Hello my friends!!! Duncan is here and ready to go. OH YEAH!  Thank you guys for being patient and so understanding. I hope I did you all proud with Duncan and Pam’s story. 🙂

I would like to give a special THANK YOU to my editor, Becky, at Hot Tree Editing and the Beta readers who took time out of their busy lives to make this happen. You are awesome!!

I announced the winner of the $10.00 ‘I’m sorry Duncan is delayed’ Gift Card winner under that thread so make sure if you commented look to see if you won.

Now, this is something I am excited about. I am finally able to give back a little and man I am freakin excited about it. I have always wanted to do this for you guys, but never could until now. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIST PUMP IN THE AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am posting a link below for Duncan and if you share and comment where you shared you will be eligible to win a KINDLE FIRE HD!!!!! Finally able to do this for you guys and it feels great!!!! The contest will end a week from today when the winner will be announced.

You can also share this contest to your friends and please don’t forget to comment below so you can be entered in the contest. Thanks for being awesome everyone. I love ya all!!!

Duncan (The Protectors Series) Book #3


Hugs and tons of love,



83 Responses

  1. I loved Slade in Duncan’s book. I read somewhere that you weren’t planning on going beyond a third book on the Protectors. Please reconsider because we want more!

    1. Hey Alissa!!

      Slade is definitely a hottie!! That was the original plan to stop at book three, but now book four is in the works with more to follow. Thanks so much for your support. You guys are the reason I keep doing this!! Hugs!!!

  2. I feel in love with your protector series as soon as I started reading Damon’s book. Jared, and now Duncan’s books were just as awesome can’t wait to see what comes next. Please keep up the good work.

  3. I loved this book as much as Damon and Jared and cannot wait until Sid comes. Awesome reads!!!! Shared this on

  4. I shared with my wife and her friends on fb because she loves your books! I was just checking what the hoopla was all about.

  5. Congrats! Can’t wait to read it… I shared your link on Facebook!

    Um… when does the next one come out?!?!? Just marking my calendar.

  6. I shared to my Facebook Heather Heslip Alexander, g+ Heather Alexander, twitter @ 5_girls and hit that share button and sent it too a pal. Congrats and thank you fir an awesome giveaway!

  7. Just finished reading Duncan. Absolutely wonderful. Sid with Pam was the best. I gotta say “just don’t sneeze” made me literally laugh out loud. Great job. Well worth the wait!

  8. Just had to come back here to say that I’ve done the feedback on Amazon but mostly had to say WOW that was a great read…. Loved it & cannot wait for the next one to arrive. I know you mentioned Sid story but please give me a little glue as to Slade & Jill being in there too???
    All the best with this just keep it up!

  9. Thank you for letting me escape into your brilliant and soo entertaining world of the protectors. I checked almost everyday for your book Duncan and finally it’s there. I love ur beautiful mind. Please keep writing on this series. You are on the top 5 best authors in my list. Congrats! On your best seller of Duncan.

  10. I shared on my facebook page. I cant wait to read this book as soon as I get home tonight , my poor family will not see me tonight LOL!!! You are by far one of my favorite authors, so thank you for giving us this wonderful gift of your talent and mind.

  11. Sooooo glad Duncan is out.I’m a day late getting information since I’m at the beach but i have it now…put on pinterest and Facebook .Congratulations on release .I know its going to be another success.

  12. Teresa, The book is amazing!! I shared on FB, pininterest, Reviewed on GoodReads, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

  13. I shared this with my book club friends. They loved Damon and Jared, so I know they will love Duncan. My copy is purchased. Just need to get home and get it on my reader.

  14. I finished Duncan already and I have to say “You Rock,Teresa”! Not to give any spoilers but I promise I liked to P’d my britches every time Sid was around Pam! Do not quit writing this series PLEASE! I love escaping to this world and let me say once I saw the release yesterday and I bought it lets just everyone got neglected until I finished it in the same day,lol! And I hope Slade and Jill are going to be on your agenda too! I salute you!

  15. I shared this on my fb timeline! Such an amazing read by an incredible author! Thanks for doing what you do and sharing it with us! 😀

  16. Oh Teresa, thank u for Duncan and Pam’s story!!! It was so worth the wait……umm I love Sid but you know you made me fall for Slade!!!!! When is his and Jill’s story coming?

  17. I’ve shared every and anywhere i could!! I talked about it i left reviews and ive read it twice!! The true greatness of a book is the ability to make you not only feel like your there as the scene is taking place but to make you laugh out loud and cry like a baby! this book did it all!! Teresa you Rock!!
    I thank you for putting your blood, sweat and tears and a little bit of your soul into this book!!

  18. Hi, I purchased Duncan’s book today! You can’t imagine how many times I checked Amazon for the anticipated book!! Plan to sit on the deck with a glass of wine and enjoy Duncan and Pam’s story. Thanks for the treat!!!

  19. I just finished reading Duncan!! I was a wonderful, breathing taking, exiting reading. I an waiting on the next book (SID’s). I could not put it down.

  20. Teresa,
    I purchased Duncan this morning and finished a little while ago. Gotta say that YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Duncan & Pam’s story rocked. Gotta say that I love the twists you put in your stories. I also love that from the very first book, you make sure there is a happy ending but with a continuation of the plot in other books. And I love,love,love seeing all the other characters revisited in other books. Revisited, heck!! You continue their story too (like Jared & Tessa) . I LOVE THAT!! You are truly a gifted writer. Now, when will Sid be out?!! Just kidding (not)!!! No, really, you deserve some down time for giving us wonderful stories and characters to read about. But after the much-deserved rest, please get crackin’ on Sid!!

  21. eeeeepppppppp! Just got Duncan! Slightly hungover + choccy+ Duncan = Gettin Outta My Hangover Buzz Happy Deborah! YYYYAAYYYYY 🙂

  22. Shared on my facebook and told my friends at work who love to read about your great series! Love how good the books are and how reasonably priced they are.

  23. I shared on Facebook twice just so everyone I know will know about this book an series! Love your books!! Thanks!!

  24. I shared on my fb page and on my google page. I tweeted and shared on my funfor mobile page. Now I am on my way to amazon for my copy of Duncan. My day will be well spent. Thank you Teresa. I’m off the needle’s finally. The butt feels good. Love yeah Boss Lady.

  25. I shared in several FB Groups and on Twitter as well as my own Fb page. I am reading it now and I am LOVING it. Thanks T

  26. Just got this book starting to read it now. Great writer . Looking forward for more books from her.

  27. I am so very proud of you first of all – and thank you for this wonderful giveaway – I have shared on my personal facebook – my review page and also my stalkers page 🙂 — Congrats again my friend

  28. OMG!! I am so excited to see this out. I shared on twitter, my face book page, Stalkers of Fabulous Authors page, I Love My Authors group page, and Promote your Book group page. We LOVE you Teresa and are all so very proud of you!!

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