Hello my friends!! Yes, I’m still here and I’ve missed you. Wanted to check in since it has been forever ago and let you know what’s up. We had a wonderful vacation at Kentucky Lake at the end of August. It was just nice spending time with two of my favorite people. It’s not often that Ron, Cody and myself find time to actually spend enjoying things we love together, so it was very nice.

The week after we came home we had a tragedy strike. Our little BB was attacked by yellow jackets. I went out to let her and her sister inside after their morning pee and found at least 25 to 30 yellow jackets on her. We got them off and rushed her to the vet. They gave her tons of medicines and let me bring her home, but the next day she went down hill. After fighting for two days at the vet, which we were by her side the whole time, she finally lost the battle. It has been so hard because our dogs are our family. Her sister, Cin, still runs around looking for her and that is so hard to watch. Never have I seen anything like this before, but these yellow jackets are very aggressive and we have found the nest that we believe attacked BB and we also found another one that my son ran over with the lawn mower. He was lucky enough to get away before getting stung. Both nests were gassed and burned. Please watch out for your dogs and children. The nests we found were  in the ground. If you wait until dusk you can find them by watching for movement near the ground. At this time of day they are usually heading back into their nest. Don’t get near it, but remember where it is so you can destroy the nest at night when they are not as active. So again please watch your dogs and children, I would hate to see this happen to anyone else. So very sad!

Now on to a little better news. The Monday after we got home from vacation and after many months of thinking I gave my two weeks notice at my job.  As of last Monday at 3:00 p.m. I started a new part of my journey as a full time author. Other than the nightmare of what happened to BB, I have never been happier. I absolutely love being able to connect more with you guys here and facebook, plus more writing time!

I just want to thank everyone for their support and all the messages I get. I make sure to answer them all so please check back if you message me here. Absolutely love talking to you guys!!! Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will have a release date for Sid. This is my first full week of writing full time so still trying to find my groove. So thank you again for being patient and just sticking with me. Check back very soon because I will be doing more giveaways, one coming very soon!  YAY!!!

If you come and like my author page on facebook I do one or two giveaways a week there. Fun stuff!!!






23 Responses

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your baby it is never nice to lose a member of your family. I lost 2 of my babies this year just a couple of weeks apart, but I like you would not be without them. I love waking up to their furry bodies nestled close and their excitement when I get home from work so we can have a cuddle on the couch.

    I also just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed the proctector series and I am eagerly awaiting Sid’s story (don’t tell him but he is my favorite – I love a good sense of humor)

    Keep up the good work you are doing a great job.

    J. =0)

  2. Sorry to hear of your loss. I have a 13.9 yo shih tzu and if anything happens to her I’ll be devastated, so I know how you feel.

    Thank you so much for the series. Duncan roped me in so I got the series and read in order. Can’t wait for Slade and Jill’s story ;o) And while I love Sid, what will Sloan’s story be like … and Adam or Steve and what happened to Phil in Damon’s book? And speaking of Damon, what a head snatcher he is – love him to bits ;o) Keep them coming, I can’t wait.

    1. Hey Ceme!!! I really appreciate that and I’m sorry for your loss. It’s so hard losing a pet. It stinks!!

      I’m so glad you like the series so far. Sloan’s book will be the last in the series and all questions will be answered. 😉 I appreciate your support so much! Thank you!!!


  3. Sorry to hear about your baby. I’ve got 2 myself and it’s hard watching my older girl slow down. I do love The Protectors series and very excited to hear Slade’s coming after Sid:)

    1. Hey Nadine!!

      I really appreciate that Nadine. I’ve always had dogs since I was really little. It’s so hard when you lose one, but they just bring me so much joy as I’m sure yours do for you.

      So glad you like the series so far. It’s really funny, but Slade was only supposed to be a small part in the books, but everyone fell in love with him as I did so that hottie is getting his own book. LOL! Again thank you for your support. It means so much to me!!


  4. Teresa
    I am sorry to hear about your baby, I have two, we rescued them and love them, yes they are family they just don’t have to be rolled out of bed and taken to school…..yay! I wanted to congratulate you on your decision to write full time. Your books bring me so much fun and pleasure. I get lost in your world and can’t hardly put your books down and keeps me riveted. I can’t wait til the next day so I can read more. So please get the next protectors out ASAP Love them! Sincerely Shelley Jones

    1. Hey Shelley!!!

      You are absolutely right. They are family, but you have to roll out of bed to take them pee. HA! So glad you enjoyed the series so far. I appreciate you so much as well as the support you show me. Working hard on Sid!!!


  5. Sorry to hear about BB. She is at peace now and not hurting anymore. My deepest sympathy.

    Just wanted to let you know that I discovered your books, The Protectors series and I love them. I cannot wait for the next book.

    1. Hey Debra!!!

      Thank you so much! Yeah, knowing she isn’t in pain any longer is what has gotten me through this. It stinks!!! So glad you like the series so far. Working hard on Sid right now. YAY! Thanks again. I appreciate your support so much!!!

  6. I wanted say really sorry about your dog. we lost are pug & my daughter lost her cat it died in her arms, she cried for days. I just want to say how awesome I think you are. I just finished Duncan all I can say is wow!!! Keep them coming, I can’t wait for Sid. But I’m so looking for Slade’s book . I think him & Jill will make a great couple, fingers crossed lol.

    1. Hey Shirley!!

      Thank you so much!!! You know when you lose a pet they take a little piece of your heart with them. So sorry for you and your daughters loss. So glad you have enjoyed the series so far. Sid is next and working on him now. Slade will be getting his own book. YAY! I also think you’re pretty awesome. Thank you so much for your support. I appreciate you so much!!! Talk to you soon!!


  7. I am so sorry to hear about your fur baby. I take in rescues and living in the country get dumplings. All of them are our babies and I am heartbroken each time we lose one. One year we lost 4, 3 to cancer – that was a very hard year. I have six curled up on me or touching me on the couch right now (4 chihuahuas, a poodle mix and a pit bull).

    I can’t wait until you finish your next book and am very excited for you.

    1. Hey Paula!

      Thank you so much. Both Cin and BB were rescued from a kill shelter. I found Cin first and then her sister caught my eye in another cage whining and crying. So yeap, I left with two precious pups that day. LOL! I’m such a sucker! It is so hard when you lose them. I wanted BB to pull through so bad, but I didn’t want her to suffer and at the end she was, so I know it was for the best. It still stinks and I kill every yellow jacket I see. Thanks for your support. I appreciate you so much!


  8. I am so excited about the next book release! I really enjoy your style of writing! Thanks for keeping book junkies like me well supplied!!

    1. Hey Angela!

      So glad you are enjoying the series so far. Working on Sid now and then Slade is next. YAY! Thanks so much for your support. It means so much to me. Talk to you very soon!!


  9. Just want to say how sorry I am to here about your dog. It is hard when a pet dies some people just don’t get it. I am glad you had a good time on vacation it’s a beautiful place. I can’t wait for Sid to come out but now I want the doctor mic hottie like right now ha!ha! I know quitting your job is scary I did it when my second child was born.that was 16 years ago and I just was a stay out home mom, you on the other hand have all that amazing talent just waiting to get out. Good luck and will be on pins and needles until your next master peace. LaVerne from KY

  10. So sorry to hear about the loss of your fur baby. Will be waiting “over the Rainbow Bridge” for you.

    Can’t wait for Sid to come out. I loved the collection so far. You are a wonderful writer and look forward to many more great reads.

  11. Oh man, sorry about your dog, that really sucks! Pets really latch onto the heart strings don’t they. I’ve had to put a few pets down for different reasons and I always bawl like a baby 🙁

    But big congrats on going full time with your writing. That means more stories for us doesn’t it! I totally salivated over Duncan. Can’t wait for Sid! 🙂

    1. Hey Debs!!

      Yes, they do latch on and I cry like a baby too and still won’t be without a dog. Love them!! Yes, that is what it means…more books that I hope you guys enjoy!!! YAY!!! Thanks for the support!!!

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