I’ll tell you my fear if you tell me yours…;)

I’ll tell you my fear if you tell me yours…  Ah what the heck I’ll tell you mine anyway cause it’s pretty funny. I watched Paranormal Activity 3 last night. First of all everyone was up while the movie was on, but as soon as the credits were rolling everyone was asleep except me. I noticed a few noises creaking around our old house, but kind of ignored it. Then I noticed my dog staring intently into the other room which was dark. Creepy….yes….very. I called her name to make her stop and then continued writing, but after a few seconds I glance up and she is staring again with her ears straight up. So I decided everyone was getting up. LOL! Yap, I was freaking out and scaring myself so I woke the whole house. I absolutely love a scary movies, but I want my peeps up with me until some of the scare goes away.

There are two movies that truly scared me to death. Night of the Living Dead is one. It is so cheesy, but it scared the pooh out of me. The number one scary movie on my list is Child’s Play. I absolutely hate this movie with a passion, but I have seen every single one of them because my husband makes me. He says it’s entertaining watching me watch Chucky. I have a true fear of dolls. Hate them, always hated them and will continue to hate them.  ‘shiver’  They are creepy with their little creepy bodies and evil eyes. Never had dolls when I was a kid and thank God I had a boy because if I had a little girl she would have been disappointed cause no dolls in this house. Yes, it’s that bad.  Chucky is the devil of all dolls. I remember the first time I saw the previews to this movie. My husband looked over at me with his little sneaky smirk and the words out of my mouth was a big “Hell no!”

Yeah well guess who sat in the movie theater opening weekend of Child’s Play. You guessed it, me. Just seeing that thing running across the room on it’s little legs gave me nightmares. The first time I seen a real Chucky doll at Spencer’s I about kicked it across the store. True story. I thought better of it since I would have to buy the evil thing if I damaged it and well that was not happening so out of the store I went.

When me and Ron bought our first house I was in the bedroom cleaning out the closet so I could move our stuff in. I bet you can guess where this is going. Anyway there was a box on the top closet shelf. I pull it out, step down off the ladder and opened it up. Inside this long box was a freakin headless doll. Slamming the top back on I take it out and shove it in my husbands hands. “Don’t care what you do with this as long as it’s out of here.” I told him before turning around to finish what I was doing. My husband got a big laugh out of that. I go back into the bedroom and back up the ladder and what do my eyes see….three smaller boxes. Grabbing one I opened it up and oh yeah you guessed it a doll head. Three freakin doll heads in seperate boxes. Let’s just say my husband finished cleaning out the closet laughing the whole time. I have such a loving husband. LOL!

So now you know my fear. It’s not clowns, spiders, snakes, the end of the world as we know it. Oh no, I’m scared of dolls. LOL! It is funny until I’m faced with one, then this chick isn’t laughin. So do you have a unusual fear? I’m trying to come up with a unusual fear for a one of my characters. Would love to hear yours. Come on, it can’t be as bad as dolls….could it? 😉

Oh and Jeff, my mischievous brother-in-law, if you are reading this and I find a Chucky doll anywhere near my house as you have threatened I will hunt you down!  Fair warning bro…..






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