Nope, it’s not me. Well, it is me, but better than me….the boss man himself. Sloan is now available at Amazon for preorder and soon to other outlets which I will post as soon as they go live. Whew, I’m so excited about this book and I hope you guys are also. Hugs you guys!

US Amazon:

UK Amazon:


Thanks so much guy! Tons of love!!



Paranormal Romance With a Twist!


46 Responses

  1. I have loved every story and can’t wait to see were it goes for blaze and Katrina, I love the way you also introduce new names like Beckeys son to come into the warriors fold. Keep up the incredible stories xxx jo

  2. I love all your books. I own all of them. I’m so excited about the new Protector book. Do u know when it is coming out. Thank u for writing . Please don’t stop writing the Protector series .

    1. Thank you so much, Christina! As long as you guys want more I will write more! I don’t have a release date as of yet, but will post as soon as I do! Hugs and thanks again!!

  3. What can I say just finished Sloan love this series Sloan is fab silky bad and totally sexy what not to like everyone love Steve hilarious book he would be to read love Sid as well suppose I totally love them all lol so can’t wait to read blaze

    1. Thank you so much Michelle!! I’m excited about Blaze which I’m writing now. Thanks so much for your support and I really hope I can write Steve’s book. HA! That is going to be a hard one for sure. Hugs!! 🙂

  4. Hey Teresa!!!
    I’m such a massive fan of the books and have reread them over and over again!! They never fail to make me believe there is someone for everyone 🙂 can’t wait for Blaze as Sloan was amazing (just like Damon, Jared, Sid and Slade) feel like I’m part of a family when I read the books I get so into them!!
    Just a quick question I know you said in Sloan that he’s about 38 or 36 (feel bad that I can’t remember exactly!) So how old does that make the rest of the Warriors because in my head I see them as like late 20’s or early 30’stages??
    Also I totally think these books should be made into movies who doesn’t want shirtless possessive hunks as vampires on the big screen!!

    Anyway lots of love and can’t wait for the next book

    Sophie xxxxx

    1. Hey Sophie! Thank you so much! Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever really put a age on them, but Sloan would fall in that age group. He is older in my mind. I’m really weird, haha shocker, but I want readers to make these characters who they want to be and what the look like, no faces on my covers except for one. LOL! And wouldn’t that be a hoot to see the Warriors on screen. OMG! Thanks so much for your support, Sophie! I appreciate it so much! Hugs!

  5. Hi Teresa! Enjoyed Sloane’s Story! Like the other stories intermingled in… Blaze and Katrina… Great! and “Hurrah” for Steve……..!! If you can find him??… The new “baddie” Good!! Its already not looking good for him…. and Loved hearing from all the warriors and mates too. Just one minor problem I finished it far too quick! Just wasn’t long enough…. So it looks like I will have to read again just cos :-))……… Thanks and Keep Writing.

  6. OMG!! I’ve just finished Sloan’s book and it was brilliant. Once I had started it I could not put it down. Your books just keep getting better and I love the way you have given the VC Warriors such a wicked sense of humour in every book. I have loved every book of your Protector series and your Lee County wolves books and can’t wait for Blaze’s and Marcus’s book. Have just ordered the box set with The Enforcer in and can’t wait to read that as well. Once again thank you for the hours of entertainment your books have given me.

    1. Hey Sue!! Thanks so much! I just want to give you guys a decent story that makes you smile. If I succeed in doing that I’m happy! So thank you for letting me know. Your support means the world to me. I appreciate you! Thanks again! Hugs and keep in touch! 🙂

  7. Ohhhh…my god…thank you, thank you for existing and being a such a fantastic writer. I have read and reread your books so many times that I’ve lost count 🙂
    I find impossible to decide which one I love the most as each book is just…WOW… 🙂
    Reading your books I went through all the emotions…cry, wonder, sorrow, hate & love…but the most important…lough…ohhh yeah… I laughed so hard…each character makes me want more and more…I’m so happy that you’ll not end the stories with Sloan’s book. Can’t wait for Blaze story or Steve…or maybe Becky’s son….”the show must go on..Teresa” ahh…I think that was Queen…:)
    I’ve already preordered Taming the Vampire collection for The Enforcer story 🙂 and I can’t wait for Lee County Wolves next book :)…What can I say…You’re a star writer and your books create addiction 🙂

    1. Hey Roxy!! Right back at you my friend. I appreciate you so much and your support means the world to me. I laughed pretty hard in this one also….poor Steve. Thank you for preordering Taming The Vampire. I really think you will enjoy the Enforcer as well as the other books in the box set. Hugs and again, thank you so much. 🙂

  8. Well what can I say OMG I have just read Sloan, it was more that brilliant these guys just keep getting better and better , problem with these guys is the books are so good you can not put them down so here I am again after waiting for Sloan now groaning as I now have to wait for Blaze , I don’t think I ever want this series to end

    much love and appreciation Sylvia xxxxx

    1. Hey Sylvia! YAY! So excited you enjoyed his story! Each book I get more and more nervous because my only thought is to make sure you guys enjoy! I’m working on Blaze now and can’t wait for you to read it. Hugs and again, thank you for your support. Means so much!

  9. Hi Teresa… What an awesome book, I now have a new favourite. It was funny, romantic, hot (fanning myself here) 🙂 I received my preorder last night, and did not put the book down until I was done..Needless to say Im really tired today… :))) I good tired though
    I loved this book, as i did all the others. You are an awesome writer… Thanks again for another GREAT BOOK!!. Cant wait for the others…
    Cheers for now….

    1. Hey Shoneez! So excited you enjoyed Sloan! Working on Blaze now and hoping I can top the others. I’m crushing hard on Blaze. HA! Again, thank you so much for your support. Means more to me than you will ever know. Hugs! 🙂

  10. This is the most addicting series I have ever read. I love how the books are so personal to each warrior but how all of the stories flow from book to book. Then how you combined the warriors with the Lee County Wolves series is just brilliant. I can’t wait for more.!

    1. Sherri, thank you so much for making my day! I really just want to give you guys a good read. I love writing and the Warriors are like family, goofy badass family, but family. HA! Hugs and thank you so much for your support. I hope to continue to do these guys justice for you and the rest of the readers. That’s my goal! 🙂

    1. Hopefully a week or two after the Kindle, Veronica! Just sent Sloan to my editor. Hope you guys really enjoy his story! Thanks so much for the support! Hugs! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Heather! Sloan is now with my awesome editor. Eeek, nervous and I really hope you enjoy Sloan! I so tried to outdo this book for you guys! Hugs!

  11. Have just spent the whole week reading all 8 books in the protector series! Amazing ! Have ordered number 9 😊😊😊

    1. Thank you so much, Justine! Your support means the world to me. Sloan is now with the editor! So nervous and excited. I hope I did him justice for you guys! Hugs and keep in touch! 🙂

    1. Hey Rachael! I am so excited and nervous HA! Sloan is with the editor now. YAY! Thanks so much for your support and I really hope I did Sloan justice for you! 🙂

  12. Yay! Can not wait for Sloan and I’m so excited about more Warrior stories!! Do you think Steve will have a book!? You make these characters cone to life! Thank you !

    1. Hey Melissa! Thanks so much for the support. And it looks like Steve may get his story. I’ve getting more and more wishes for it and I listen to my readers. Oh, man…that book will be crazy hahaha! Hugs and keep in touch!

    1. Hey Clueless! Yes, I am working to try to get them all on audio. I will post updates on the site as soon as I know when the rest will be releasing. Thanks so much for asking. 🙂

  13. Hi Teresa! Excellent! Will go and checkout it now!! Oh and by the way..Hunter…Goooood!.. Thanks and Keep Writing!x

  14. Hi Teresa!

    Just wondering if your Lee County Wolves series will be available on Kobo and will Sloan be available for preorder on Kobo as well?

    1. Hey Tiffany! I just submitted them so hopefully very soon. Thanks so much for asking and I hope you enjoyed them. Let me know when you get a chance to read. Thanks so much for your support! 🙂

  15. Hello my dear favorite author,
    Thank you so MUCH for the great news. Not only I was ecstatic that Sloan will be coming soon (started counting down already :D) but you mentioned that it will not be the last in Protector series.

    YOU JUST MADE MY DAY. YEAHHHHHHH.. I was going to beg you not end it and reading your email brought a huge smile on my face. Thank you Thank you Thank you for listening to your loyal fans and continue writing the Protector series. I have reread my favorite books before but I have never been addicted to any books until Teresa Gableman, my favorite author, introduced the amazingly fun, romantic and sexy series to the world.

    Many many many Thanks for creating this wonderful series. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Can’t wait to read about our Sexy fearless leader.

    Much love,

    1. Hey Mahsa! Just also just made my day! Sorry I’m just now getting to this, but Sloan took a lot of my time, which I didn’t mind. I will always listen to the readers, I write for you guys. Without you my books would just be words on paper. You guys make it a story! I hope I did Sloan justice for you guys. I really tried! You ROCK and know I appreciate you so much! Hugs and keep in touch…please! 🙂

      1. Absolutely love the series. I start and can’t stop. Pretty much always read in one sitting. Can’t help but ask about the timeline for Blaze. I really want to see where this goes. Keep up the good work. I’m hooked.

        1. Thank you so much, Johannah! I don’t have a release date yet, but I’m working on Blaze now! YAY! Hugs and thank you so much for your support! 🙂

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