It’s peanut butter and contest time….HEY….It’s peanut butter and contest time.  Get it??? You know peanut butter and jelly time, but I put…. Okay…okay, it was dumb, but kinda catchy. Eh?

Anyway on to the more important stuff. IT’S PARANORMAL CONTEST TIME AGAIN!!  Sexy Jared is now available on Amazon and B&N…HEY!  For the next two weeks I am going to run a contest. The first week starting today and ending next Saturday you have a chance to win a $25.00 gift card to either Amazon or B&N…your choice. WHOOT!

The only thing I ask you to do is share the Amazon link that I will supply below with your peeps or wherever you can to help spread the word of sexy Jared (The Protectors Series) Book 2 and then come here and post that you have shared and where. 🙂

The next contest will be the same thing, but with the B&N link. Each week you have a chance to win a $25.00 gift card of your choice. If you won the first week you can still enter for the second week. Lady luck may be in your corner and woo wee that’s a lot of book money.

After I post the winner of the first week I will then post the next link for B&N. 🙂

So here we go.  Remember Jared is the second book in the series so if you could add that little bit of info that would be awesome. Damon is the first book, but is only .99 cents and will be .99 cents  foooreverrr.  You guys ROCK!




Paranormal Romance With a Twist!

Damon (The Protectors Series) Book 1-Available!

Jared (The Protectors Series) Book 2-Available!

Duncan (The Protectors Series) Book 3 -Coming soon!


107 Responses

  1. HEY!!!! I had a cover reveal scheduled today, but the contest is still going on until 1-19-13 at 12.00 pm.

    I wanted to respond to each and everyone of you for your shares, support and words of encouragement, but it got away from me. Thanks to all of you! This has been a great success and means the world to me. You guys ROCK!!! 🙂 HUGS!!!

  2. Shared with friends and with my online “book club”- there are about 30 of us, and I’ve shared it and suggested we select it for our next book! Best of luck to you; hopefully we can get more and more people aware of (and reading/buying) your books!!!!

  3. So excited about your release of “Damon”!!!! I posted on Facebook, Pinned on Pinterest & Tweeted! Loving the book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I shared on Facebook and Twitter. FB name-Marlena Fein Twitter @spoildbrat31. Let me know if you need links. 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway and I hope sales SKYROCKET for you!

  5. Hi lovely, so excited that Jared is released. You’ve done an amazing job! It’s bloody brilliant. Will continue to post the backside out it on Facebook. I’ll also advertise this lovely giveaway too xxx

  6. I shared on facebook and twitter. Loved the book Jared. We all need a Jared around us. Thank you for the contest.

  7. Posted on twitter, my personal facebook, my book review facebook page, and my blog. Can not wait to read this book!

  8. Shared on Facebook and Twitter…..

    Facebook- Cassie Hoffman

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

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