Some news with a little contest thrown in!!

Well hello there!!! Sorry it’s been a while, but I didn’t take my usual break between books. I’ve been writing like a wild woman….yes, I said wild woman! I stepped out of my comfort zone with the Warrior’s and did a 30,000 word shifter book for a box set I’m in with some awesome authors.

I promise you I am working on the next book in the Protectors Series, but I wanted to try my hand at something else instead of taking a break after Slade. I really hope you enjoy! Here is a little taste of Forbidden Hunger unedited, so please forgive haha!


“But I’ve been attracted to other men….” She stopped suddenly at the growl erupting from his mouth.

“There will be no other men, Janna.” His eyes narrowed on her. “You are mine.”

Biting her lip to keep her from saying something really stupid at his caveman type response Janna picked up a piece of bacon biting into it, her eyes watching cautiously as he finished his breakfast with angry gusto. The bacon tasted like cardboard and seemed to grow in her mouth the more she chewed. Tossing the rest of it on her plate she frowned.

“Don’t I get a say in that?” She found the courage to ask. “I mean usually in past relationships I knew the guy for a week or so before things developed and we…..”

Garrett slammed his hands on the island as he stood. In two strides he was in front of her grabbing her up from her stool. One hand underneath her ass he lifted her up to him, his mouth mashing against hers as his tongue found it’s way inside kissing her breathless.

Pulling his mouth from hers he held her tighter. “If you don’t want me finding these assholes you are determined to tell me about and kill them then you need to stop.”


I’m very excited to be involved with this awesome box set with such talented authors which include….

Stephanie Rowe
Robyn Peterman
Victoria Danann
Kym Grosso
Dakota Cassidy
Claudy Conn
Melanie James
Gena D. Lutz
D’Elen McClain
Julia Mills
Brandy L. Rivers
Cynthia St. Aubin 

So the box set is now on pre-sale set to release May 19th! These are all new stories for only .99!! So if you one click the preorder and come back here with a comment you will be entered for a 25.00 GC! If you’ve already preordered…thank you and still comment! 🙂

61cC-bKTp3L._AA300_PIkin4,BottomRight,0,-5_AA300_SH20_OU01_ Buy it Now Here

And there you go. Now you know why I’ve been so silent, but I promise I’ll be back soon with more exciting news. And yes, I promise the Warrior’s are coming to a reader device very soon! Hugs!!!

Teresa 🙂


45 Responses

  1. Looking forward to the next Warriors, but I have to say I really enjoyed Forbidden Hunger and didn’t realize it was you. When I checked the author name I realized that’s why I liked it. Please keep up the good stuff.
    Thank you

    1. Hey Susan! That means a lot to me because I was really nervous and stepping out of my comfort zone writing Forbidden Hunger. I didn’t know if I was going to continue with it as a series because I wanted to see how the readers felt, but it looks like I will be continuing with the Lee County Wolves. Thank you so much for your support! Means so much! Hugs!!!

  2. This sounds really fun!! Can’t wait for the next Protectors though!! I really appreciate your work. Thanks!!

    1. Thank you so much Sandy! Working on the next Protector book now. I sure did miss these Warriors when I was writing Forbidden Hunger and Rodeo Cowboy. Thank God my boys are still talking to me. Sid was a little cranky about it, but he’s over it now. HA! Hugs and thank you again! 🙂

  3. Oh wow…..I already want the rest! Looking forward to Forbidden Hunger, congrats on the collection and as always thank you for sharing your gift….

  4. I preordered it back in March when I saw it had a title you wrote and all the stories are new.

    Can’t wait, the blurb sounds great.

  5. One clicked and looking forward to reading the collection. Wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading “Slade”. He can Protect me anytime. Thanks for providing such great books.

  6. Looks like a great book. So many authors, a few I haven’t read. Hands down your my favorite. Your series is awesome. Can’t wait for the next one . Thanks for the link.

  7. I’ve pre-order, so looking forward to another good read, love the Protectors series have faith that this will be an excellent read. Just keep them coming!

  8. I guess I got a little ahead of myself. I clicked on the pre-order and I order back on Feb 25th. Guess maybe you mentioned it and I did it. I’ll order anything you are a part of!!! Just don’t burn yourself out…..we expect more books. lol Thanks for sharing your life with us and being “our” author.

  9. Well i went to pre-order and found out i had already one-clicked it.Cant wait to read it,has A LOT of my favorite authors in it.D01-9093167-8154012 Keep working on our Protector Series need to know who is gonna be kicking some butt …..

  10. Hey Teresa

    Thanks for the heads up…. Already following most of the authors 🙂 . Great that you teamed up with…. But your VC warriors are ssssoooo still my favourite 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Tina! Some of these authors are new to me also. Can’t wait to read so hopefully by release date I’ll be ready for a break! 🙂 Hugs and thanks again!

  11. Just pre-ordered thanks for the heads up. Please promise to never ask which book was best…all awesome authors. Best collection yet, just my opinion!!

    1. Thank you Diane and I would never ever do that…LOL! I am having such a fan girl moment over so many of those authors that are in this box set haha! I mean Stephanie Rowe….COME ON! LOL! Hugs and thanks for the support! 🙂

  12. Teresa, thanks for the pre-order link. One click is done…
    I personally wanted to thank you for all the times you’ve sent out updates. Really appreciate your efforts to interact with us (your favorite readers).

    1. Thank you so much Robin!!! I love you guys and do my best cause I just love talking to you all! Sometimes it takes me a minute to respond, but I always do so check back haha! Hugs and thank you again! 🙂

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