Yep…I’m still here! Been crazy with Adam’s release, vacation, working on Slade (loving that by the way) and unfortunately while on vacation my mom fell breaking her hip. And let me tell you that is not a phone call you want to get when you are 12 hours away. Well we packed up and drove straight through making it before her surgery. She is doing okay. She is in a wonderful rehab facility. She is a tough cookie and has got this!

So on to other news. I am going to be involved with a bundle with some awesome authors. I’m so darn excited. Damon will be featured, but don’t let that stop you from buying this because OMG the other authors are well you will see!

Have you ever looked at a cover to a book and think, “Man, I would have went with a different cover?” Come on we all have. Well now here is a awesome opportunity to pick the cover you want. They are all awesome, but only one can win. Finally your voice can be heard on what I believe is one of the most important parts of the writing process….and that’s HOT DROOL WORTHY COVERS! HA! Thanks guys!!!

Voting will continue all this week until Friday at 5 pm.


So if you wonderful friends will go and vote for one of the three covers, come back here and comment I will put up a $25.00 Amazon GC after the voting on the covers is completed. Sound like a plan?

Now back to Slade! Hope you all have a wonderful week and will see you Friday night to announce the winner. Let’s blow them away with participation in this vote shall we because my friends ROCK!!! Hugs!!!

Paranormal Romance with a Twist!!!


122 Responses

  1. I voted to and I liked #2 cover. This is how I imagine Slade and Jill would look like or any of the others. Those males are very possessive and passionate.

  2. I voted for cover #2. It’s full of passion. Also leaves the reader to imagine the rest of his appearance according to their type instead of defining it for them. Glad to see your mom is doing better. Prayers continue to be there. LOVE all your books, but REALLY looking forward to Slade. Can’t thank you enough. 🙂

  3. I voted! 🙂
    Just wanted to say that I found you from reading the Fur & Fangs bundle. Yours was my favorite of the bunch! I enjoyed it so much that I am now up to date on all the other Protector series stories! 🙂

  4. When will the Slade book be released, I am officially addicted to warriors I could read a new book about them every 3 days! Job well done!!!!!!

  5. Loved #2. It has a subtlety to it instead of blood dripping everywhere. If it is passionate, then he has her against the wall, but he would also at the end lick up the drops tenderly.

    Hope your mom is doing well. Prayers for you guys.

  6. It was a hard choice between #1 and #2. I picked #2 because I thought it looked more mysterious.

  7. I voted, all 3 covers grabbed my attention so they are all winners as far as I am concerned 🙂

  8. I absolutely LOVE cover #2, for Passionate Bites…that one definitely gets my motor running and the blood pumping! Keep up the good work, Teresa, I have all your books and I LOVE them all!

  9. #2 – yell when its available. Love the combos so I can find more authors to read. Hubby says my reading is voracious

  10. I voted. I’ve seen cover number 2 (or VERY similar ones) but I didn’t really like the other 2. The blood was not romantic and cover number one was kind of bizarre. Can’t wait for Slade!!!

  11. Voted for number 2! Glad your moms doin better will continue to pray for her! And so looking forward to Slade <3

  12. I voted for #2 very hit! Thank you for the chance 🙂 ♡ your books btw. Always pimping your books on my page and in my groups. Hope your mom is feeling better and hoping for a speedy recovery! Have fun on your vacation and with Slade 😉

  13. Voted for #2. Will have to check out this bundle, while patiently waiting for Slade and Jill’s book. 😛

  14. Let’s try this again, I think cover #1 is so hot! I love it, looking forward to Slade! What’s the title if your collaboration series? Glad your mom is well and sorry your vacation was cut short….

  15. Hi Teresa! Voted for #2. Waiting for the release of Slade. Love your books! Glad to here your mom is doing better. Will continue with prayer for you all! Best wishes for your continuing success!

  16. I voted for cover #2, it was the most appealing. Sorry to hear about your Mom and I wish her a speedy recovery.

  17. I voted #2.. can’t wait for the release! Such a great list of authors!! Also, love your series so so much!! I read a lot and I love that I can re read ur books and I love them just like the first time..keep them coming!!

  18. Voted #2 as a definite! Cannot wait for Slade! Write faster! Sorry about your Mom. Hope she recovers quickly.

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