Release Date For Duncan!!!

Whoot…..FINALLY!!!  After a few talks with my awesome editor, Becky Johnson from Hot Tree Editing, we have a release date for Duncan!!! So just to prolong it longer I am going to say a few words. I know what you’re thinking…here she goes again. Just give us the dang date already!! HA!  Don’t you dare look down the page….ah STOP…don’t do it.

Okay, as always I want to thank everyone for their messages and support. I may be a little late answering sometimes, but I answer every message left here. My email gets wacky though, but I do get them eventually. So again thank you all for your patience and understanding about my personal struggles that have happened in the last few months. You guys ROCK!!

It has been crazy good since Jared has been released. When I released Damon no one knew who the heck I was and no clue about sexy VC Warriors. With Jared the VC Warriors are getting out there now and you guys are loving them. It is awesome so thank you for reading, the reviews, talking to friends and just being awesome!  I appreciate every single one of you.

Now for the release date! Are you ready? Here it goes….

JULY 18, 2013

Man that felt good! First I apologize that it is not as early as I wanted, but this date is very special to me because it is one of the best and luckiest days of my life. My son was born on that date. He’s my dude!!!

Now to celebrate I am going to run a contest. To hopefully bring more readers into the VC Warriors World I will post links at the bottom. If you share and then post where you shared them in the message of this post I will put you in for a chance at a $50.00 Gift Card of your choice. It can be  for Amazon, Visa Card, Master Card, Taco Bell….whatever you want.  It’s your choice!!

Again thank you all. I appreciate you so much! Now back to work on the finishing touches on Duncan, not that he needs any finishing. He is one hot vamp!!!

Love you guys!!!

Dang, forgot to post when the contest ends. It will end a week from today on Monday the 10th!!!


41 Responses

    1. Hey Sophia! Actually you guys inspire me to write. After having someone tell me I would never make it and to hang it up, well it pushed me harder. Now having readers like you and everyone else who comes here and talks to me about my books inspires me to write and write better for you. My ideas come for a big time imagination. I spent a lot of time in hospitals when I was young and missed out in school and friends. So most of my time was spent using my imagination to entertain myself. Not that I thought about vampires a lot, actually not HOT ALPHA vampires. My brother was a big monster lover. He watched Dracula and Frankenstien. There was always something about Dracula that was cool to me. HA! Weird…I know. Thanks so much for asking. I love talking to you guys!!!!

      1. Sounds challenging! I wouldn’t know where to start with writing books! It seems pretty hard managing to make everything in the story fall into place while keeping it a humorous, gripping page turner! how do you go about planning the story? I love how the vampire romance is a popular genre, yet you make your books really original in a whole knew way!

        1. Hey Sophia! I honestly don’t have a routine that I do. I just write and it comes to me. I have an idea from book to book where it’s going to go, but sometimes the voices in my head changes course and I have to change right along with them. It is awesome. I wanted my vamps to be out in the open in the human world. So many more possibilities that way. 🙂

          1. hi, I just wanted to say how much I loved Sid! the series just keeps getting better and better! please tell me there will be a book 5 ?!

          2. Hey Sophia!! Yes there will be a book five. Actually I plan on releasing three more books in the series this year. Thank you so much for your support. It means so much!!! Hugs!!!

  1. Oh my Teresa,I’m almost done with Duncan and not that I want to put in any spoilers but I’m about to P my britches every time Sid is around Pam! Do t you dare stop writing you are brilliant and I needed this escape,lol! You are a complete genius,I love your world and love being lost in it,you ROCK!

  2. Hi Teresa
    I’m an Aussie reader and have read Damon and Jared over the past 3 days and have just finished with tears falling feeling so sad for Duncan and went to Amazon to find Duncan’s book and I have gotta wait 13 whole days to find out if Duncan and Pam find each other. Oh heck I am not a patient woman –love your books and will try to be patient while waiting for the days to pass quickly
    Thanks again for the great reads Belinda xo

  3. Bet you guys thought I forgot about the giveaway didn’t you. Nah, just a little late. It’s been crazy nuts around here. But I do have the winner and will be posting here shortly. Thanks again for all your support. You will never know what it means to me…..Love you guys tons!!!!!

  4. Holy crappola woman, that’s only 44 days away! I really thought you were going to say it would be out next February or something! That’s totally made my day Teresa yyyyaaayyyy 😀

  5. Looking forward to reading Duncan. I’ve been going through VC Warrior withdrawal. Can’t wait.

  6. Thanks very much.i share on Facebook.This will be just in time fior my Son to buy it for my birthday.Thanks again

  7. Wow….I was praying last night as I looked at The Protector books! I can’t wait to get my hands on book 3 and I hope you don’t stop at Duncan! Thank you Teresa……:)

  8. Thank goodness, sooooo when is the next one coming (lol).
    But seriously don’t stop will you?
    Sorry I’m not on Face book or twitter thing but the ladies at the coffee shop know all about your books!

  9. Thank GOD it’s got a date that’s coming soon. Tami was driving us nutty. I share on my personal facebook page, Stalkers of Fabulous Authors, Twitter, and then I share Damon on 4 different group pages because of the price: I Love My Authors, Books, books, and more books, Budget books, and Authors free and $0.99 books. Those are the groups. I share at least once a day if not more. Plus I share your facebook author page often as well and those lovely pics of “our” men. We love you Teresa. Thank you for keeping your fans happy.

  10. I share on FB and Pin and gift my family and friends books to get them addicted. Omg I am a book pusher. 🙂 Maybe a certain Warrior should take me into custody!

    1. OMG!! You took the words right out of my mouth, Tami!! I should be taken into custody too; I’ve been a very bad girl!!!! If only these guys were real!!

  11. Yay!!! I can’t wait to read Duncan and then Sid and then…?!!! I hope we get introduced to more VC Warriors in Duncan’s book. You keep writing them and we’ll keep reading them! You are so talented!!!

  12. Girl I am so damn happy for you – you are truly an amazing lady and I am proud to call you my friend – Congrats on the release date for Duncan – I so cannot wait to read his and Pam’s story

    I share every day on facebook (sometimes several times) also I share on twitter when I can

    Congrats again – love ya girl <3

  13. OMG…happy you have release date for Duncan…I’m truly happy for all the success you for books…and since I have a NOOK and your books have lend me I can send it out to all my friends on Facebook many are indoor paranormal readers!! Good luck in your success and I know that feeling when you finally accomplish something you been dying to do for so long!!
    Now that you given Duncan’s release date now I’m going to be all anxious about Sid! AAAHHHH

  14. Oooohhhh…I am so excited. I have only gotten to read Damon but as soon as I get some extra money I will be reading Jared!! Hopefully within the next week or two. And I have posted the links to Facebook and my blog.

  15. Yay!!!!!!!! I am so happy that we have a date…..when i found the first book i read it in a few hours then turned around and read the second. Then me oh my I hit the horrid wall of waiting for the next one LOL. I am forever grateful that i did not have to wait until next year. Keep going and I am happy that whatever was going on in your life is better or at least manageable. I looked on amazon to put it in my wishlist but its not listed yet. I will keep my eyes open. CONGRATS!!!!!!

  16. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited for Duncan!!!!! I was just telling my hair dresser about you and your books today!! CAN’T WAIT UNTIL JULY 18TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. So happy that you have a date for Duncan. I know things have been crazy for you and you wanted to do justice to their story. I am so very excited!

    1. Thank you Tami! You have been awesome and I think the world of you! Sid is next and excited to give him a woman who is hard to handle…LOL! Oh, yeah….been thinking on that one!! 🙂

      1. Sid does need someone to keep him in line. He is storming around here tonight because he saw all of us drooling over Duncan’s book being released. I told him that being jealous and insecure just is not becoming. He flew out of here. I hope he wont come and start a commotion.

        Seriously, I am so happy for you to be able to make the release date announcement. Thank you for making feel like a part of all of this. You are wonderful!

        1. i have just finished reading all 3 of your books and I cant wait until Sid!!! he is my favourite character, soooo FUNNY!! I love all his stupid coments!

          1. Hey Sophia!!! So glad you enjoyed the series so far. Sid is awesome to write and cracks me up! Thanks so much for your support. I appreciate it so much!!!


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