New York Times Bestselling Author Colleen Hoover!

This is very exciting for me! I’m getting to interview people who have had a great influence in my life. Colleen Hoover is the first person I actually started talking to before this crazy journey into the writing world started for me. We met at a Speedway getting a 44oz Diet Pepsi….LOL…no we didn’t, but that would have been so cool.

I first met Colleen on the Amazon KDP forum which can be a scary place…long story. Anyway, even with her great success with Slammed, Point of Retreat and her newest release Hopeless, bestselling author Colleen has stayed the same Colleen I met a little over a year ago. She is an author who cares for her fans and shows it every day. She is also one of the funniest people I know. When I told her what I wanted to do and asked for the small interview she agreed with no hesitation and she is one busy chick. So now I get the privilege to ask her anything I want.

I know how awesome her books are and so do a million others so I wanted to ask some different questions to really get to know her better.  So I will shut up with my fan girl moment and ask my questions. The last question is actually from a fan, Jodi Murphy.

So here we go. First of all, thank you Colleen for coming by and answering my nosey questions.


Other than reading or writing what do you like to do with your free time? Considering I would be reading or writing in my free time if it weren’t my job now, I’m not sure.  It’s almost all I do anymore.  I do have three boys, so when I’m not working I’m usually at one of their sporting events or doing something with them.


If you could meet one person who would you choose? Of course I want to say an Avett brother, but I’m not really sure I actually want to meet them in person.  I like the image I have of them in my head.  I would like to meet that crazy amazing Teresa Gabelman.  I hear she’s pretty awesome.  (ahhhh… 🙂  It will happen! Come to Bethel Colleen Hoover…..Beetheeel….we even have a library here….Beetheeel. Look into me eyeballs. One day I will get that hypnotizing thing down. HA!)


Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I hope to heck that I can sustain this career long enough to be doing exactly what I’ve done the last 12 months…pretend to be working when I’m really just writing.


One thing you would like your fans to know about you? I’ve reached a milestone with my pig, Hazel.  She actually let me pet her yesterday.  It was fleeting, but it was a step in the right direction.


Jodi Murphy, who is a fan, would like to know out of Slammed, Point of Retreat and Hopeless who is your favorite character? That’s a tough one.  It’s like asking which child is your favorite, and to be honest, it depends on the day and the situation.  Sometimes I’m in the mood for Holder…sometimes I want to read Will’s poetry and sometimes it’s Lake or Sky or one of the kids.  I miss certain scenes and dialogue at different times, so I’ll find myself missing different things about each of the books.

I know how busy Colleen is and would like to thank her again for stopping by and answering a few questions. I’m posting her links at the bottom. If you haven’t read her books yet you are definitely missing out!








99 Responses

  1. Love the interview! It’s so fun! Congratulations Colleen for reaching the milestone of being able to pet Hazel! Haha!
    I’m really a big fan! <3 I loved Slammed and Point of Retreat and I can't wait to read Hopeless. Actually, Slammed just recently been available in the bookstore here in the Philippines. I've been giddy and I asked my cousin to buy a copy! I've been wanting to have a copy of it other than the ebook. Hopefully Hopeless will be out in paperback copy soon!
    Thanks for this interview! God bless you!

  2. I have to say that my heart felt thanks go out to authors Colleen Hoover and of course Jamie McGuire ( who is the one that led me to Colleen’s books. For way too many YEARS, I have not allowed myself time to read or truly enjoy a good book until I stumbled across these two very talented and amazing women. I have been able to find a comfort and a sense of something just for me in connecting with these authors through their work. This means so much to me after living my life for my family, children, and career as so many of us find ourselves doing on a day to day basis without making time for ourselves. Now, I’m taking advantage of any free time I have to read more and more and am LOVING every second of it!!!

  3. Great interview! I pray that in ten years we’ll all have plenty more books from Colleen. She is my favorite author.

  4. I have never had the pleasure of reading Colleen’s work! This opportunity would be a fantastic way to start 🙂 How exciting interviewing lovely authors.

  5. My question for Colleen we be, where did you derive Hazel’s name? When I read TFiOS I thought, hey, another Hazel.

  6. The thing I love about blogs is that you learn so much about people, the things they are doing & the books they are reading. I stumbled upon Hopeless a couple of weeks ago & I was instantly blown away. The depth of the characters, the emotions & the drama kept me glued to the pages until late at night. I have not had the pleasure of reading her other books but I do have them waiting. Thanks to all authors to help us escape the real world into the emotionally rich pages of a book.
    I think, for a reader, there is no greater gift than a signed limited edition copy of their book.
    Thanks Teresa and Colleen

  7. Great interview. I loved Hopeless and read her other two books as well. I can’t wait for more to come! Keep writing Colleen!!

  8. Great interview Teresa!! I’m so happy I stumbled upon Colleen Hoover’s fantastic writing! So enjoy her writing! Congrats Colleen on your pig petting victory!… 😀

  9. I absolutely am in love with Colleen Hoover’s books. I need to meet her. She is hilarious. I missed my chance when she came to do a book signing by my hometown. 🙁 I had 2 sick babies at home. I have to read all the interviews bc I love to learn how someone so talented is also so down to earth and normal. I wish I had the honor of doing this interview. Good interview . I enjoyed reading it and I can not wait for more from my favorite author CH. I am also looking forward to reading The Portectors Series now. Thanks and best wished to you both!!!

  10. The response for Colleen’s interview has been overwhelming. I started to reply to each of you and WOW…. So I am just going to stay a big THANK YOU in one post. We now know how much we all love Colleen Hoover and Hazel the pig has become famous! 😉
    You guys are the best and thanks so much for your comments and support for not only a amazing author, but an amazing person….Colleen!

  11. I came across Hopeless on my kindle on a lay over in Dallas, which lead me to fall in love with her writing. Nexted I had to read more by her slammed and POR! AMAZING Author!!!

  12. Love the interview. I always love reading interviews with Colleen. She’s so funny and down to earth, seems easy to talk to like your sitting around BSing with your BFF. Wish you both continued success !

  13. I seriously can’t quit talking about how much I love “Hopeless.” Ask any of my friends. Ha! But since reading the book, I’ve “liked” Colleen on Facebook, and I’m so glad I did because I really enjoy reading interviews like this! I can’t wait to read more by Colleen and now I’m anxious to check out your books as well, Teresa!
    Oh, and I’d have to say Holder was my favorite. That mysterious kid stole my heart right away 🙂

  14. Yay! Hazel is making baby steps to liking Colleen! Maybe it was the giveaway post that changed her mind. Haha! Great interview! Thanks!!

  15. I love that Colleen has a pig named Hazel….. Just perfect! I have read every book and they are all really amazing!

  16. I always love to read interviews on some of my fav authors..Because of her books I became a fan of indie authors.Now my fb page has only indie bookclubs…im more intetested in what coming out next and what are the doing….then knowing what my family is doing…lol…but its part of the addiction (as my hubby says I have one)..Keepfeeling us up with you all wonderful storys Colleen And Teresa…

  17. I adore Colleen Hoover and her fantastic writing; and your interview questions were very fun! Hazel sounds like a handful and has definitely changed my perspective on owning a pig 😉 I can’t wait for more greatness from Colleen and will be checking out your books as well, Damon and Jared sound pretty awesome! 🙂

  18. Loved the interview! I wouldn’t be able to choose between Holder or Will or Lake and Sky either. They were all so amazing! But I absolutely LOVED Hopeless and this interview made me love Colleen Hoover’s books a lot more 😀

    Thank you so much for the interview! It was very fun to read.

  19. Hello this was an awesome interview. I love Colleen’s book they are so good. Even my 13 year old loves them because they are down to earth and about everyday life with the awesome love story mixed in. I am so glad you go to interview her. I wish both of you lots of luck and success. 🙂

  20. That was awesome to read 🙂 thank you for sharing that. I just love Colleen Hoover, I’ve enjoyed every book of hers 😀 I just read Hopeless recently and I couldn’t put it down, not even to sleep!!! Colleen is hilarious, I read Colleen’s post when she was being interviewed by ABC ,I think, where she had to pretend to be writing something on the computer while they were filming and I lmao when I read what she was actually writing 🙂 It would be pretty awesome to meet her!! Well the best of luck to the both of you 🙂

  21. Great Interview really brings Colleen down to the same level as all of us. I love that she is active in her boys life even with all the awesome writing that she does. She really deserves all this recognition that she’s getting.

  22. I have to say that I looooved Hopeless and every time I see that book title I immediately think of Holder and seriously swoon. What a beautiful story! I am a stay at home mom and books are my break away from the every day. Thank you for a great interview. Also, I didn’t know Colleen has a pig. What kind? And congrats on that breakthrough! 🙂

  23. I have just discovered Colleen’s books and I am in Love love with her characters and writing. I cannot stop talking about them and hoping to highlight them in our local library. We need more YA authors who write about reality. The twist in which each character has an obstacle(s) to overcome written in such a way that the reader is sucked in not being about to stop reading until the last page. Beautifully done.

    As a new reader I so enjoyed this interview. It’s so cool to hear about our favorite authors being real people who love their jobs and much as we love their books!! Thank you both!!

  24. Great interview! Colleen seems so down to earth, I love that she is getting the praise she deserves – Slammed, POR, and Hopeless are definitely in my favorite reads ever. She is such a lovely person, I am anxiously awaiting her next book. Thanks for sharing Teresa! 🙂

  25. I love that colleen is so authentic and I hope she never gets jaded. With a daughter approaching her teen years, lately I’ve been drawn to the kid’s dialogue in point of retreat, not because of topic so much, but I truly hope my children won’t back down from what they believe but building that strength of character starts now.

  26. Thanks for posting! Colleen is an amazing author & I just love getting lost in her books. And I’ve wanted a pet pig since I was 6 so now I love her even more.

  27. Fantastic interview! I loved all of Colleen’s books and got turned on to the Avett Brothers because of Colleen.

  28. I love your interview with Colleen Hoover! Having two very amazing authors together for an interview is a treat. 😉 Slammed, Point of Retreat and Hopeless are my top best reads of 2012. I love Colleen after Slammed/POR and I agree with you, Colleen is one of those most selfless and down to earth people I know of. I am so glad to see her success follow out. It should always happen the best and nicest people for sure!
    Thanks for posting this 😀

  29. Wonderful interview! I just recently finished all three of Colleen’s books and they were amazing! Hopeless was the best book I’ve read in a long time! I can’t wait for the next book. Keep up the fantastic job!

  30. Great Interview! Not only is Colleen an amazing writer but it sounds like she’s an amazing person with a great personality. Thanks for sharing with us.

  31. What a great interview Colleen Hoover is a wonderful author Hopeless is my favorite book. Keep up the writting I can’t wait to read new books from her soon.

  32. Ive met Colleen and your interview is so just like her. She is down to earth and I think hysterically funny. I wish her much continued success and look forward to her next books. One question I never see asked of her is “Would you ever be interested in writing an adult version book?” Hmm Colleen any interest???? Any way thanks for posting your interview I enjoyed reading it.

  33. Colleen Hoover has landed a permanent spot in the part of my heart reserved for my favorite authors. I zoomed through Slammed and Point of Retreat in two days. There are parts of those books that I will never forget. I had my calendar marked for the release of Hopeless and read it in a day!

    Teresa, kudos on an excellent interview! I smiled the entire time I read it. I am green with envy that you were able to interview Colleen!

  34. Funny interview! I loved all of her books and she sounds like such a cool lady. Who wouldn’t want a pet pig? I know I want one.

  35. What a fun interview! Thanks to Colleen for taking time to answer, and thanks to you Teresa for interviewing and taking time to post it 🙂

  36. What a great interview! This book was unbelievable. I loved it and would love to see a sequel in the future!

  37. This is a great interview. I love reading about the actual author and not just their work. I absolutely LOVE every book of Colleen’s I have read and wish her all the success in the world for more books to come.

  38. Cute interview! Just wanna say thanks, ive been so lost in a world of love, lust and romance lately and loving it! Cant wait for Hopeless to come back in paperback! Thanks again 🙂

  39. I love Colleen Hoover!! I have read all 3 books and I am still wanting more from her. Oh and I’m glad she got to pet Hazel the pig!!!

  40. Thank you Teresa for a great interview! Colleen Hoover has quickly become one of my favorite authors this past year. She builds characters and develops then like no one else. She has also introduced me to the amazing music of the Avett Brothers. I’m forever thankful. As a fan girl of hers myself I’m completely nervous to meet her in person at the Boston Author event in March. Eeeek! And now you tell me she has a pet pig named Hazel?! Could this woman be any cooler!?

  41. I love it when authors let us get to know them. It makes reading their books all the more special. A bit of insight goes a long way. Absolutely loved Hopeless and looking forward to reading Slammed next.

  42. I read Hopeless about two months ago, and SWOON… I was irrevocably hooked on Colleen Hoover. I followed with Slammed and Point of Retreat in a veritable reading frenzy and fell in love with her amazing characters. So glad to hear she’s just as wonderful in real life as her writing would lead us to believe! 🙂

  43. She is very funny!! A pig as a pet! That sounds awesome 🙂
    I love this “pretend to be working when I’m really just writing”. Thanks for “working” Colleen

  44. I love that Colleen has a pig named Hazel! That’s actually what I want to name my future daughter 🙂

    I’ve read Slammed, Point of Retreat, and Hopeless and one of my favorite things about them is how she comes up with these fun games for that characters to play when they’re eating (i.e. Suck/Sweet and Dinner Quest). I’ve actually had my husband and I do Suck/Sweet a few times at dinner. He’s not such a big fan (loser), but I love it!

  45. Great little interview 🙂 I love all of Colleen’s books so far, she is an amazing author who paints such a vibrant picture in my head I can’t help but feel like I know Will, Lake, Holder, Sky and everyone else!

  46. Great interview, can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us in the future Colleen. Theresa your page is beautiful, looking forward to following you!

  47. Great interview!
    I don’t really read interviews much but if it’s Colleen Hoover’s I read it from top to bottom because she’s so awesome. Haha 😀
    I always read her FB statuses because she’s really funny. 🙂 I love all of her books so much I always recommend it to fellow book lovers 😀 Congratulations to both of you! 🙂

  48. Thank-you for sharing this interview with Colleen Hoover. I love, love, love all of her books and the fact that she seems so down to earth makes me love them even more!!

  49. Colleen Hoover is one of my all time favorite authors! Her books are amazing as well as her dedication to her fans! Thank you for doing these interviews so all of us can pretend that we know you just a little bit more:) Can’t wait to read the next Colleen Hoover anything!

  50. Great interview! After reading Slammed, Point of Retreat, and hopeless I recommend them as one book. I tell everyone they have to read all 3 🙂 Such great writing!

  51. I have quickly become a huge Colleen fan! just read Slammed and Hopeless and fell in love with them both. Now i just got to order POV so i can read it! im officially jealous of Colleen; i have always wanted a pet pug! ahhh lol
    Great interview!

  52. Great interview! My favorite part has definitely got to be the petting the pig part! 🙂 You’re so adorable Colleen:) Thanks for such wonderful books!

  53. Awesome! Hahaha! This is one funny and great interview. 😀 Thanks for this interview, Teresa. You two made a really cool interview. I love Colleen and her books and has been a “stalker” of her ever since. haha! Kidding! Well, even ten years from now I know I’ll still be a fan of hers. I’m kind of wondering though why Colleen chose a pig for a pet. I do think Hazel is pretty cute. Just curious. Anyway, superb interview and best luck to the both of you and your books! 😉

  54. Colleen has become one of my favorite authors I loved she is a must have now for me cant wait to see wgat she wtites next

  55. Love the interview. I always love reading interviews with Colleen. She’s so funny and down to earth, seams easy to talk to like your sitting around BSing with your BFF. Wish you both continues success !

  56. Great interview.Colleen is an amazing writer.And Hopeless was ,for me,one of the best books I’ve read last year.I even told some publishers from here that we need Hopless to be published ,here,asap.Thnx for this interview.I really enjoyed reading it.

  57. What a cute interview!! I love Slammed and Point of Retreat, I can’t wait to read Hopeless!! I feel like I really know the characters she writes about, it’s like a mini vacation for the mind. Good luck to both of you 🙂

  58. I’ve read so many great reviews about her books and now I’m really curious about them. I can’t wait to read Hopeless.

  59. Great interview! I love Colleen hoover!! Her books are fantastic. My book BF is Will Cooper 🙂 I just finished reading Hopeless and I rang my mum up and gave her access to my bookworld account and told her she MUST read it! Thanks for posting this. It is great to see authors supporting other authors 🙂

  60. Loved the interview! Hopeless is amazing! I’ve read it and couldn’t put it down! And Hazel is soooo cute! *.*

  61. I just want to say thank you…the topic you write about is something so close to my heart…the way you told skys story was beautiful…so again i say thank you:)

  62. Great interview! Colleen is amazing. She goes above and beyond to show appreciation for her fans. I have the utmost respect for her. Here is to her continued success 🙂

  63. I’ve loved all of Colleen Hoover’s books and can’t wait to see more from her. I even love her posts on her author page – she’s hilarious and the kind of person you wish you could be friends with in real life (I think I’ve mentioned this on one or 2 of her posts – hopefully it doesn’t creep her out – lol) She just seems like such a genuine person that loves what she does and cares about the people that love her work. Thank you for interviewing her and thank you Colleen Hoover for being interviewed! 🙂

  64. What a great interview!!! I love Colleen’s books. She is one of my favorite authors and I can’t wait to see what else she has in store for us! I really enjoy finding out about who she is through these interviews and her own blog. She has given me laughs and has also brought me to tears. For that, I must say, thank you, Colleen! You’re butterflying AMAZING!! How exciting her success must be!! Oh and forgive me, because I’m totally going to have a fan girl moment! We share the same last name, maybe we’re long lost cousins! 😉 lol Anyways, once again, what a really nice interview! I would love to be able to have the same honor someday!

  65. Great interview! I love what Colleen said about picking a favorite character is like picking a favorite child and it depends on the day. Well, I love all her characters. I wish you both much continued success 🙂

  66. Awesome interview!! Colleen Hoover is an amazing author and I can’t believe she has a pet pig! When I am no longer a broke college student I hope to get a pig as well. I think I’m gonna name him Reginald!

  67. I’m imagining picking a favorite character of yours from a reader standpoint and I can’t do it! It really does depend on the day and the mood 🙂 this was a wonderful interview, thanks for sharing.

  68. Oh wow! Great interview starring 2 amazing authors! Love Colleen Hoover something fierce and Slammed/POR/Hopeless are in my top 5 fav books of the year!! Thanks for posting this! I had fun reading it 🙂 All the best to both of you!

    p.s. Hazel is really adorable! I wish I could have a pet pig too!

    1. great interview… I just read Hopeless a few weeks ago and can’t wait to read all the other books written by Colleen. =)

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