Just wanted to say THANK YOU!

Hey friends! I just finished answering all the awesome messages from you guys. It may take me a while to get to them all, but I will get to them….promise!  There are times I get into a funk with writing, but it’s you guys that pull me out. The messages I get are so inspiring that it just kicks the funks a**….so thank you so much for that as well as all the support you give me. Means more to me than you will ever know.

I’m working on Hunter’s book now, which is the second in the Lee County Wolves Series. As soon as that is finished Sloan will finally get his story and no, he will not be the last. Because of you guys demanding his story I have changed my mind and decided you guys were absolutely right…..Sloan was ready for his story and honestly I’m not ready to stop this series. At least not until you guys tell me enough is enough. So be ready for more Warrior’s….old and new. 🙂

Also for all my audio peeps, Duncan is finally with Jeff. He is such a busy man, which is awesome for him. He is great at what he does and I’m honored to have him read as the Warrior’s. Duncan will be released at the end of July with the other’s following soon after. Thank you guys for your patience on this and yes, all the Protectors as well as other books will be on audio as soon as I can possibly make it happen.

You guys are awesome and I appreciate each and every single one of you.


Hugs and tons of love,




17 Responses

  1. Looks like my questions were already answered not sure how I missed it. I’m so excited I’m giddy. 😆

  2. I wanted to say thank u for your books. They have gave me an escape during some hard times. You are one of my favorite writers and I look forward to your next book.

    1. Hey Gracie! I am so glad that my characters in some way helped you through some hard times because they have helped me also. You just totally made my day. I’m sorry I’m just now getting back to you, but always know I’m here and I always answer, just sometimes it takes me a little bit to do so. I hope that things are going better for you. Hugs and prayers! Please keep in touch, Gracie! 🙂

    1. Hey Jennifer! Forbidden Seduction releases July 30th YAY and Sloan will be releasing in Sept. I plan on a preorder here shortly for Sloan, but there is not one for Hunter’s book. Hugs and thanks so much for your support. Means the world to me.

  3. Have all your books love them , and the covers. Wish they were all on audible,( Whispersync for Voice-ready).)Can’t wait to read more of your work .great books.your are a Awesome writer you make the characters feel real ,takes me away for a few hour’s.

    1. Hey Sherry! Thanks so much for the support and excited you like the series so far. Duncan will be coming to Audio in July. YAY! Finally. Again, thank you so much! Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

    2. Love this series and have been looking everywhere for the answer to the audio question. Made my day to know at least I get one more of the books in audio soon. Can’t wait until they are all available.

  4. Your stories are so gripping ! I’m really fond of Slade and Jill’s story because we follow them in many books.
    I can’t wait for Sloan’s story !

    1. Hey Aurelia! So glad you have enjoyed the series so far. Yes, Slade and Jill hold a special place in my heart. HA! I’m really excited about Sloan and Blaze also. Can’t wait for you to read them. Thanks so much for your support! Means the world to me. Hugs!

  5. I just finished Jax! I’m so happy Mika is finally dead! Please let me know when Sloan will have his book I’m so excited to see that! I also would love someone for Steve, Blaze and Dillon!

    1. Hey Danielle! Yes, he needed to go! HA! And Steve will be a hard one to match up, but I am up for that challenge. LOL! Hugs and thank you so much for the support! 🙂 Hugs!

  6. Hi Teresa! Thanks for your message!
    Great news…. Hunter’s book!….. Sloane Too!!…… Can’t WAIT!!!….. and even better news that there may be more protector stories out there!! 🙂 …. Can’t WAIT!! I think I will say it again….. Can’t Wait!,,,,, Thanks & Keep Writing!!X

    1. Will do Sally! Hope I can continue and continue with the series. As long as you guys want them…I’ll write them. Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

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