Who doesn’t love a contest especially if you can win a new Kindle Paperwhite!!

I love contests, don’t you? HA! To give back to you all is just awesome! Authors, like me, need your help getting the word out about our books. I know if you like my books you are telling other reader friends about them and I appreciate that so much. I like to run sharing contests to not only get word out about my books to a larger group of possible new reader friends, but also to give you a chance to win something cool, whether it’s gift card or a Kindle, it’s just a way to say THANK YOU!

So, you guessed it. A new contest for me to hopefully make more reader friends and for you to have a chance to win a new Kindle Paperwhite. (Which I want by the way).

All I ask you to do is share where you can and please don’t forget to post a link to where you shared it. That is so important because without a post from you I don’t know you shared it. I am going go ahead and post Damon’s link because of course he is the first in the series. The contest will run until October 12.2013. This is for my international friends also!! 🙂

Again thanks for all your comments and support. You will never know what it means to me. You ROCK as always!!!

Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1



Hugs and don’t forget to post links to where you shared!!!



92 Responses

    1. On the left hand corner on the website page here is a subscribe button. Let me know if you have any problems Antalya! Thanks so much! 🙂


    LOL! I’m a day late! Sorry about that. I will post the winner as soon as possible, but it will be tonight. Thanks so much for your shares of Damon and GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. Hi Teresa,

    I just finished DUNCAN two days ago and OMG, I can’t begin to say how much I loved this book!!! He was everything I expected and MORE!!

    I wasn’t sure if we were meant to post each time we shared, so I hope I haven’t bombarded you.

    I an honoured to have found your books, you are an AWESOME talent!!






  3. I have to say I just found your books recently (two days ago). I’m very impressed with your writing style! You’ve moved up quick on my list of favourite authors. I do have to say one thing. You are totally responsible for the lack of housework and sleep due to not being able to put your books down to do those things. 😉 When is Sid due?!

    1. Hey Sheri!!!

      Thank you so much. I’m so glad you have enjoyed the series so far. I love writing them and glad to have found awesome peeps who love reading them. Sid will be soon. No set date yet, but very soon!! Hugs!!!

      1. I am begging you to please tell us even an estimated release on Sid?? Hmmmm hmmm? Pretty please? Lol. The wait is killing us!

        1. Working on the details now Mandy! Will let you know very soooon!! Promise. Appreciate you all so much and wanting Sid to be the best one yet!!! Fingers crossed. Hugs!!!

  4. I posted the amazon link on my facebook, as well. I don’t need another kindle, but I’m happy to share your books with my friends. 🙂

  5. I posted the link on my Facebook page ” Debbie Carnes”

    Your books sound wonderful and I’m happy to have found a new author to follow and read 🙂

  6. I posted on FB and Pinterest. Love the Protector series and just can’t wait on Sid to come out. I can’t pick which one I like the best, as they all have their own style and story. Keep up the great work.

    PS Work faster. lol

  7. Love ALL your books have read everyone out and any that can be pre ordered i have done that also.I do not know how to do links but i always pin,share on Facebook ,tells friends and write reviews on amazon and barnes and noble. thank you for writing such great stories.

  8. Thank you for including us international fans…we are so often forgotten!

    I love the Protectors and am more than happy to help spread the word too!

    Here are some links to my posts:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/purplepenguin16

    Google: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104681900608452724538/posts

    Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/kazza1659/teresa-gableman/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ksroma16

    I’m looking forward to more of this exciting series!!

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