I write, therefore, I am a writer!


I write, therefore, I am a writer. Such a powerful statement. I submit, therefore, I am an aspiring author. Such a scary, yet exciting, statement.

I finally found a writer’s group, an hour away, but still a writer’s group. I am so excited and have learned so much already. One thing I learned from a speaker at one of our monthly meetings proclaimed that unpublished writers should have a website. This raised my eyebrows quite a bit. I mean isn’t that what you call putting the cart before the horse, counting your chickens before they hatch or just plain putting the big jinx on yourself? The more I listened, the more it made sense and then I did what anyone who wants to know anything does, yes I Googled. I was surprised by the amount of information I found on the subject and well, as you can see, I listened cause….TAA DAA…here I am thanks to my wonderful and yes, awesome husband, I now have a website. I am also trying to learn how to tweet on my Twitter. 😉  I also have a Facebook account which I admit I am totally addicted to.

18 years ago I wrote my first book. 17 years ago I had my son. Well, lets just say my journey into the writing world took a drastic turn toward diapers, bottles, toddlerville, kindergarten, middle school, high school, high school sports, etc. etc. and everything in between being a working mother and wife entails. Writing never left my mind. Characters, stories and half finished books have consumed my busy life for the past 17 years. Now that my son is graduating this year it is time that I turn toward my long lost,but never forgotten goal of being a published author with more seriousness than I have ever had.

At this point I am in the waiting stage. It has been 6 weeks since I submitted my book to a publisher. I have 6 more weeks to go to either get a yes or no. Everyday I check my email and if I have that little envelope showing I have mail I freak out and don’t want to open it. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with my email right now. Either way, whether the publisher would like to represent my work, which would be wonderful, or if they decline I will not give up. I have waited a long 17 years to go for my dream and ultimate goal of being a published author.

So this is my journey and I hope you follow along with me because waiting for that big yes or no is a lonely time for an aspiring author.  Stay tuned if you like the paranormal world with sexy hot vampires, the women who make them crazy and well, just the sexy hot vampires should be enough.

See ya soon!!!

Teresa 🙂



2 Responses

  1. Hi Teresa:

    I just wanted to ask, will you be getting the rest of your books on audible? I love that I can hear them at work while working, it takes away so much pressure and usually smiling all the time while at work! 🙂

    1. Hey Shelly! I just made a post on the release of the next audios! Thanks so much for being patient and I’m so sorry I’m just now getting back to you! Hugs!

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