Lana is LIVE and other news!

My friends! I hope you are doing well. It's been a while since I've done a blog post, but I wanted to let you know that Lana is now LIVE. This story was hard, as in, I don't know if I will ever finish this darn book...hard. But she is finished and out in the world. Eeek!!!

I hope you enjoy her story along with the side stories that comes with the Mate Series. Until this book was finished I had no clue who the next Protector book would be. Welp, the characters definitely talked and I listened. I will announce with a cover reveal who it will be very soon. If you watch my LIVES I do on Wednesday nights you'll know because, of course, I let it slip. HA! Shocker! I already have the cover and cannot wait to show you. This is by far my favorite cover of all my books to date. 

I want to thank you guys so much for the support and sticking with me the last year. I promise more books soon. Starting on the Magic & Mayhem book, Wicked Obsession, today and then back with the Protectors after that. Then I will be doing the next Lee County Wolves. I have a plan for a brand new series that I cannot wait to share. So yeah, I am back at it like never before and again, I thank you for sticking with me. Means everything to me! 

Hugs and tons of love,



2 Responses

  1. Just finished Lana and am already wanting the next book! This has become the series I look forward to reading. I am hoping the next book is Jill she’s such a mystery to me. Her interaction with the corrupt child protective services is different from Adam and Steve because Jill has parents. So how is she tied to the evil social worker that made them half breeds? I hope she finds her place in the Warriors that she fought so hard to join. Ryker and Susan look like they might go somewhere. We’ve seen the LOOK with the other mates. I’m so excited to see where this series goes next. Thank you for bringing these characters to light and creating a world where as a reader you become invested in there lives. Where we question there past,present,future, and motives. The Protector & Mate series are truly the best series I have read in a while. Can’t wait for another release!

    1. Stacey! Wow, thank you soooo much! Means more than you know and I appreciate your support…THANK YOU! Actually the way the series has gone I have written Raven before Jill. I think Jill needs to have more of a showing in the books before it to her Warrior book (hope that make sense.) But I promise when her book hits it will hit BIG and she will kick a lot of butt! HA! Thanks again.



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