Sid is finally available at B&N

Sid is finally available at B&N! Sorry for the issues, but my awesome husband figured it out and now it’s up and ready to go. Thanks for your patience! Enjoy! 🙂





32 Responses

  1. Was wondering when Sid would be available on something other than a Kindle? I usually get my books through Kobo in Canada. I really love you series, all three this weekend!!

    1. Hey Colleen!! So sorry you are having to wait. Kobo is being slow, but if you get a chance to check in a week let me know if it’s available yet. If not I will send another message and see if I can find out what’s up. 🙁 Again I apologize and will do my best to see what the problem it. Thanks so much for your support!!! Hugs!!!

      1. No problem, thank you for getting back to me. So glad to hear it won’t be too long of a wait. Again love our VC Warriors.

        1. You’re welcome Colleen! I absolutely love talking to you guys. It may take me a minute to respond, but I always do. Thanks again!!! Hugs!!! 🙂

  2. Love this series can’t wait for some more. I just couldn’t but them down I bought one then was so hocked that I bought the whole series and read them all in about 4 days can’t get enough. hope the next one comes out soon.

  3. Please please can you tell us when the next book is out? just to excited I have read Sid like a million times now 🙂 love your books x

    1. Hey Lindsey!!! Thanks so much and I love to hear that you’ve reread Sid. YAY! I don’t have an exact date yet, but will soon. Thanks again for your support!!! Hugs!!!

  4. Just wanted to say I stumbled upon the first book with Damon and Nicole on my kindle and fell in love with it and then downloaded the next three and you are an amazing author and hooked me in with the banter and story line!! So glad to hear we get a Slade and Jill book because that’s some chemistry and I don’t think you could write something I won’t fall in love with 🙂 Thank you for writing such an awesome and amazing series!!! YOU ROCK

    1. Hey Alyse!! So glad you like the series so far. Working hard to get the next one out. Hoping to have three out this year! Thanks again for your support! It means the world to me!!! Hugs!!!

  5. I just wanted to let you know that I loved reading Sid. I actually stumble across one of your books a couple if months ago and could not put it down. You have become one of my favorite authors. I am always looking forward to your next book. Like everyone else I am looking forward to Slade/Jill as well. Once again your an awesome author and cannot wait to read more.


    1. Hey Terri!! That means so much to me! I’m excited that you like the series so far. Working hard on the next and hoping to have three out this year! That’s my plan and goal. LOL! Thanks again!!! Hugs!!!

  6. I love this series and I loved this book! I finished it in a few hours. I’m excited about Slade and Jill, but I feel sorry for Adam! Please tell me something good happens for him soon! I can’t wait for the next book,

    1. Hey LaToya! So happy you have enjoyed the series so far. Yes, Adam will come out in good shape…promise! I’m excited about Slade and Jill also. Having a mad crush on Slade. Had a good time writing their part in Sid. LOL! Thanks again for your support! Hugs!!!

  7. Hey hon, just now able to sit for a minute to jot you a note and let you know how much I loved Sid… Another five stars on Amazon for your wonderful books, and if I could it would be 10 stars. I’m thinking of having a Protectors marathon this weekend.. They never get old and I love revisiting these amazing stories.

    I love how you slowly bring in new characters and build them up just enough in each book. They never take away from the main characters and/or plot but enhance the story. It gets to the point where it leaves you on pins and needles, waiting with baited breath for their story to be wrote.

    I am so looking forward to Slade and Jill’s story, and thanks so much for writing fantastic books with great characters who will make you laugh and cry..

    1. Thank you so much Julieanne!!! Sometimes I worry that I put too much of my secondary characters in each book, but I just love writing them in and it seems to just fit to me so to hear you say that means a lot!!! Your words and support means the world to me and I appreciate it so much. I’m excited about Slade and Jill. I had just a good time writing about them in the last two books. Slade was actually going to be a small part, but I started crushing on him and kept writing him in. HA! Thanks again!!! Hugs!!!

  8. Amazing truly amazing. Made me laugh and cry. Couldn’t put it down till I was finished. Adam though,not wanting to spoil it for anyone :’-( . But enjoyed each and every one and can’t wait for the next. Thank you for your amazing gift.

    1. Thank you so much Beth! So glad you enjoyed Sid. working on the next now and hoping you all enjoy it as much as the previous. Thanks again!!! Hugs!!

  9. Loved the book gave you 5 stars on amazion:-) Can’t wait for Slade and Jill’s book! I thought at 1st it would be before Sid. Lol Can’t wait for the next keep up the great work!

  10. i finish all the books in a week i could put them down! i cant wait till slade and jills come out there my favorite!!!! 😀

    1. Thank you so much Danielle! I’ve had such a great time writing these and your support makes it so much better! Thank you so much!!! Hugs


    1. Thanks so much Vanessa!! So glad you enjoyed Sid! Slade and Jill will be next sort of. LOL! I have a small surprise coming very soon and then Slade and Jill…Promise! Love ya tons and thank you so much for your support!!! Hugs!!!

  12. loved Sid’s book I finished it in a day well actually few hours :)) please tell me we don’t have to wait long for Slade’s book? xx

  13. I love Sid, and … more Slade please 🙂 I could not put Sid down! I mean it, we had a snow storm here on the east coast Thursday into Friday. I got your email Sid was up early on Amazon. I purchased as soon as I saw the email, can you tell I have it bad 🙂 I could not sleep, made myself a pot of tea, got a few caramel cookies and snuggled down. I found myself holding my breathe for more Slade/Jill. Jill has brass and I love it! OMG, standing there butt naked – you are the best 🙂 I swear I gotta stop reading your books in one night as I’m stuck waiting for the next one 🙂 Thank you! Love this series.

    1. Hey Ceme!! So glad Sid was there during the snow storm. LOL! I love Jill. I adore sexy Slade. LOL! I have so much fun writing those two. Slade was just going to be a small part, but he just took control and now he is well loved and wanted by everyone. Thanks so much for your support! Hugs!!!

  14. So in love with Sid and Lana. I am also anxiously awaiting the Slade/Jill story! I feel like I spend a lot of time waiting for these books LOL. Thank you for writing them!

    1. Hey Augusta! Thanks for reading them!! 🙂 I appreciate your support and will do my best to write just a little faster so the wait isn’t so long. Hugs!!!

  15. Omg! I freaking loved Sid’s book! I actually finished it around 430 am, there was NO WAY that I could have lstopped reading at any certain point to go to sleep. Please tell me Slade & Jill’s book is coming out soon. Lol
    Thank you for your awesome books!

    1. Hey Emilia!! So glad you enjoyed Sid! Yes, Slade and Jill will have their own book which I cannot wait to finish. Thanks so much for your support Emilia! I so appreciate it!!! 🙂

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