See that counter over there??? Well ignore it because….

Amazon was on their toes and released Adam today! So I know how much I hated waiting for release day on books I wanted to read I want to brighten your Monday with ADAM IS RELEASED ON AMAZON! I will have a big giveaway on Wed for the official release. LOL! Hugs you guys!! Now it’s time for me to freak out in hopes you enjoy Adam before Slade takes over! 🙂


62 Responses

  1. Hi Teresa Wow just finished Adams storey, just could not put the book down, nothing done today oops. Just brilliant cant’t wait for your next book especially as we have been left in suspense !!! Carry on scribbling my lovely. Hugs and kisses xx

    1. Thank you so much Pauline!!! So glad you enjoyed and got to spend the day doing nothing but reading. HA! Your support means so much!!! Hugs!!!

  2. Shared on Facebook! Just downloaded the book and will begin my re-read of the series this afternoon! I love to get reacquainted with the boys, everytime you put out a new book.

  3. Thank you again for another wonderful read. I am so happy for Adam. I was glad to see Lana’s sister doing much better and sparring with Sloan. And am glad to have met Jax whom seems like a mystery all to him self. At this point it seems to me that this story could go so many ways, and while of course I love each of the warriors and their love lives this story has just been elevated to a serious life and death drama as well. So while of course I can’t wait for slade, Jill, even Sloan to have a book. I feel that a serious pivotal point for me will be what the outcome of the Vampire council meeting is. So I want to thank you again. I Love your books!!!!

  4. You already know how I feel about Adam!! Its amazing! but if you dont let Jill kick Alice’s butt all over the place soon I may just scream!
    You deserve every bit of Love and Happiness your fans show you!You are truly a beautiful woman inside and out! Much success in everything you do!!

  5. Teresa – I saw that you want feedback after we finish the story. I LOVED IT! I am shy about posting on FB and Amazon (sorry) so will say it here about what I loved about this story. I will try to do it without spoilers because I know your fans want to tuck in and read it for themselves.
    I loved how you brought so many of the warriors and their mates, intended, hopeful mates and Daniel into the story.
    I could just squeal about Adam finding his true mate. It was perfect.
    My coworker and I can NOT wait to see what happens to that evil Alice and that drone Ferguson. We hope that Jill and Pam get the last punch!
    Sid and Lana…happy sigh. Very, very happy sigh. I am so glad Sid has met his match!
    I sat up straight with a big huge smile at the possibilites of Sloan and Jax!
    And of course, I adore Jill. I love watching her grow up, evolve into her own. Can’t wait to read Jill and Slade’s story!
    Rest easy, Teresa, you nailed it!

    1. Thank you so much Kay! Your support means so much!! Slade’s story is what I’m working on now and so excited about this one!!! 🙂 Hugs!!!

  6. Wow Now I’m sad ! I still have to wait until Wednesday cause that’s when I get paid. But it will be the first thing I buy when I wake up

    1. Ahhhh man Monkey I’m sorry, but today is the say. It’s Wednesday and I hope you got your copy and you enjoy! Thanks for the support!! Hugs!!!

  7. Thank you so much for another great book loved Adams story and I read it all in one night 🙂 please please tell me we wont be waiting long for slades story x

  8. Woot just got adam really need to check my email more often. thank you so much for all the great wonderfull story you write for us. Love love love the Protectors.

  9. Teresa, you did it again lady. Just finished Adam WOW!! What and ending, omg. Hopefully you are not going to make us wait to long for Slade’s and Jill’s story. I don’t know if my heart can take a long wait. Like to choke Alice she is someone that is easy to hate, here is hoping she gets what is coming to her in the next book and it is slow and painful and it is Jill that does it to her. Again thank you for another great story in the lives of these warriors and their mates. Also did I see a spark between Sloan and Caroline lol. Can’t wait for that story. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you so much Janet! I get so nervous when the books release until I hear from you guys so again thank you! So excited about Slade’s book. Working hard on and hoping to get it out there very soon. Hugs!!!

  10. Finished reading Adam today and I loved it! Thank you for posting it was out, I immediately downloaded it when I saw yesterday and read 3/4 before bed! I, like everyone else who has fallen in love with the series, will eagerly wait for Slade and Jill’s story!!! Thanks again 🙂

    1. Rebecca thank you so much and I’m really happy you enjoyed it!!! Made my day! Working hard on Slade’s story now. Excited about this one!!! Hugs!!

  11. Downloaded as soon as I got the lovely news, so pleased just can’t wait to get reading, love Amazon for releasing it earlier.
    I hope you are well , hugs and kisses xx

    1. Hey Pauline!! Thank you so much for the support. I really hope you enjoy Adam. Please let me know, good or bad, what you think. It just helps me with the next book! Hugs and thank you again!!!

  12. I’m so happy it came out early so now I’m in my room told the kids to not bother me or else lol I’m so happy 🙂 I know it’s gonna be as good as the others in this series <3

  13. Bought it-kindle just downloaded, but just finishing re-reading Sid before I dive into Adam. Thanks Teresa! I know I’m going to love it!

  14. I promise no spoilers on plot. I’m only half way through the book. Had to stop by and tell you, Teresa, you rock! I was truly surprised (not at it being awesome, I knew it would be). And your shout out to your bro before I even started the book had me in tears.

    1. Ahhh thank you so much Kay and I’m so glad you did stop by. As always I’m nervous with each book, but it gets worse and worse because I want so much for each book to be different, but have the same characters coming back. It’s hard to do, but hearing your words means a lot to me. Yeah, my bro is the best and I finally get to tell everyone how awesome he is. 🙂

  15. Okay, it’s bad to pull over in traffic to download a book right oh well…..Thank you Teresa you made my Monday!

  16. Woo hoo, just finished re-reading Sid and was waiting for the release, down loading as I type this. Bring on Slade!!

    1. Thank you so much Robyn….working on Slade now and he will be epic!! I’m excited about his story….haha! Thank you Robyn so much! Hugs!!

  17. Wow honestly do not know where to begin. You are taking the whole dynamic of the VC Warriors to another level and I don’t think I could love it more. You somehow made me love the series more and I did not think I could. Thank you for staying true to how you envision your story and characters. I truly adore you as an author and love this series. And of course I am ecstatic to know you are continuing and am patiently losing my mind awaiting Slade and Jill to quit playing games. Amazing and very Happy to have an author like you out there. And love the series as a whole 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Alyse! It means so much to me knowing that I’m doing my readers right. So many people tell me ‘write for yourself’, but I don’t believe that. I write for you guys and I’m just along for the ride. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it’s truly how I feel. I love to write so anything I write is for me, but I always have you guys in the very front of my mine when writing. Thank you again for making this day even more special!! Hugs

      1. Wow thank you then for keeping true to what you know your readers love because you are doing a fantastic job!!! I know however many more books you put out will continue to get better. Congratulations on the release and the outpouring of positive feedback. Only love from your readers 😉

  18. Who! Headed to get my copy now! So excited! Absolutely love these books! Thank you for the wonderful stories!

  19. Thank you Amazon and more importantly, Thank you Teresa, just finished reading Sid again and was going to wait. Now I don’t have to. Will let you know what I think.

  20. Glad i saw someone else’s post that Adam was out.I am just about finished with a series and was looking
    for a new book to read . Any book from you is put to the front of my reading list. Thank you,you just made my week. Now bring on SLADE . PLEASE

  21. As a huge fan was wondering if Slade and Jill might be featured in your next book? Honestly excited to know this answer!

    Yours truly,

    1. Hey Sherry!! Yes, Slade and Jill will be next and I’m really excited about this book. Have already started. Thanks so much! Hugs!!

      1. Yes! You just made my day! Love your writing Teresa and can not wait for your next book! 🙂

  22. Just picked up Adam, after my sister called me to let me know Amazon had released it early! Can’t wait to start reading!!! 😀 x

    1. Thank you so much Jenny and thank your sister also! Really hope you all enjoy! Thank you again for your support. It means so much!!! Hugs!!!

  23. Just tried to order on amaxon and it would not go thru. Sent email to customer service to fix problem. Hope they do it soon!

  24. Oh wow! Was just looking up when it would be released. Headed over to Amazon now! Will tell the girls at work that it is now available. We love your Protectors!

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