Hey awesome friends! Well I’m just going to spit it out. Duncan has been delayed. I’m so sorry!! I’m not going to put a date, but it will only be a few days. The edits were a little more intense and my awesome editor, Becky at Hot Tree Editing, called me on them. She is the best and demands the best from me and thank God she did because when I saw the edits I knew I had slacked and that is not acceptable.

You all will learn that I am totally honest even when it puts me in a not Ms. Perfect Author light. I am so not perfect and don’t really want to be…how boring.

So please stick with me. I will make it up to you guys with a awesome contest when Duncan is released.

So please comment below your thoughts, your rants, whatever is on your mind and have a chance to win a $10.00 Gift Card as my way of saying sorry. You can even go to my fan page and comment under the same post for a chance to win another $10.00 Gift Card. Win here and there. Could be your lucky day. Yeah, I’m trying to make it up to you guys!! Love you all more than you will ever know!!! I promise it is very close!! Bummed…but excited and nervous and freaking out and etc and etc and etc!!!






66 Responses

  1. Have just finished all 3 !!! I love this series, it is Awesome
    I got started in “vampire” with Christine Feehan and the Carpathains then Lynsay Sands and the Argeneau’s and now I have yours.
    I loved Damon and Jared got better and Duncan is awesome and I so hope the next will be Sid’s story. He has got my attention for sure, so funny with his smart-ass remarks and whatever attitude, but underneath is a very strong vampire that will make someone a perfect mate, if she can get through all the bull-s.
    But some way you have to find a place for 3 (triplets) very Tall very Large very Hot Texans to enter..LOL LOL hope they spark a idea…..again, these are awesome and just like the other two authors, your books are ones I keep so I can go back later and read them again….they are the time I give myself to relax and unwind after a busy day with husband,kids,grandkids and my rescued furbabies… thanks again for putting some excitement of “vampires” in a whole new story line …love it !!!!

    1. Hey Dee!!! Thank you so much and to even mentioned with other authors like that means so much! Sid is in for a ride, that I will tell you. HA! And for the ‘large hot texans, oh yeah you certainly sparked something. Love my cowboys and will have to do some serious thinking on that!!! Thank again for your support. It means so much! Keep in touch. I absolutely love talking with you guys!!! 🙂

  2. I have just finished reading Jared and I can’t WAIT for Duncan!!! The first two books are Awesome. Any chance we could get an “about” when Duncan will be ready?

  3. Hi teresa,

    I’m super excited about “Duncan” but I can also be patient. I started reading vampire romance books about 5 years ago and a lot of them start to read the same. Your Protectors series is great!!!

    Love my hubby and family but sometimes it’s nice to escape and pretend…..

    1. Hey Rayleen!! Believe me I know what you mean about escape and I’m so glad you can escape with one of the Protectors. HA! Thanks so much!



  4. well as an avid reader I would rather wait a couple of days for a book the auther is really happy with then get a book with errors or that the author thought sucked so its worth the wait to get a good book instead of something that had to make a pre scheduled release date. keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Kim!!

      Thanks for the understanding. I appreciate it so much! Hope you like Duncan and Pam’s story. It won’t be long!! Thank you!!!

  5. Hoped it would come out yesterday since it was my birthday but I hate typos so thanks for making it the best it can be. Just found your books this last month and really enjoyed them. You are a great writer

    1. Hey Zina….love your name by the way. May use it in a upcoming book if you don’t mind. HA! I’m sorry about the date. Happy Birthday!!!! My son’s birthday was on the 18th which is what I was shooting for, but didn’t quite make it. It won’t be long at all. Thanks so much for your understanding!!!


  6. I always try to find the silver lining in every cloud… At least it gives me a chance to reread Damon and Jared. Can’t wait to hear Pam and Duncan’s story.

    Peace and Love

    1. Thank you Amanda and so glad to hear you will reread Damon and Jared. That means a lot to me. It won’t be long!!! Promise!!!


  7. Whew! I thought I was really sucking at finding it!
    Can’t wait so I guess I’ll just have to go back and refresh my memories with Damon and Jared;-p

    1. LOL! No you don’t suck at finding it. That made me smile! It won’t be long at all. I apologize and thanks for understanding and making me laugh!!! Hugs!!!

  8. Thanks for letting us know! Can’t wait to read Duncan when it’s released! Best of luck with the new release- I’m sure it’ll be a hit!! 🙂

  9. Teresa,
    It’s all good!!! You are so sweet to worry about your fans’ reaction to delays. We understand. I would rather you take your time with the edits than to rush it! I can’t wait to read about Duncan and Pam. I’m thinking that Pam has been turned into a hybrid. I’m right, aren’t I?!!! Come on, you can tell me!! I say this because of the last scene in Jared where someone was watching Damon and Nicole get married. Oh, I can’t wait!! Too, Too, excited!!!!!

    1. Thank Michelle!! I really do worry about you guys. You’re my book lover family. And I’m sorry but my lips are sealed…. 😉 HA!


  10. Hey, Teresa. It’s ok that Duncan’s a bit late. We want him to be as awesome as you are. All is forgiven. Please don’t stress about this. We all still love you and your Protectors 🙂

    1. I do stress cause I so don’t want to let you guys down, but you guys are awesome and I’m not as stressed, but can’t wait for him to come out! Thank you so much for your support!!!! It will be very soon!!! Hugs

  11. No your not perfect, but your close to it. We Warriorettes love you and we can wait on Duncan because we know it will be awesome. My butt has become used to the needles I hardly feel them any more. Besides we know the time is near. Much love at you Boss Lady.

  12. I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was go to my kindle app and went looking for Duncan. I searched and searched and now I am totally bummed out that it has been delayed. I definitely understand that it needs to be perfect, so what’s a couple more days right? Thanks for always keeping us informed, your awesome!

    1. I’m so sorry Jasmine and I appreciate you so much for looking first thing, but darn it I’m sorry. It won’t be long and when it comes out which is very soon I will post here in big bold letters along with a awesome sharing contest you guys won’t want to miss! I will make it up to you all. Hugs Jasmine and thank you again!!!

  13. Oh drat but only cos I so want to be reading bout our Duncan so I am surely just going to sit back down and wait for you to make him perfect and I am gunna enjoy reading the book even more when you do say Duncan’s ready!!!!

    1. Belinda thank you so much. I do apologize, but I promise it won’t be long now. The very last edits are being done and my awesome editor Becky is on it. She’s the best! Thank you for understanding and being awesome!!!

  14. Am looking forward to Duncan whenever you get it out. No complaints as it means the story is told right and words are spelled correct.If Duncan comes out next week then i will have something to read while i am on the beach staying out of the sun and water with a cold drink in my hand. 🙂 Thank you for keeping everyone updated.

    1. If I promise to have it out can I go to the beach with you…HA! Just kidding…not really! Seriously thank you for that and yes, I hope you will have Duncan along with you in the sun, sand and water!


  15. I don’t think anyone will be angry at the delay. We’re all fans, we understand that you want the book to be the best it can be and we want the same. Few days will just build up the hype and excitment and we’ll probably enjoy it more! Can’t wait to read it Teresa! 🙂

  16. :`-( Awwww I was soooo looking forward to reading Duncan today. Ok well I will patiently,I guess I will bring that into my vocabulary,wait to hear from you. But since I hooked alot of my co-workers on your series and I know whats they get the news they are gonna hunt me down and throttle me. How about you go in to work for me and take the heat for me? Pleaseeeeeeee, ;-D.


    1. Beth you tell me where and I will be there especially if your near an ocean….HA! Seriously tell them I am so sorry and that it won’t be long. Also I am going to be doing a awesome giveaway here when it is released to hopefully make up for it a little so let them know that also. 🙂

      1. Teresa,
        I am 3 hours away from the nearest ocean and it is beautiful. But I let them know it will be soon. Thank you so much for your stories. And a Happy Birthday to your son.

  17. A little time taken to do a job right is always worth the wait.
    Beside I want you to keep writing & then writing some more haha. Oh! did I mention I want you to keep writing!
    Looking forward to read Duncan when he’s ready to come out and play.

    1. Thank you Astrid. I don’t think I could stop now if I wanted to. I absolutely love doing this especially if it means I get to meet and talk to people like you guys. You all are the best!

  18. It will be here when it is ready. The anticipation we all have will be well worth the wait. You are an excellent author and well loved by your fans. Just think, we’ll be bugging you next for Sid. WE LOVE YOU TERESA

    1. Thank you Jacquie!!! I am so excited about writing Sid. Only a small break, if I can stand it, then writing his story that has been in my head since Jared’s book. HA! He is in soooo much trouble. 😉 Thanks for everything you do for me behind the scenes Jacquie!!

  19. I totally understand you want it to be as good as Damon and Jared but…GIRL!!! Give me the chance to pre-purchase so as soon as you have it ready it will it will be on my devices. I’ve done my share of editing and get that there are issues that cause restructuring but I’m PINING for Pam’s HEA! Please.please, very soon?!

    1. Hey Ruth it will be very soon. Unfortunately I don’t think they allow indie authors the choice to set up for preorder. 🙁 I tried, but if anyone reads this and knows something I don’t then let me know and you better believe I’m doing it! Thanks Ruth!!!!


    1. Thank you Donna! I swear I really wanted it out tomorrow because it’s my sons birthday, but it’s totally my fault and I do have a awesome editor who cares what is put out there and I absolutely agree with her 100%. I appreciate so much everyone’s understanding. Thanks again Donna!!! 🙂

  20. It’s ok Teresa! As anxious as we are to read Duncan, I’m sure that at least most of us agree that quality can’t be rushed! I know I personally would rather have it well written than slapped together! I will still be here waiting when Duncan gets released! 🙂

  21. Well I love you and totally understand but hey I work fr you so I have to understand you right? LOL <3 <3 <3

  22. Teresa – You are such a caring and wonderful lady – always worried about us – you just take care of yourself and do what you need to do no matter how long it takes – we as your fans are behind you 150% – love you girl forever <3

  23. I understand your concerns with the book not being perfect..perfection takes time . I will wait till you feel your baby is ready to be delivered.xxx Thank you for giving us Jared & Damon to keep us company while we wait *wink*

  24. Better a late release of a great addition to the series than on time and not your best:) thank you for letting us know!

  25. I really am looking forward to reading Duncan but can wait till you’re satisfied with it. 🙂

    1. Thanks Sue! I really listen to Becky, my editor. She is the best and she knows books so yeah, it needed more work and now it’s very close!!! 🙂

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