I am going to be a BETA reader for a certain author, who I can’t name yet. I am sworn to secrecy. The book hasn’t hit the market and she needs BETA readers to read it before it goes to print. Let me tell you that is pretty sweet. As soon as it’s all finished and in the market I will post the author and a review of the book. Very exciting!
Still waiting on word about my cover. Hopefully I’ll hear something very soon. Would love to have “Damon” out there the second week of December, if not sooner. Fingers and toes crossed.
I’ve been doing edits like a wild woman hoping to make ‘Damon’ as good a book as I possibly can. It really is driving me crazy because I want to start on ‘Jared’s” book really, really bad.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my craziness.