Paranormal Christmas Giveaway!

Helloooo everyone! Hope you all got your shopping done! I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for their support and friendship! It has been a fantastic ride for me and yes..finally… Jared is due out the first of the year. YAY!

Again thank you so much for your support, reviews and spreading the word on Damon’s book. It has meant the world to me.

As a thank you to everyone I will have a drawing for a $25.oo Amazon gift card. All you have to do is comment one thing you want for Christmas this year. Easy enough! Also if you comment that you haven’t read Damon yet you may get a free PDF copy. 🙂   The winner will be picked and announced Christmas morning!

I hope you and your families have a wonderful and safe Christmas as well as a better New Year!


Hugs & tons of love!



Damon (The Protectors Series) Available now.

Jared (The Protectors Series) Coming January.

Paranormal Romance with a twist!


24 Responses

  1. I do the same exact thing Mariann! I just don’t have the time to read anymore and it drives me insane. I haven’t stopped getting books though because one day I will lock myself away and have a reading marathon that will shock the world…well maybe not the world, but my family cause nothing and I mean nothing will get done. HA! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. I am hoping for 2 gifts under my tree this year: Pandora charms for my bracelet and Amazon GC for books!! The GC is so when I am looking over all the blogs top picks for 2012~I can get the ones that I missed!! Thanks so much for the chance to win. I am so glad that I was introduced to your work~ loved Damon and CANNOT WAIT for Jared. Hope you and your family have a great and safe holiday!! 🙂

  3. Hi Teresa!!!

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas together. All the best and lots of good writing for 2013. As you know we have read Damon and can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

    Wish you much continued health, success and happiness for years to come.

    One thing I asked for Christmas this year was some bubble bath. Because I need to make time for myself a little more in 2013. And I miss just sinking into some warm bubbles with a book in my hand.



    1. Lily I really hope you get that bubble bath! I know how busy you all have been! Merry Christmas and may you get a minute to take a breath! Will be talking to you guys very soon! 🙂

  4. I am not going to ask anything for Christmas…I have all I need and want and that is my family and their happiness…to ask for more would be really selfish of me… especially when many people are missing a loved one from them getting or already having their prayers go out to these families who are going to have a rough Christmas…Merry Christmas to ya’all! O and I have not read Damon!! 🙂

    1. I know what you mean Jamie! It has been a sad year with everything going on! Let’s hope that 2013 will bring an end to all the craziness in the world. One can hope! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Check your email!!! 🙂

  5. All I want is to learn to forgive. I had a huge fight with my dad last week, and I’m still in the process of accepting everything. I don’t want to be resentful with him anymore.
    I really hope you have a great holidays with your family and friends!

    1. Lissette I know that can be hard especially with the holidays. I wish the best of you!!! Merry Christmas and I pray things will work out with you and your dad!

  6. That my 5 kids get through the day without arguing.Also a late present
    to myself will be Jared and a few hours to read it in peace.

    1. I hope you get a argue free day Barb, but with five rascals that may be pushing it. HA! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Jared will be available the first week of January! 🙂

    1. Oh Amy I really hope you get a laptop, fingers crossed for ya! I love my little laptop and would be lost without it. Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🙂

    1. Comment
      I know what you mean Lisa! Just wish I had enough time to read all the books I want to read. My wish list and to read list are growing huge! Check your email!! 🙂

  7. One more day with my Mom so I can tell her again how much I love her and ask her all the questions I think of now and forgot to then.

    1. What a wonderful gift that would be. You guys be careful on your trip. Weather outside is going to get frightful! Talk to you when you get back! Have a wonderful time!

  8. I want Amazon gift cards so that I can buy tons of e-books! (:
    Oh, and I have yet to read Damon, but I’d really like to!

    Happy Holidays! (:

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