Great review….funny story…..awesome day!!!

I will try to keep this short and sweet, but this so goes with my blog title….Journey to being published. I found this awesome website, Bitten by Paranormal Romance,  that give reviews and had all kinds of information on authors and books. I thought it looked great and sent an email for review. They answered me quickly and told me that it would be put in for review, but it may take a while. I understood this and was happy that it was going to be put up for review even if it took a while.

Well, this weekend has been crazy with two days of high school wrestling and little sleep. I was dreading this morning. I had no desire to crawl out of my warm bed, but I did because I got a phone call very…very early, that’s another story for another post. So instead of going back to bed for a while before work I stayed up and planned on getting some promoting and things done for Damon so I could work on Jared’s story tonight.  As I checked my mail I had an email “Bitten by Paranormal Romance: Review of The Protectors ‘Damon’ by Teresa Gabelman.

Now this is where it gets funny and I have laughed at myself all day for my reaction to this situation. The first thing I do is slam my laptop closed and I know, I mean I know, I have a freaked out look on my face and serious bedhead going on. I sit like this for a few minutes telling myself that no matter what this review says, whether good or bad, I need to learn from it and keep going. Giving up is not an option. So after that little self talk I open my laptop back up, log back in and go to the email. With the cursor hovering over the link I slap my hand across my eyes and clicked once. Knowing that the page is up I flip my hand up like I am saluting someone taking a peek at the page. I see the information about the book and the cover underneath that. I slowly scan down the cover and see a full moon with a wolf howling in it. This is their rating system, which is really cool by the way, and I knew this was a 5 star rating. But I stopped and told myself to calm down, this was probably just a showing for readers reading the review their rating system and that the other ratings were underneath that one…but there were no other symbols, except for the sexual rating which was rated steamy… woo woo…. 😉

At this point I am excited and walk around the house. I haven’t even read the review yet. All I keep saying is 5 stars and yes, I am alone walking around my house talking to myself. I don’t do this often, but I have done it…okay, more than I should probably. Anyway now I go back to the computer and read the review. The reviewer, Nookmom, gave me a wonderful review and it hit home that I had done what I wanted to accomplish and continue to accomplish. Yeap, I cried like a big baby on my couch with no one around and loved every single tear.

To some this may sound like I need to get a life, to others this may ring true to them in their own lives when they accomplish their goals and to some they could give a hoot, but to me this review, even though every review I have gotten to this point means the world to me, this review from Nookmom and  Bitten by Paranormal Romance hit home because I definitely did not know anyone from this website and they post their reviews for exposure of the book and author. So yeah, this was a big deal to me.

I hope you enjoyed my moment of total freak out. I can’t explain the emotions I have had today, but all of them good. I know the, not so great, reviews will hit and that’s fine. I will freak out for a second, and yes, I will post about that when it happens, but I am determined to learn from it. Keeping it real, but for now I will enjoy the 5 star reviews.

If you’re a reader please check their site out. I will post the link of the review, but definitely roam their website and put it in your favorites.

Thanks everyone for your support and as always, you ROCK!







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