How about another CONTEST?!?!?!

Ready for another contest?!?!?!  I am so how about a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card?  SWEET!!!

I appreciate all the messages everyone is leaving. I love reading and talking to you guys! It makes may day to get to know you. One thing I have learned is that a lot of you have found the Protectors Series by accident which is sooo awesome and I’m glad you are finding me and the Warriors. Also word of mouth is huge in getting the Warriors out there! Thank you so much for that!!!

Now what I want to do is a little different. I am going to post all three books below. Pick your favorite Warrior so far and share with your peeps. In your post above the link please add a small line of why this Warrior is your favorite. If you are waiting for Sid, Adam, Slade or Sloan then add that to your post. After you do that come back here and comment on where you shared because I really want to see why that Warrior is your favorite.  🙂

The contest will end Friday at midnight. When I announce the winner I will tell you which Warrior is my fave! Love you guys and good luck!!! Don’t forget to comment and post your links I’m excited to see who is your favorite!!!


Damon (Book #1)


Jared (Book #2)


Duncan (Book #3)




Paranormal Romance with A Twist!



56 Responses

  1. oh sorry one more thing i wanted to say i have read all of the books 4 times so far and will read them again later on. That is the thing with a good book if you love it you can read it several times and then put them down for so long 6 monthes or less and then read them all over again. Also wanted to say thanks for the stories they are great.

    1. Hey Holly!! I know what you mean. I have certain authors that I reread and to have someone feel that way about my books means the world to me. Thank you for that!!! Made my night!! Hugs!!!

  2. Teresa i actually love all of the warriors very much. I have all of the first 3 books and am getting ready to order the 4th book. I would love to see a book about slade and jill and another on adam and angelina and sloan and whomever he may find. I am a great fan of your protector series and i will buy every book from them that you write please write more books on the series please don’t stop at sid please keep going this is one of my favorite series and beleive me i read alot and have read alot of series of romance vampire series they are my favorites. Huge fan of your series. Holly

  3. Jared is my fav because he is trying so hard to be accommodating for Tessa and I find that endearing in a vampire warrior who had as much tact as a titanium hammer! But I am anxiously awaiting Sid’s book!

  4. I love all three books. I have read Damon and Jared three times so I have to read Duncan two more to catch up. I love all the men!!!! It is hard to pick a favorite. Each one gets better and better. Can not wait for Sid. I do have a few girls here at work reading them. One you know Lisa F. Please don’t stop writing about them….
    Thank you for your books.

    1. Hey Diane!!! So glad you like the series enough to read them over and over again. That really means a lot to me. Lisa F??? Where do ya work if you don’t mind putting on here. Tell them all I hope they like the series. Thanks again for your support!!!


  5. So very hard to pick a favorite. Just happen to be looking for some books to read and came across Duncan and decided to get the first two books as well. I read all thee books in three days. I could not put them down. I can not wait for Sids story to come out. I love a man who can kick butt and cook as well. Can you say Hot Hot Hot!!!!!

  6. Could not choose a favourite warrior loved them all but can’t wsit to see who you have in store forSloan, please treat Angelina gently!

  7. I could not choose a favourite warrior love them all, but can’t wait to read more especially slade, and please treat Angelina gently!

  8. Thank you so much for the protector series I would have to say Duncan is my favourite so far but I love them all I cant wait for Sid and slade’s book I especially loved Sid in the birth scene I laughed out loud and I never do. I couldn’t put Duncan’s book down thank you so much Amazon for placing this series in my recommendations list and thank you Teresa for writing it xx.

    1. Sheree I’m so glad you like the series so far and that you found us! YAY! Sid is a hoot!! Can’t wait for you all to read his story!!


  9. Recently discovered your books on my Kindle suggested reads. I had to read them all back to back they were so wonderful!! You are a talented writer!! Keep up the great work.

    So far, Jared is my favorite. I love a man who isn’t afraid to keep reassuring his lady that her past hang-ups aren’t going to drive him away.

    1. Hey Kim!! So glad you enjoyed the series so far. I appreciate your words so much, it’s what keeps me writing…well that and the voices in my head. HA! Thanks for your support!!!


  10. Got all 3 books 3 days ago read all three I really enjoyed all of them can’t wait for Sid he makes me laugh please don’t belong in releasing it can’t wait

    1. Hey Shana!! So glad you enjoyed the series so far. I promise to be quick as I can with Sid. Can’t wait for his story. LOL! Thanks again for your support!!!

  11. Hi Teresa
    I posted my favorite warrior on my reader32bowes facebook page. My fav so for is Jared but Sid and Slade I can not wait for. Sid is going down hard with his humor can not wait. Thanks for humor and mind I love your writing style!!

    1. Thank you Vicki! So glad you are liking the series so far. I appreciate your support!!! I love to laugh so I have to have humor in there and Sid cracks me up!! HA!


  12. Teresa – I stumbled on your series as suggested reads on my Amazon kindle store. Started reading Damon and I could.not.put it down. Just finished with book #3 Duncan. I love this series and can’t wait to hear about Sid, Sloan, Slade, Adam, Jill and little Daniel.
    Jared is my favorite because I just can’t get enough of a badass hunk of love with a great sense of humor. My decision is also based on the break in scene of Tessa and Adam. I knew I liked Tessa as soon as she put those towels under the silver.
    I belong to a private blog of a bunch of readers – have shared your name and books there. Also at work.
    I am fine not being in the contest – I just wanted so much to tell you WRITE ON! and a big thank you for the belly laughs, tears and good reads.

    1. Hey Kaytie!!!

      Thank you so much for those words! It means so much to me when readers tell me what they think about the books I write. I absolutely love writing and this is just the icing on the hunky cover model…ah…I mean cake…icing on the cake. 😉 I appreciate your support. It means more to me than you will ever know. You are definitely in the contest so good luck!!! LOL! I seriously don’t think I could stop writing now that I know readers actually like what I write. I just love every aspect of the writing especially talking to awesome peeps like you! Thank you for making my night!!!



  13. OK, so It’s really hard to pick my favorite of the Warriors! I am hooked on all of them…..
    I love me some Jared but Sid is a close second on that list. I just love a HOT man that can also make you laugh!!! But who knows Sid might just jump ahead when I finally get my hands on that book!!!! Ugh I can not wait…….

    I also posted a comment on goodreads and shared with family and friends.

    1. Hey Jaime!!!

      So glad you like the series and the Warriors so far. I love Sid…I have no clue where he comes up with the stuff he does. LOL! I appreciate you’re support so much! Thank you!!!!



  14. My favorite warrior is Jared, but I’m thinking Sid may take
    his place! I sure hope more books are coming!!

  15. I love Jared ~ he is charming ~ witty ~ and he gets it. I’ve shared with my book club “Red Velvet Girls”. Jared’s story in my opinion is where we get a real glimpse of all the warriors including who Jared really is. Love his pet names for everyone like Oat. Even in Duncan’s story Pamster, loves it. My favourite part involves Sid who I cannot wait to get to know. When they are the fair and “Sparkle” ha ha said she is my mate. Sid said I hope the F*&% he said Plate ~ I laughed so hard and outloud my husband thought I was nuts. I had to share so phoned one of the girls in the book club and read her the part. She would understand and she downloaded Damon & Jared. So I gave my girls until the end of August so we can discuss in our next meeting. Winter is around the corner and us Canadian girls need something smooth silky to devour ~ umm yes I was referring to the cupcakes… wink wink
    Please keep writing and we eagerly await….you are truly a fun read

  16. First I must say how much I LOVE this series. I devoured each one greedily. I think I have to agree with the majority of readers that Jared is hands down my favorite. He loves Tessa unconditionaly. He would do anything to endure her happiness and safety.

  17. I shared Jared’s page on my personal FB page. I loved Jared’s story, watching him and Tessa deal with all the things that tried to come between them was heartwarming. He is funny and the interaction between him and the other Warroprs is brilliant.

    I have to say though that Sid is my very favorite. He didn’t play a big part in the series until Duncan’s book but I have had an obsession for him since book one, Damon. He better remember who loved him first as he becomes a celebrity. 🙂 Sid is so very funny and he has a big heart even if he is too stubborn to admit it. I am wondering who he will find as his mate. She is going to have to be very strong to get past the walls he has put up to protect his heart. She better treat him right.

  18. Jared is my favorite because he can kick a** and also has a sense of humor. I love a man that I know can protect me but at the same is fun to be around. Don’t get me wrong, dark and brooding is good, but fun and playful is great!

  19. I love this series,and is it bad that I love two????? I loveeee Jared and after Duncan I think I fell in a tiny bit of love with the big bad doctor sloan. I want the next book!!

  20. Hi Teresa,

    Although I loved all the guys, Duncan’s protective, sweet and sexy sides all got to me. I did forget to say that I can’t wait to see Sid’s story. He keeps making me laugh especially during the baby delivery scene. What a hoot!!

  21. Teresa,
    I left a review of Jared (he’s my favorite) on Amazon. I think the reason he’s my fav is because of his (hotness) sarcastic wit, his (hotness) charm, and his (hotness) devotion to Tessa. Oh, did I mention how hot I think he is?!! I can’t wait to read about Sid; boy, I hope you give him a girl with lots of sass (he deserves it!!). Also, I’m hoping you have more VC Warriors to introduce us to.

  22. I really really have a soft spot for all of the warriors but I think Jared is my favorite (so far), because he doesn’t take himself too seriously. He has a wicket sense of humor.

  23. My favorite character so far is Jared. He is full of sass, sweet, genuine and legitimately kind and caring. He loves with everything in him and will protect his woman at all costs. And he’s hot. What more could you want??

    Here is my tweet:

  24. Ok Teresa hope I did that right. I shared Jared on my Facebook. I am one of those who stumbled on your books by accident and I am so glad that I did. I also rated all 3 books on Amazon. I wasn’ Sure where to post about why I love Jared best so I will just leave it here.
    I love Jared best because he is a bad ass without a doubt. He could kick serious ass in a heart beat if you mess with his woman or Vc warrior family. He is also very sweet and caring and has a great sense of humor. A totally hot package

  25. I love this series, so thank you for writing such wonderful characters! But a favourite? I would have to say Duncan.
    While their job is to protect, Duncan has his own special code, and finding and protecting his woman, comes before all else.

    I would love to see Sloan’s book next! He likes for everyone to see him as a hard arse, but I believe he has a huge heart, just waiting to be stolen by the right woman.

    Here’s the link to my post:

  26. I shared about Jared. He is and always will be my favorite. Shared on my personal facebook page. Teresa, thank you for all you do for your fans. We love your writing but adore you more than anything.

  27. Jared is my fave but not by much. I love them all and can’t wait for Sid and to see who tries to tame him. I hope we get more of Slade and Jill and Adam and Angel too. I don’t want the series to end with Sid because I love all the warriors so much. I am not sure how to share or post a link but I still wanted to let you know who my fave is.

  28. I love jared. Something about him. Tried to share on facebook but camping and service sucks on my phone.

  29. Hey Teresa! I shared Damon on my personal facebook wall and tagged you in the post too! I absolutely adore Damon! Just the thought of him makes my blood run hot and skin tingle all over! Please do not stop writing this series!

    Here’s the link to my facebook wall:

    Thanks for the contest! 🙂


  30. Jared is my favorite! Cant wait to see what comes next! Posted on Amazon and shared with coworkers, family and friends!

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