….. I’m sure Duncan’s book is going to be excellent!!!!! 😉
    Thank you so much for an excellent series, hope there will be many many more.

    1. Hey Shoneez!!!

      I love hearing the series makes people laugh and I’m so glad you liked both Damon and Jared. Duncan is coming along great and will hopefully put a smile on your face. I appreciate your support so much…thank you!!!


  24. Thank you for your series the “Protectors”. I really love the storyline, and like the way you have connected the characters in the book, and brought new ones in the story. So many times, I have read book in series where they leave off the previous characters, not so in your book. I like to read unfamiliar authors, and find many become in my “must read”. There are so many I likes, but not enough space/time, lol. I read back to back the first two books and look forward to reading more. You are a great writer, continue to do what you do!!

    1. Hey Tina!!!

      Thank you so much! I am a big reader, love my books. This has been the best experience because not only are the Protectors being read, but I’m getting to meet book lovers like you. That is awesome. So glad you like the series so far! Again thank you for your support. Duncan is next and let me tell ya I am seriously crushing on him. 🙂


  25. I enjoyed the books, but the grammatical errors hinder enjoyment. The hero should not be saying “would of.” No one should. Furthermore, please write “supposed to” and “used to” instead of “suppose to” and “use to.” When spoken, the “d” is silent, but it needs to be included when writing. Also, pay attention to the differences when writing there and their. These are mistakes that should not be made. A good editing is needed before publication. Do not skip that process. It adds to the overall enjoyment of the book.

    1. Hey Bernette!

      Thank you so much for your email. I have a professional editor editing the books and hope to have the new copy uploaded within the week. I’m happy you enjoyed the book, but I apologize for the errors and yes, I am serious about writing and I truly do listen to the readers who do spend their money. I believe a new copy of the edited version will be uploaded to your Kindle or Nook, but if it does not please let me know. Again thank you for taking the time to read and informing me. I do appreciate it very much! I am a new author and learning everyday. 🙂

      Thanks again!!!

  26. I found the story of Damon while searching Amazon kindle books and was hooked! I barely finished when I rushed back on line for more! Loved Jared and Tessa. Can’t wait for Duncan and Pam. You are right that Sid is definitely a cool dude and deserves his own story!

    1. I am so glad you found the series and have liked it so far. Working on Duncan now and really enjoying how the story is coming along. Sid is a riot. Cannot wait to write his story! Thanks so much for your support. It means everything to me!!! 🙂


  27. I love your book Damon and I am reading Jared now (which is fantastic so far too). I hope you will continue with the series. I am a avid reader and both books are great! Keep writing and ibcant wait to read about Duncan and Sid and………….

    1. Thank you so much Melissa!!! I appreciate your support and happy you enjoyed Damon. Let me know how you liked Jared when you finished if you don’t mind. Love to hear from everyone who reads them. Thanks again and stay in touch!!! HUGS!!!

    1. Just want to say i found your books and love your series the protectors!!! Great story and find the story funny, exciting..can not want for more of them…these books are great stories.

      1. Hey Pam!!!

        Thank so much for your support. I’m happy you like the series so far. It means the world to me. More to come. Duncan is next and then Sid’s story!!!



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