Interview time with the awesome Becky Johnson aka Bex!!

Hey friends!!! No author makes their journey alone. I know I certainly haven’t. I’ve sat back and thought about my journey that started over a year ago, and I’m humbled by the good people I now call friends. I’m so excited because one of the coolest people I’ve met I get to interview. The awesome Becky Johnson is one busy lady, but still finds time to help authors spread the word of their books on her exploding Facebook page Bex ‘n’ Books. If that isn’t enough she has also started an editing business, Hot Tree Editing.


Becky has done so much for me as well as other authors who have been lucky enough to cross her path. She is a selfless woman who truly cares about authors. I see Becky not as just a blogger, my editor, but a true friend who makes me smile on a daily basis and I so appreciate her.


Doing things like this is not really my thing, but I really want to acknowledge the people who have helped me in this crazy world of being a writer. With all the highs, lows, freak outs, laughter, failures and success these are the people who are beside me making sure I’m not alone and to me that is priceless. I’m so happy to introduce you to this special lady, Becky Johnson aka Bex.  🙂


Hello Becky. Thank you so much for agreeing to do this and if you feel the need to edit please do so because I totally suck at grammar. HA!  I’m sure a suck Teresa. You totally made me snivel. Not a good look on me! 🙂


You live in the one place I have always wanted to visit. Have you always lived in Australia? It’s pretty awesome for sure, but alas no, I’m not Aussie born. I’m from good ole England. My family and I ventured out here two and a half years ago and there’s been no looking back since. Don’t get me wrong, I love the UK; it was my home for 30 years. It’s a beautiful place and I was very lucky to live in a stunning part of the country (Devon). But this is most definitely where my hubby, son and I need to be. We love the relaxed lifestyle, the weather –of course – and the whole concept of starting afresh. It was liberating selling everything and making the long trek over. We love it and no doubt you will too. There’ll be a cold beer and a lit Barbie just waiting for your visit, Teresa. 

Careful there Becky, you may find me on your doorstep. 😉


Cat, dog or kangaroo?  It sounds like a fabulous song! Kangaroos are far too big and scary for me. Seriously! I live in Qld, Outback at the moment. Most Aussies kill them and eat them out here.  Dogs rule. Fact. I have a crazy kelpie x cattle dog and a beautiful, albeit, stubborn rhodesian ridgeback. They keep us active and my colorful vocabulary alive.


What is your favorite music? I’m eclectic. I’m an 80s child which means I have my folks influence of 60s music. It also means that 80s and 90s music ruined me! Lol! The last album that I downloaded was from Florence and the Machine.


What is your favorite movie? I’m a real movie buff. I love movies, not as much as books but a close second. I love cult classics: one of my favorites is The Breakfast Club. You can beat a fist pump!


As mentioned above with your highly successful page, Bex ‘n’ Books and now Hot Tree Editing, how do you juggle that with your personal life?  A what now! Oh Teresa, it’s so hard isn’t it! I know you can relate. Fortunately, since creating Bex ‘n’ Books almost a year ago, I’ve pulled together my band of merry and slightly crazed fairies. My admins Justine, Danny and Kay are invaluable to me and my sanity. I think my poor hubby was close to divorcing me as I was sinking into the world of reviewing, blogging and keeping my Facebook page current and fresh. Without my women, I don’t think there’d be any balance. Having their support means that I have been able to dive into the world of editing more successfully as I now have a little more time on my hands. I also have a wonderful reviewing team of fabulous women; Chris, Em, Amber and Julia as well as Justine and Kay. I’ve also learned how to say “No”. Okay, sort of. I’m trying really hard, but I like helping and supporting people, and I don’t like saying “No”. Lol!


I have seen a lot of your reviews, which are great and informative for readers. You seem to read a variety of books. What genre is your favorite?  Urban fantasy or paranormal romance. I love a kick-ass female lead, and a book that’s not necessarily all about ‘getting the guy’, but I’m a sucker for a good love story. I like having fairy butterflies in my stomach when I read. It’s nice! 🙂


What do you like to do in the spare time? Or do you have spare time…LOL?  It’s a bit like that! When I’m not editing, blogging, reading or reviewing my life revolves around the two boys in my life. My boy is only five, so I play cars and superheroes a lot. When he was three, I told him I was Superwoman at nighttime when he was sleeping. He still believes it; I don’t have the heart to tell him I’m a fraud. I’m also concerned that I may have screwed him up a little, and have remind him not to tell people that it’s our BIG family secret. Shit, he’s going to need therapy when he’s older isn’t he!  My boys and I try to camp once a month too. We still have so much more of Australia to explore. Love it!


As a blogger/reviewer/reader/editor what is one important thing you would want to tell authors that could help them achieve their dreams?  Be true to yourself and write what you want to write. Be honest with your writing. It’s so important to write from your heart as well as your imagination. Don’t get hooked up on what you think may be popular, what you think may sell. Simply be true and honest. Obviously, when it comes to the point that you’re ready to share your work, contacts, baby! Having a team of reliable contacts who will pimp you, support you and advise you is fundamental. Not only for potential success, but for your own sanity.


What characteristics make up your perfect hero? I have so many flashes of gorgeous descriptions flowing through my head right now. Hotness overload! I love paranormal heroes the most, simply because they can get away with being dark, dangerous and deadly. I don’t want this in a real man; that would just scare the beejezus out of me. Strong, melt on the floor gorgeous, flexible fingers and a mean right hook. Always a winner.


What characteristics make up your perfect heroine? Feisty, foulmouthed and the ability to kickass. All with a brain to boot!


Is there anyone you would want to give a special shout out to?  There are so many special people who regularly pimp my sorry-ass out, RM Gilmore, Tiffany Carmouche, Tlani K, you included, Teresa! I have to give a shout out to my admins and team of reviewers. I wouldn’t be able to keep up without them. You rock, women! And obviously a special shout out to my sidekick Justine. Bex ‘n’ Books wouldn’t be the same without her craziness. Plus, my gorgeous admin and talented friend, Danny Rei of Art is Life: Cover and Art Design, needs a special mention for constantly being by my side.


Absolutely LOVED doing  this interview!!! I want to thank you again, Becky. Without good peeps like you we authors would be lost and fumbling around trying to find readers to read our books.

Below I will be posting Becky’s links so please like and support someone who selflessly supports others. 🙂









4 Responses

  1. Thank you for having me, Teresa.
    Note to self: Ensure you edit your own responses before emailing close to midnight! Doh!

  2. What a great, and fun, interview. I love Bex on facebook, and its nioce to see the person behind the scenes.

    1. I feel the same way T Hammond! I’ve messaged her so much, but found out some new info on the lady behind the scenes so to speak. She is a special lady with a heart of gold not to mention funny as hell! LOL! 🙂

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