This post isn’t really about anything at all. Just checking in. Been busy with interviews, contest and City Tournament Baseball. Go RED SOX! They came in first place for their league and moving up in the tournament.

Just finished a interview for Bex ‘N’ Books. Getting ready to do a cover reveal and sneaky peep for Jared at Bookluvrs Haven. Then another contest for Jenny’s Birthday Bash. So exciting. I will spread the words when all of this happens so you can check it out.

What’s not so exciting is my son got a snake…yes I said a snake. It’s a baby snake, but it’s still a snake. It’s a baby ball python and honestly it’s kind of cute behind the glass with the cover on top with weights holding the cover down so it can’t get out, which is my biggest fear. He named him Steve after Steve Irwin…LOL!

The first day he got him he got a baby rat for it to eat. Okay I felt bad for the baby rat, I know…I know…it’s a freakin rat, but it couldn’t even move to get away so how fair is that. Anyway my son yells down, “Hey mom come here quick.” My first thought is the damn snake got out, but as I run up the stairs, yes I was running toward a possible escaped snake, and turned the corner to his room I see the baby snake wrapped around the baby rat. I just about died. I slapped my hands over my eyes and screamed all the way out of his room. My son swears up and down that me and Steve will be quick friends and I will be holding him before long. Ah, don’t think so dude.

So that’s some random rambling about what’s going on in my life. Hope you random ramblings are happy and snake free!!! 🙂





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