Hey guys! I have a ton of information here and I’m sorry I’ve been missing in action. A lot going on, that I’m actually going to list them so you know that I have not deserted you or the Warrior’s at all! I apologize for being gone off the website, but man it has been crazy! Crazy good and crazy bad, but with you guys behind me I’m going to make it. I know I have some unanswered messages and I will get to those very soon I promise!! Okay, here it goes…..

1. My mom had some medical issues, which by the grace of God, has worked out so far. She also had surgery on both eyes. She is so happy she can see now with her cataracts gone. It’s awesome and so happy for her.

2. My mother-in-law had to have open heart surgery. She is home and doing much better, but my father-in-law who has dementia has been having a hard time with all of this. As anyone who has a family member or friend who has dementia you know change of any kind can really throw them. Love him to pieces and so blessed my mother-in-law is doing better.

3. Fighting with Kobo. I will add the last email response I received…So not happy about this and apologize to my Kobo friends. I will not give up!!!

Good afternoon, Teresa.

Kobo has been ingesting Sony’s information since January, possibly December, as they’re closing their Reader Store on March 20, and are instituting new policies about which books they will accept, à la Amazon and Apple; as such, our shipments have taken a lower priority.  There’s nothing to be done but wait.

Aaron F.
4. Damon is going to audio and I have been listening to auditions, which is crazy. I can’t believe it. LOL! If all goes well all the Warrior’s will be available on audio. Sweeet!!!

5. A very special project close to my heart is becoming a reality. I wrote a small children’s book years ago. My plans with the proceeds of this book will go towards books to give to children in hospitals such as Shriner’s, etc., plus other things that will help. I was a Shriner child growing up and this is my way of making a child smile and paying it forward to the wonderful doctors and nurses.

If you have kids or grand kids and want to check it out I’ll post the link. Paperbacks will be ready in the next week or two, hopefully!



So in all that being said I have been working on Adam and Slade’s books and trying to focus with everything has been hard, but it’s getting done and I’m happy with the results so far, just hope you guys are also. I don’t have a definite release date for Adam, but will be soon. I will say that it has turned out not to be a Novella in size because well I think you guys will be really happy and it leads perfectly into Slade’s and Jill’s book. I can’t help it I just can’t stop writing about these guys!!! Novella, pfft…what was I thinking. I should have known better. LOL!

I will be back soon guys with a contest for you awesome peeps. Love ya tons and again I apologize for being missing in action, but just remember that as I write I’m always thinking of you all!!!


Teresa Gabelman!!


38 Responses

  1. Love your books Teresa!!! Please make sure to write a book about Jill and Slade… can’t wait! And my prayers are with you and your family! xoxo

  2. Teresa – Family comes first and so glad to hear that they are on the mend. Bless you for donating the proceeds of your Children’s book to the Shriners. They have done so much for so many – as you know! Happy Writing!

    1. Thank you so much Kay!!! It’s the least I can do for them. They did so much for me and so may kids, they are truly a blessing to so many families!! Hugs!!

  3. Glad all is on the mend…..I also have a kobo and couldn’t wait for kobo to pull its finger out , so I went to the smashwords site and got it from them . they sent me and email with the epub attached I saved it and then transferred it to my kobo .It works well….
    Cannot wait for the next book….

    1. Thanks Grace!!! Sid finally made it to Kobo….ERRRR! I was so aggravated, but I’m glad you got it anyway! Thanks for understanding and your support!!! Hugs!!!

  4. Hey darlin! I am so very sorry to hear what has been going on with you, and I Thank God your loved ones are doing much better. I don’t mind the waiting as I understand family must always come first. As another poster stated, we will be here waiting for you and your boys, so please don’t stress okay?

    Hugs and healing thoughts and prayers to your loved ones

  5. Will be looking for the Children’s book. I have 6 grandchildren and they love love love books. My Grandson Logan is Autistic but still enjoy’s looking thru books. I think it is Awesome!! that you have branched out and wrote a childrens book. My daughter-in-law keeps after me to write a book about my oldest Granddaughter Olivia who I have dubbed the Chicken Wrangler because of the stories I tell about her and how she scoops up their chickens and pets them etc. She is a hoot.

    Olivia and her Twin are really into the Vampire Barbie type dolls too. Maybe Furture Fans of yours in the making…haha.


    1. Hey Darlena!! You should write one and you better let me know when you do!!! I will be your number one supporter. 🙂 Oh, I’m always looking for new fans! 🙂 Thanks Darlena. Talk to ya soon! Hugs!!!

  6. So sorry to hear about your Family illness’s. My Father too has Dementia and he likes his routines. If they are broken in anyway he become agitated and sometimes gets very angry. I understand perfectly.

    I am looking forward to Adam and Slade’s story. However, I understand family must come first.

    Hope all works out well for everyone and god bless.


    1. Thanks Darlena! It is such a cruel disease. Things are going okay right now so I’m trying to play catch up and it’s going pretty good. With you guys behind me I can do anything. I appreciate you so much!!! Hugs!!!

  7. So sorry to hear that your family have been poorly, my thoughts are with you it’s such hard work, but keep smiling we are all thinking of you. Can’t wait for Adams and Slades storey and so pleased to hear it’s not going to be a novella!! Take care x

    1. Thanks Pauline!! With you guys behind me I can do this!! Keep in touch cause I love talking to you. I may not answer right away, but I always answer!! Hugs!!!

  8. As much as I love the guys and can’t wait to see what happens, You and your love one’s must always come first, we’ll still be here when you get back. So happy everything worked out. Happy writing.

  9. So glad your family is healing. That is what’s important. Really excited to read more Warrior books. I love them! I have read the series several times. Keep them coming.

    1. Hey Linda!! It has been crazy, but finally calming down some. Thank you so much for your support! Means so much to me! Hugs and tons of love!!!

  10. So pleased to hear that you and yours are coming through this rough patch, never easy to juggle work and family but when there is sickness this is especially so. But selfishly I am please that you are still able to write and I’m so looking forward to the next BOOK! *grin*
    Blessing & prayers of health and well being to you.

    1. Hey Astrid!!! Thanks so much! Yes, I have been able to write, but the focus has been all over the place. Thank you so much for your support and here’s hoping for no more rough patches for a while. Hugs and tons of love!!!

  11. Teresa, I’m so glad your family is getting better. It’s so hard when you feel like you are being stretched to the extreme. You know that we all love you (and the guys) and wish for the best. My prayers have been with you. I’m a nurse and used to work in a nursing home. Alzheimers is such a difficult thing to watch. It’s harder on the loved ones. They want their parent back the way they used to be. What I’ve learned over the years, is that their actions/and/or lack thereof is the disease. It’s not your mom or dad etc Your mom and dad remain in your heart and memories. Anyway glad things are looking up. Can’t wait on the new stories. And you know that Damon and Jared were with you in spirit thru this journey. also is there a way that we could buy the children’s books and have them directly sent to hospitals? We don’t really have much around here and my grandkids are 20,17,15 God Bless and we are always behind you

    1. Hey Nora!! Thank you so much for your words. It is such a cruel disease. I see my father-in-law behind it all and absolutely love that man. He is so funny, but yeah, it is hard…very hard. Let me look into the children’s book with the hospitals. This is new for me and I will be looking more deeply into what I need to do as soon as Adam’s book is out. I appreciate you so much for wanting to help me on that journey because it is so close to my heart!! Hugs and tons of love!!!

  12. Having had a father-in-law with the same condition,I can relate. Both of my parents had cataract surgery, what a blessing that is. Can’t imagine seeing through a cloud. You take all the time you need, get everyone (including yourself, stress is a killer) healthy and happy for Easter. All of us can be patient. How wonderful the warriors are going audio, I can listen at work!!

    1. Oh, my mom is in heaven being able to see. Today is her last day of the eye drops and man, that has been crazy. Two months plus of eye drops every day twice a day. HA! Prayers for you all and your father-in-law. Stress is definitely a killer and I’ve felt it plenty that last few months, but it is getting better. Have a great Easter. Thanks so much for your support!! Hugs and tons of love!!!

  13. I’m glad your mother and in-laws are doing better. Parents should always be cherished and should always be a top priority.
    I can’t wait for the audios! And of course, adam and slade’s books!

    1. Nucking Futs Chel!! HA! Love…love…love your name!!! Thank so much!! Yeah, it’s been so stressful with worry, but blessed they are doing better. Getting my focus back and going strong!! Hugs and tons of love!!!

  14. So looking forward to the Slade book can hardly wait!
    Happy to hear yor Mom is well and Mother in law too.
    Know first hand what it is like as to your Father in law
    as my Mother in law had Alzheimers. Prayers for your family!

    1. Sherry it is such a cruel disease. I hate it with a passion. To just watch my husbands eyes when he is with his dad is heartbreaking as well as his brother and sister. I’m sorry you’ve had to witness the same. I appreciate this so much! Hopefully one day they will be able to help people with Alzheimer’s. And on a side note Slade is a hottie isn’t he?!?! 🙂

  15. Teresa, sorry to hear your familly has had health issues but glad everyone is doing better. You never need to apologies for putting family first, your fans love you and support you 100% no matter what. Take care and know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you Janet, but you guys are my family also even though I haven’t met you! Weird I know, but how I feel. Thank you for your words makes me feel 100% better. That is why whatever obstacle I face I know I’m going to be okay because I have you guys behind me!! Hugs and tons of love!!!

  16. Hope everything calms down soon. Can’t wait for next book. Love your stories. Sounds like you need a good relaxing break.

    1. Sherry it’s crazy, but glad that both my moms are doing better. Actually writing is relaxing to me, just need to focus on some sexy warriors for a bit and I’m all good. HAHA! 🙂 Thank you so much!!! Hugs and tons of love!!!

  17. I am happy to know blessings are covering your family. I know how hard it is to adjust to family illness. Smiling real big right now knowing more Warriors are coming! Thank you and be blessed

    1. Oh Lynn there are definitely more Warrior’s heading your way. I’m really excited on how it is coming along. It has been a blessing to see both my moms doing better and my father-in-law who is really more my dad than anything has good days and bad, but he’s awesome and love him to pieces!! Thanks so much!!! Hugs and tons of love!!!

  18. Glad you are back. So sorry to hear about your family but happy all are on the mend. Family comes first before anything so do not ever apologize for being with them.. Hope you have a great week

    1. Thank you Sonia!! It’s been a scary time, but my faith is stronger than I ever knew! With you guys behind me I can face a lot of stuff. Crazy because I’ve never met any of you face to face, but you are part of my family and for that I’m also blessed. Hugs and tons of love!!!

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