After having a total freak out….Slade is LIVE!!! Okay, before I post the links let me tell you I have been stressed to the max. I published Slade on B&N, Smashwords (which takes care of itune-Apple-etc.) and Amazon. Well everyone published, but Amazon. Slade was in review status for over 24 hours. So at three o’clock today I started to freak out!
My worst nightmare was about to come true and that nightmare to me is letting you guys down even if it’s out of my control. Slade was being held hostage by Amazon. So about 10 tonight it went from review to publishing status. There was movement, but I was still nervous. Midnight was coming and Slade was still not live….would he make it? And then at 11:15 he was live! Now I just have to wait to see if I did their story justice for you guys. Hugs and I really hope you enjoy Slade and Jill’s story!!!
Slade on Kindle
126 Responses
I just finished Slade. I loved it. The best one yet. I feel like I missed something somewhere tho because Angelina seemed to be with Adam again. I thought she was with her husband. Did I miss a book or novella somewhere?
Hey Lorna! So excited you enjoyed Slade. Did you read Adam’s book?
No I must have missed it somehow I didn’t see it on Amazon. Will go check again
Yep Lorna I think you missed Adam LOL! Let me know if you have problems finding him.
I have read Jax, great book, and series. I am very glad too read that you have a book featuring the fearless leader of the VC clan coming next. I have already re-read this series 3 times. I think a funny interim read would be a book about “slap in the back of the head” Steve…..maybe with Caroline’s little sister?
Thanks for a great series with wonderful characters!
Hey Pamela! So excited you enjoyed Jax! So many people are asking for Steve that he just may get a book…and man what a book that will be. HA! Thank you so much for the support. It means the world to me. Hugs!!
Is Duncan or Sid’s book 3…I have read the first four books, but when I get to the last page it shows Sid’s book instead of Duncan’s lol…
Duncan is 3rd. I think if I’m not mistaken that Sid was on the last page of his own book, but I think I fix that. HA! Ugh….so hard to keep things straight sometimes.
Hello Ms. Teresa!!
How are you and yours doing? I hope all is well with everyone! And you are elbow deep in writing!
Does Slade and Jill’s story have any type of bondage or BDSM in it?
Hey Caligirl! Doing pretty good. Busy as all get out, but doing good. Hope you are doing well also. Yes, I am, nose deep, in writing HA! And no Slade’s book does not have BDSM, but he is a light dominant I guess you would say lol!
I was looking for a new author this past week and ran across Damon’s story…I instantly fell in love with the Protectors Series…I have read every story in the series over the past week ( I’m so addicted) I absolutely love your work and I’m in desperate need of book#7…I love a book that makes feel what the characters are feeling…my husband probably thinks I’m crazy cause at random moments I will just bust of laughing or get teary-eyed…love the series…awesome work!!!!
Heather you just made my night!! Thank you so much! Sorry it’s taken me a few to get back with you, but it has been crazy. I am working on the next in the series right now so hopefully it won’t be much longer. I just finished a shifter novella and contemporary, but I’m back writing the Warriors and I sure did miss them. Hugs and thank you again! Means so much to me!!
love a box set
Thank you Tara! Can’t wait to read it myself.
I downloaded The Protector Series to my kindle, & I couldn’t put it down. i read one right after the other. Loved them. Looking forward to more of this series. Keep up the excellent work Teresa. I will look to other books you’ve written as well.
Thank you so much Joanne! I just finished a project for a box set. I’m now on to the next protectors series. I usually take a small break in between books, but not this time. Hugs and thanks so much for your support! Keep in touch!
I also just found your books on kindle and I read all of them in less than a week. Wasn’t sure how the Slade and Jill romance was going to play out but you knocked it out of the park!!! So happy to read the comments that you are going to be writing more books in The Protectors Series. I have to agree with so many on here, I laughed out loud while reading this book. So sad to see the book end but can’t wait for the next one. You ROCK!
Thank you so much Lisa! I really scared myself because in Duncan’s book Slade was just going to be a small part, but then I got a big sloppy crush on him and couldn’t stop writing him. Then everyone else fell in the love with him so much I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to write him good enough. I was a nervous wreck writing his and Jill’s story. LOL! Thank you again and I’m so glad you found me and the series. Please keep in touch!
Just finished reading this series…again. it’s kind of my “go to” when I need a break from my reality. Perfect mix of alpha males, kick a$$ strong women, romance/hot & sexy yummy bits, and fast moving action (motorcycles are just icing on the cake too!). I read a lot. I mean like, A LOT, and you are the very best author to pull me into a world. When I read the last page of one of your books I’m all jacked up feeling like I’ve been on wild ride instead of feeling like “Hey that was a good book.” Hope that makes sense. I still look for one of these deliciously wicked guys to show up in our bar or out on a poker run. Lol. Thank you for what you do for us!
Hey Mishell!! I know exactly what you mean! I’m a big reader and have had books take me on wild rides, so you saying that is such a awesome compliment and means so much! Sometimes these Warriors are so real to me that I wouldn’t be surprised if they popped up. HA! Thank you again and please keep in touch. Your support means so much!! Hugs!!!
Just found your books on kindle ! I am in love! Can’t wait for your next book! I have been reading the all night and day, I am sure I set a reading record.
Thank you!!!
Sleepless in Seattle
Hey Christine! Thank you so much and I love the Sleepless in Seattle! HA! Just made my day! Hugs and thanks again for the support!!!
I love Slade! I am on my fourth time reading it. Yay! I love all your books. Thank you for writing them! I also wanted to say that I love the audios that are out now too and can’t wait till Duncan’s comes out. Jeffery Kafer does an awesome job with the voices and makes them come to life. Especially my Jared (yes he is my Jared)! Anyway, thank you again for your imagination.
Thank you Lora! Means so much to me! Jared is a beast!! Love him and his humor. I hope to do you proud with the next Protector!!
when will book 7 be released for kindle ?
Hey Stacey! I’m working working on number 7! I will post soon on a release date for ya! Hugs!
Hello Teresa,
Thank you for such a nice read. I found out your books when Amazon gave Slade as recomandation to read and I purchased it without knowing previous books and i started to read when i came the second episode i desided to stop continue reading and went back amazon for purchase all the previous books in the serie.
And i did that just last weekend and last night i finished the slade
I m happy i fook amazon advise and honestly i was about to gave up with that as i purchased some books and never able to finish reading them.I hope next book will be about Jax
Greetings from the Netherlands
Hey Pinar! I’m so glad you took a chance on me and the series. Jax is coming up very soon! So happy you enjoyed the series so far. Hugs and keep in touch!!!
I love your series. I was trilled with the audio editions on audibles. You’ve got to get Duncan’story and the others on audio. I can’t read as much as I like. My saving grace is audio editions I can listen to while I do other things or if my eyes get too tired I can’t read. Do please keep your WONDERFUL series going. I am on my second read of the series now.
Hey Nita! Thank you so much! I appreciate your support so much. I am getting ready to contract for Duncan’s story on Audio very soon! Keep in touch and again thank you!!! Hugs!!!
Hi teresa,
I got to tell you – you are one hell of a writer! (Oops I better put a $$ in swear jar
LOL! That made me laugh out loud! Thanks so much and means more to me than you will ever know!! Hugs!!!
Teresa I absolutely love your series I came across your books by accident and have not been able to put them down. I can not wait for the ones to come. I really hope you don’t leave Steve and Dillon out after what poor Steve went through I think he deserves one lol.
Hey LaDawna! Thank you so much! Happy you took a chance on me and the series. Steve haha love him! Thanks again!! Hugs!
I had a small fangirl moment when I saw Slade released. Hands down my favorite storyline of the series! I found your books after the release of Duncan, and bought the rest of the series as fast as I could. Great character development and storylines, and I love how each book focuses on the individual couple, but still lets us be a part of other characters’ lives as well. Now, the down side of waiting for the next book. Sigh….. Thanks for such a great series.
Hey Jen!! Thank you so much for your support! Means the world to me. I love Slade….he was actually going to be a small part in the series, but well there is no way I could put Slade in the corner. HA! Yeah, I’m a Dirty Dancing fan. Keep checking back. Working hard on the next! Hugs and thanks again!!!
I loved slades and Jill’s book. These stories are amazing. My 21 yr old just started reading the 1st in the series. I can’t wait for the rest. And can’t wait for jax and Caroline’s book. Hopefully she can convince him he’s worthy of love. Very romantic when thinking of the chase that way!
Thank you so much Karen! I really hope you daughter enjoys the books as well. I’m really excited about Jax and Caroline’s story. Hugs and thank you again! You support means so much!
Hello, I currently buy books from Kobo. I am so disappointed that I have not been able to read Slade. Kobo has had an issue for well over a week (that I am aware of)of not being able to download the book to the library. As a fan of your work, I may have to switch to Amazon. Where you aware of Kobo’s issues?
Hey Helen! I am so sorry about the issue with Kobo. I am currently trying to get the issue solved. I am hoping to hear something….anything from them very soon as I am blowing up their emails. LOL!. Again I apologize and know I am doing everything I can to get the problem resolved. Kobo is not my friend at the moment. LOL! Thanks for understanding Helen and I will post as soon as I can when it’s resolved. Hugs!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Protector Series. Please give a date if you can as to when Sloan will be available to download to my Kindle. Thank you!
Thank you so much Annette!! I don’t have a date for Sloan yet, but he is coming. When I write Sloan it will be the end of the series.
Makes me sad to say that, but that has been my plan all along and I’m pretty sure I’m going to stick with it. When it gets closer to his book he will be in the prior books more and more though.
Hugs and thank you so much!
Thank you for your response. Though I am anxiously looking forward to Sloan, I will be sad to see the end of your Protector Series. However, I will remain a huge fan of your writing and will diligently pursue any of your future published works. Please keep them coming. Thanks!
Hey Annette! That means so much to me, thank you!! I will keep the Series alive as long as possible as long as you all want more.
I appreciate you support more than you know. Hugs and thanks again!!!
Hi Teresa just purchased Slade and read it. Have to say love it. He is such a cool Alpha male. Am so hanging out now for the next one in the series.
Thank you Tania! So glad you enjoyed Slade and Jill’s story. Your support means so much! Hugs!
I love Slade and Jill’s story! I’m in love with Slade by the way! I used to think that Damon was my favorite, but Slade is a close tie. Quite honestly, I have loved and enjoyed all of “The Protector Series” and am now looking forward to Sloan’s story or a more detailed Jax and Caroline. Theresa you rock as an author and I look forward to more adventures with you.
Hey Diane! I think I’m a little in love with Slade also. HA! Thank you so much and looking forward to brining you more adventures!! Hugs and thanks again!!
Just finished Slade in one sitting and love it like all the others! Please don’t ever stop! I often dream myself with one of the Warriors until their mate comes along then I move on to one of the other single ones because I don’t want to disrespect the strong females you create. Sorry that might be a little crazy. LOL! That’s what I get for writing this to you at midnight, diarrhea of the keyboard! Thank you for sharing this world with us.
Hey Amanda! That is so not crazy. I have done that so many times with characters from authors I love. And honestly Archeron from Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunters is mine and I don’t care who is mate is. HAHA! See I’m crazy also! Thank you for reading the world I’ve created. Means so much to me!! Hugs!!!
Hi, just found this series a couple of days ago. I love love love it!!!!! I just finished Duncan and I fall more in love with the characters as I go along. Thanks for such a great series
Hey Mindy!! So glad you found us and that you are enjoying the series so far. Thank you so much for the support and keep in touch! Hugs!!!
Well I just finished Slade and I have to say I just loved it. I was so sad it ended. This book has to be equal to Sid for Sid was my favorite. Now I have 2 favorites. I laughed, I cried, and then I was surprised. I love the way you keep the previous characters in all your books. It’s what makes the story work. Please don’t stop writing this series. I look forward to Jax and Caroline and of course I can’t wait to see what you do with Sloan. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Keep it up. Have a magical day.
Hey Terry!! YAY! I am soooo glad you enjoyed Slade and have two faves. Thank you so much for your support! It means so much to me! Hugs and keep in touch!
When will jaxs book be out I need, I need!!HaHa
Hey Traci!!!! It won’t be long haha! Hugs and thanks so much for your support!!!
Well I am going to try this again, hopefully it will go through this time. Finished Jill and Slade’s story and you have done it again Teresa. But there is never a doubt when you put out a book that your fans will never be disappointed. You just keep getting better and better. Don’t ever stop. Love everyone of your characters, each and everyone of them can hold their own. All families should get along as well as they do. So looking forward to Jax and Caroline’s story, and of course Sloan’s story, cannot wait to see what kind of woman will bring him to his knees. I can imagine what kind of ribbing he will be getting from the Warriors, especially from Sid.i have one question for you, would think about writing a novella with all the group together for a special event like a wedding (hint, hint) where they can enjoy themselves and just enjoy. Well just a thought. I have a few favorites authors and I can say you are at the top of my list, I will put other books down to read a new release from. Have a great week.
Hey Janet! It went through. LOL! I am so glad you enjoyed Slade and Jill’s story. Being anywhere on your list means a lot to me Janet. Thank you so much!!! Hugs and keep in touch!!!
Loved Slade. Awaiting Jax
Thank you so much Donna! Jax is coming soon! Hugs and thank you again!!
I just wanted to let you know how much I loved your series. I got a teaser for Slade on my “Recommended for You” on Amazon and downloaded a sample. After reading that sample I purchased and read the Protectors series over 2 days! I absolutely love, love, love your writing! These books pulled me in, got me invested in the characters and the storyline, and I am anxiously awaiting Jax and Sloan’s story! As a former medical transcriptionist myself I don’t know how you do it while keeping up with your family and I am hoping it starts to pay off soon!! (I will be doing my part by buying them as soon as they come out =] ) Anxiously waiting for more fabulous stories!
Hey Leah!! Thank you so much for taking a chance on me and the series. So glad you have enjoyed! I did orthopedic transcription and let me tell ya I don’t miss it. HA! I appreciate your support so much. Thank you and please keep in touch!! Hugs!!!
OMG. I downloaded this book at around 2 a.m. On 30 December and thus far I have read it 3 times each time I read it I find something new that I missed especially after the first time because i was reading a bit fast to see what would happen next (I’m not very patient) it was so suspenseful. I think all of your bookks are great and as soon as I finish one I can’t wait for the next one to come out. We waited quite a while for Slade and Jill to come together but I like the way you brought them together in each of your previous books. I read one review on Sladeb that said there was not enough of Slade and Jill and 50% was about the other warriors however I disagree I think it was well balanced and had just enough of everything in enough humor and then suspense and drama, and the sex was not overbearing. There were parts where I laughed so hard I guess people watching me reading thought I was crazy. All of your books are well rounded and keeps the family of the VC worriors together. I can’t wait for the next edition in the series I hope it will be about and Sloane and in one of your books little Steve will find someone. Please keep them coming.
Hey Vivian!! Thank you so much!! I never planned for Slade to have a book when I first wrote him so when I fell in love with him and then everyone else fell in love with him I had to fit him in so that is why the wait, but hopefully it was worth it. I do like to add some of all the Warriors in each book because each reader has their favorite and I want everyone to be happy. I know making everyone happy is impossible, but I keep trying. HA! Talk about laughing and people looking at you. You should see me when I’m writing and researching. I don’t want to give spoilers, but I’m referring to a certain part of a ants anatomy and Siri…haha….oh, wow that was fun! Thanks so much for your support Vivian! Hugs!!!
I just wanted to say how AWESOME I think you are. I just finished Adams story, I loved it. Now I’m waiting for Slade’s story to come out in paperback. I just know it will be as awesome as your other stories. Thank you so much for making reading so enjoyable.
Hey Shirley!! Thank you so much and you are pretty awesome yourself!! I am hoping to have the paperback proof here in a few days and if all is well then it will be available, but know I am working hard on getting that taken care of. Hugs and thank you again! Made my night!
Hey hon, what can I say? You did it again! Another big 5 stars for me, and just finished my review on Amazon and Goodreads… I don’t know how you do it, but don’t ever stop okay?
Looking forward to another fantastic, great, wonderful ride with your next book!
Lots of big hugs and best wishes for a perfect new year
Hey Julieanne!! Thank you so much. I have awesome voices in my head that don’t shut up, it’s all them! HA! True story! I hope not to stop. I love doing this so much and love talking to you guys. Hugs and thank you again! Talk to you soon!
Hi Teresa
My girlfriend absolutely adored (understatement) Slade’s story. When will the paperback be available and will it be possible to get a signed & personalized copy delivered internationally? Please, please, please say soon and yes!
Hey MrE!
So excited she adored Slade and Jill’s story! Just made my night!! I am hoping within two to three weeks I will have the paperbacks and I would be honored to personalize one for her. Just message me at my email so it’s more private than posting your information on here and we can work it out. I love my international friends have no problems whatsoever sending Slade international!! HA! So message me at and we will get it done!
Teresa, you went above and beyond what I expected for Slade & Jill. Read it in one sitting and absolutely loved it!! I just cannot get enough of this series! Now the hard part; waiting for Jax. I admit, I can be a tough sell with the Author/series I choose to follow (Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Gena Showalter to name a few). But you and your Protector series has grabbed me totally and completely!! Thank you so much for writing this series; your work is phenomenal!
Thank you so much Katelynn!! That is such a compliment to me knowing that you are a hard sell…lol! I do my best to make each book different, but bring in the other characters because everyone likes different ones and that is so hard to do sometimes. I hope to keep doing you guys proud with each book, that is my goal and I write for you guys! Hugs and thank you again! Means so much to me!!
Loved it! Can’t wait for more, more, more! Downloaded it while visiting Disneyland to ring in the New Year! Happy New Year, Teresa. Since I am still in Disney mode: May all your Dreams come true!
Hey Kay!! I appreciate you so much for even thinking of one of my books while at Disneyland. Thank you again for your support and have a great New Year!!! Hugs!!!
Slide was truly the best so far. I loved it. I hope the series continues with Jax and Caroline.
THank you so much!! Yes, Jax is up next after a surprise lol! Can’t say much now, but something coming soon! Hugs and thanks again for your support!!!
I am a big fan of the this series. It is one of my favorites. I could not but down Slade once I started it. I am so ready for your next book.
Thank you so much Graceane!! Your support means the world to me and I hope to do you proud with each book. Hugs and thanks again!!!
Hi Teresa,
Just wanted to congratulate you on your new book Slade (5 stars). I loved it, I stayed up all night reading it until I was finished. Jill and Slade are my favourite characters with Sid and Lana a very close second. I can’t wait for the next book. Please tell me we will being hearing more about Jill/Slade in future books??? Thanks for writing these wonderful stories.
Hey Rose! Thank you so much!! And yes, there will be much more Slade and Jill in future books! Hugs and thanks again!!!
The one thing that drives me crazy with this series is I cannot put the books down when I finally have my hands on them, is it too much to ask that they never end! I love the strong women as much as the amazing men. Now I have finished the book and have to try to wait patiently for the next (which I am aweful at)!! Slade and Jill’s story was perfect for them. Great job! I was thinking I wanted Slade and Jill the most, but now I want Sloan, and Jax and Steve!! OHHH, I almost forgot Dillon. Happy New Year!
Hey Malissa! Happy New Year and thank you so much! Your support means so much! Will do my best to bring you more ASAP!!!
I LOVED this story- by far your best. But for the love of all that is holy, can you write Sloan’s story next??
Fantastic job, and I will keep my eyes peeled for the next installment.
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much Carol!!! LOL! Sloan is coming, but my plan has always been he will be the last book in the series. I don’t think that will change, but suddenly everyone wants his story. I will promise you this there will be more and more Sloan as his time draws near. HA! Hugs and thank you again!!
I absolutely loved Slade!!!! Usually after two or three books in a series I start losing interest in the characters. Not with this series. I really like the fact that each book aslo starts into another storyline for other characters without losing sight of the main story. Can’t wait for the next book.
Thank you so much Pam! It’s really hard and I get a some backlash for this. In this series it has always been my intention to bring each character back so the readers who have loved previous characters can still get something in the new story. Does that even make sense. LOL! Some feel I don’t focus on the main character as much as I should, but I really try to make it as if it is real life, as if you are living in their world which unless they are on a deserted island they are going to have interaction with the people closest to them. And I want to start building for the next book in the series. I think that is important in terms of trying to make the books seem like real life. And I know vampires aren’t real….or are they…haha just kidding.
Good afternoon, is there link to itunes? Can’t seem to find it in the book store. Thanks.
Hey Jennifer!! We are working on getting the itunes and Kobo SLade up and running. Hopefully it won’t be much longer. So hate that it takes these two outlets so long. Message me if nothing is up in the next few days if you get a chance and I will check again!!! Hugs!!
I am almost done with the book… for the second time. The night it came out, I bought it almost the minute
it came out even before I saw Teresa’s post. Because I kept checking Amazon every few minutes.
And of course started it right away… Loved the book and kind of sad when I finished. I have been anticipating the Slade train for last few months that now that is past I seem to be missing something.
Jill made me proud. Really proud in every area except the moments that she kept insisting/pleading
Slade to be intimate. Jill’s strong and proud character vanished. Like Caroline who seemed to be adamant in chasing Jax at the end. I think I will skip Jax’s book just for that reason.
To me females chasing males is not romantic. That’s why I loved Jill so much because she was very strong and proud in the other books.
The book gets 4.5 stars. Half star is for that part and for the editor not doing her job well.
I really loved the book. It was worth the wait and the sleepless night when I finally got it. Teresa you are very talented and the scenes you created in this book are worth reading more than once.
Looking forward to reading Sloan’s book.
Much Love,
Thank you so much Mahsa! I hate that you would skip one of the books for something you might think will happen, but totally understand. I really try not to make my women characters whiny or wanting/pleading and really thought I only did with Jill during sex scenes cause let’s be honest I think I’d be begging and pleading with Dr. Hottie McVampire during those moments also haha! But all is good and understand you point totally. I still appreciate your feedback and support with the series! Hugs and hope you have a great New Year!!!
Good Morning to my favorite author,
Thank you for taking the time to reply to your readers. That is what sets you apart from others….besides creating the sexy Protector series:)
I have never given more thank 3* to any books let alone 4.5 but YOUR incredible creativity in this book gave me no choice.
Slade ruined me for any other vampire book. I looked last night find another to find one since I already read Slade twice but couldn’t one that even remotely interesting.
To you show you my support I will order the paperback of Slade as well.
And if you say that Caroline is not going to run after Jax like a little poppy then I would love to read it. Let’s face it Teresa, I am hooked on these series.
Could you introduce the strong female who is going to tame the fearless leader, Sloan in the next book like you did with Slade and Jill?
The anticipation was pure torture but a pleasant one
Lots of hugs,
Ahhh you are so awesome!!! I absolutely love answering and talking to everyone. It makes may day much better!! There is going to be some Jax chasing because he is going to do a bad thing lol! I can’t say too much or I’ll spoil it, but that tables will turn big time. Also I can really answer the female/Sloan until I make that decision on what the series will end. HA! So it might have to drive you crazy a little longer, but I might put in some sexy parts for Sloan in Jax…how’s that haha. Hugs and thank you!! )
OH the next book is going to have more of tough, sexy Sloan?… Teresa you are the best. No author has me so engaged in any books. Would you please give us some teasers? Have you already started writing Jax’s story?
P.s. sorry for all the errors in my last post. Was excited and didn’t double checked.
Big hugs,
Hey Mahsa!!! Oh, yeah! The closer I get to Sloan’s book the more he will be his sexy self haha! Thank you so much Mahsa! I will have teasers soon!! Hugs!!!
Hey Teresa
you so did NOT disappoint… what a good read, I enjoyed it so much that I did not put it down until I finished it….. a little sad because now I have to wait for the next one (hint hint
. I cried when I thought that Steve died, then cried again when he didn’t.

Firstly, Happy New Year!!!
All I can say is….. WOW
I laughed and cried so much. The humour was so good
As for Slade and Jill…. wow (fanning myself here) lol
Thank you for my VC fix, can’t wait for the next book…. please make it soon
Great work, and keep it coming…. well done
Thank you so much Shoneez and Happy NEW YEAR!! I am so excited you enjoyed their story. I am working on the next as we speak/type! LOL! Hugs and thanks again!!!
I am so glad I was off on the day this released. I bought it this morning just before I finished rereading Sid and Lana’s book. I have officially finished it and it is 630. It was a darn good read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. You always jeep up the witty banter between all characters and I absolutely love your books! I am already salivating for the next one!
Thank you so much Amanda!! Means the world to me, it really does! I love to laugh so I hope to put that into my books along with everything else such as the drama, love, action and of course sexy stuff. HA! Hugs and thanks again!!!
Slade was absolutely amazing! Not 5 stars……100 stars! Got it and read it in one day. The storyline was right on. At first I thought, oh no, Slade and Jill are not getting together. So glad they did. I loved reading the part when Slade was talking about being demanding in the bedroom. HOT!! I want me some Slade! I am hooked on the entire series and can’t wait for the next one. So I am going out on a limb and say it will either be Jax and Caroline or Sloan and a yet to be named lady. Please keep writing!
Hey Linda! Thank you so much!! I think I would have had to go into hiding if Slade and Jill did not get their HEA together haha! I promise more Warrior’s to come! Hugs and yes, Sloan will be getting his own book, but not until the last book of the series. That makes me so sad to say lol
I bought Slade this morning while at work. I work the overnight shift. So it was about 1am on Dec.30th when I bought Slade. I am currently reading Slade.Was anyone else prchase Slade on their Kindle at that hour or before?
Hey Anita! Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy Slade and Jill’s story. Hugs and let me know what you think!
I downloaded it this morning and I couldn’t put the book down all day! I can’t wait for the next one
Thank you so much Caitlin! Your support means the world to me and so happy you couldn’t put it down. LOL! Hugs and thanks again!!!
Bought your Slade book when I got up this morning and had it read by noon! This is another great story in the Protector series! So glad you’re continuing the Protectors. There are more stories to tell in this series, for sure!! Great Job!!
Thank you so much Carol!!! Excited you enjoyed the Slade’s story!! Hugs and thanks again!!!
Thank you so much Helga!! So glad you enjoyed it. All I want is to make you guys proud with each story. It’s the least I can do for you guys!! Hugs!!!
Wow, Teresa. Just wow! You outdid yourself on this one. And to think you had so many things happening and you still pulled this off-can’t wait for when you’re writing uninterrupted! Loved Jill and Slade, you definitely did them justice, at least for this reader. The humor-5+! Laughed out loud throughout. the plot-amazing. So glad each book is different, but you keep the characters true to who you said they were from the beginning. It was hard to believe I couldn’t step outside my door and head to the compound to find myself a warrior of my own. For the first time in my life, I got a book on release day and stayed up all night reading-so much for savoring it (as I’d promised myself I would do). The chemistry-SCORCHING. Wow again. And thank you. Keep putting them out, I’ll keep buying and reading. Sorry for the long, rambling note.
PS: The editing on this one was also the best of all your books in my opinion!
PPS: If I have a minute quibble, it’s just that the thing that was bugging Slade at the beginning of the book was not referred to again. Maybe that’s for the next book? Speaking of which, who’s next???
Thank you so much Mia!!! This one was for you guys!! And yes, the thing bugging Slade will be addressed more in future books.
Hugs and thank you so much for your support!!
I loved it!!! Great job
Can’t wait until the next book. I love this series!!
Thank you Kayla!!! Your support means so much!!
Hiya Teresa,
Amazon seems to do this a lot
Hey Debbie!!! They were seriously freaking me out!!! HA! But at 11:15 he went live….thank God!! Hugs!!
I guess I went to bed to early, I kept checking but it never came on Amazon before it went to bed. I downloaded it first thing this morning and can it wait to read it. I am jealous that some fans probably already know if Slade and Jill get their HEA.
Thanks so much Janet! I was so freaked out thinking that it wasn’t going to be released on release day, but Amazon came through. Hugs and thanks so much for your support!!!
Wow! Best book of the series so far, hands down. Thank you Teresa. You more than did Slade and Jill proud. The plan was to savor the book, but it’s almost 4.30am and I just finished reading (I was watching amazon like a hawk!). What did I love? The plot, the humor, and the insane chemistry between Jill and Slade. Oh, and the editing on this one was really tight!
I was just so sad to come to the end. Is Sloan up next? 
Thank you Mia! Means so much to me! I was watching Amazon like a hawk also….they freaked me out having Slade in the review stage for over 24 hours. I about had a panic attack big time. HAHA! Sloan will be getting his own book, but not until the end of the series or at least that’s the plan so far. I do promise there will be plenty of Sloan in future books though! Hugs and thanks again!!
It was absolutely wonderful! Read it in one sitting. You are truly a great story teller!! Can’t wait for the next one!
Thank you Amanda! That means so much to me. I hope I can continue bringing you guys good reads with the Warrior’s. Hugs and thank you again!!!
Finished Slade in one sitting…and i was NOT LET DOWN! The Slade train was so freakin HOTT!!! Teresa you are a rock star! Now i cant wait for Caroline, Jax, Sloan and as many stories you have in you.
Was so anxious to get this and LOVED IT! Slade is one sexy Alpha with a bad ass woman to match. Thank you..Slade was sooo worth the wait.
Thank you Stacey! Means so much to me and soooooooo glad it wasn’t a let down to you guys! Yes, I worry about that. I write for you guys!! Hugs and thank you again!!!
Already loaded and ready on my Kindle!!!! Eeeeek! Can’t wait to dive in!!!
Thank you so much Misty!! Really hope you enjoy!! Your support means the world to me! Hugs and thank you again!!!
I just purchased Slade for my Kindle via I’m going to read it now. I’m excited. Thank you Teresa
Hey Alisa! Thank you so much! I really hope you enjoy Slade….fingers crossed! Hugs and thank you again!!!