Signed Paperback Because I Appreciate YOU!!!

Things have been crazy around here and I’m sure it’s just as crazy for you guys. Everything seems to go so fast anymore that you forget to stop and look around. I’m so guilty of this. So tonight, just before I get ready to write, I wanted to stop and look around. What did I see you wonder? HA! Well I see how very lucky I am. Why is that you might ask? Because I have great friends. Some would call you fans, but I call you friends first and foremost.

I don’t get to thank everyone, but I do thank whoever drops me a line here on the site, my fan/friend 😉 page on facebook or twitter and it makes me feel wonderful to be able to say it.

So if you haven’t dropped me a line and I haven’t  been able to say it to YOU I’m going to say it now……..THANK YOU!!! Thank you for reading Damon and Jared, for even thinking about reading Damon and Jared, for reviews, for coming back to my website, being my friend on facebook/twitter and for just being wonderful friends. I appreciate each of you more than you will ever know.

Okay now I can go on to writing Duncan feeling 100% at my best because I have thanked the ones who have my back and to me that is priceless.

Anyone who leaves a comment will be entered to win either a signed paperback of Damon or Jared…your choice. Your comment can be anything…anything at all. Tell me about your day, your favorite quote or just to say HI! I absolutely love hearing from my friends. I will a name on Wed. evening. Sound good?  Sweet!!!! 🙂





Paranormal Romance with a Twist.

Damon (The Protectors Series) Book 1

Jared (The Protectors Series) Book 2

Duncan (The Protectors Series) Book 3 – Coming Soon!


29 Responses

  1. It’s us, your fans, that should say Thank You! Your characters are so compelling and thrilling and WONDERFUL! Just keep putting your heart into your stories and I’m sure they will be as great as the one before. You truly have the gift for writing magical stories…

  2. Girl, you need the humongoid THANK YOU! for writing these stories. They are awesome! And you are an awesome author too to give us the chance to get stuff from you, too! Now if i only had a time machine so i could have all of them RIGHT NOW!!!

  3. I just want to tell you how much I love you and how wonderful you are to your fans. There should be more authors like you. Now get back to writing Duncan or I’ll have to send the taser after you!!

  4. I fall head over heels for Damon. Then fall for Jared. also a few other Warriors while reading books one and to. They make me laugh want to cry and just out and out want to hug and kiss them.
    When I run out of books to read I re-read Damon and Jared. Now on pins and needles waiting on Duncan and then Sid. Thank you. Been awhile sense I went wild for a book series.

  5. I’m glad you are geared up for Duncan. That lady of his needs him pretty badly. You are a great writer with what will hopefully be a bright future ahead. Keep up the great work!

  6. Thank YOU for sharing your amazing books with us! ♥ How sweet of you to hold this giveaway! Keep up the excellent writing and all the best!

    Tess xx


  7. Thanks so much for the thoughful gift! Whoever gets it grats to you and I’m so jealous. Unless its me. Then I’m just happy!

  8. I wanted to say thank you for keeping me so entertained. It took me one and half days to read Damon and 1 day to read Jared. I can’t wait for Duncan. I’m sure I will read it just as fast. Please don’t take too long to finish… Keep writing, you have a great mind for writing and I love your books. Cheryl

  9. happy monday know love all your books trying to find out how to get signed paperback copies of them

    1. I absolutely loved these books and can’t wait for Duncan. Thank you for writing this wonderful series! Shared on Facebook , Twitter and Google too!

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