Paranormal Giveaway! Win A $50.00 Visa Card!!!

Hey my friends!!!

I haven’t posted in forever! I am so humbled by the comments I have been getting about the series so far. My dream of having fellow readers read and like what I write is so awesome. I am hard at work on Duncan’s story and I’m crushing on him big time. LOL!

I am going to run another contest to spread the word of the series because the last two times went over very well. It’s hard being a new author and getting the word out, but you guys have been wonderful with helping me do that. Thank you so much!!

If you could please share the link of Damon (Book 1) and Jared (Book 2) I would so appreciate it. Sunday the 31st of March I will use to pick the winner.

Once you share the links if you could please come back here and comment where you shared that would be great and then you will be entered into the contest so don’t forget to do that.  🙂

Okay friends once again thank you very much and hope to hear back from all of you! You guys ROCK and love ya tons!!!





Damon (The Protectors Series)

Jared (The Protectors Series)

Duncan (The Protectors Series)

Paranormal Romance With A Twist!!!


48 Responses

  1. I shared on both of my pages again today, your facebook page was shared as well on both my pages, and tweeted as well.

  2. Okay, I shared a lot! I tweeted, I shared on Facebook, and I shared on Google +. Glad I could help spread the word! sbereza22(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. I shared your links on my Facebook page !!! I love your books and am dying for Duncan’s story!! To check my Facebook it’s

  4. If someone (anyone?? please?) will write a tweet and post it here, I’ll copy and paste it there, too. I have a Twitter account, but have not real idea how to use it! LOL.

  5. I posted both on Facebook! I hope it gets you lots of new fans!!!!! You deserve it!!

    (P.S. Pleeeeease get us Duncan soon. Pretty please. Love you. Thanks.)

    Teehee. <3

  6. Hello my dear. I have tweeted about the giveaway, shared the links to both books and the giveaway on my personal page and on Stalkers of Fabulous Authors page as well. You are so kind to offer these giveaways to your fans. Thank you for doing this.

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