Thank you Bex “N’ Books for awesome review!!

I just want to thank Bex “N’ Books for this review. I learned so much from it and to me that’s what reviews are all about, at least to me. So thank you for taking the time to read Damon and definitely for the detailed review. Very appreciated!!!!

Okay my friends you really need to check this blog out. She gives great reviews and has awesome giveaways. I will link it at the end of the review so be sure to stop by cause there is always something exciting going on at Bex “N’ Books!! 🙂


I immediately liked the main female character Nicole. She’s very easy to like with her very quick and easy comebacks, no-nonsense attitude and her compassion. I love a strong female protagonist, and with Nicole, she easily fits the mould. It was with introduction of her character, that I knew that ‘Damon’ was going to be a book that would keep me hooked.

What I didn’t quite realise, was just how hooked I would be. I read ‘Damon’ in just one sitting; it was that good. ‘Damon’ was so very easy to read, to devour almost, I wanted my fill, especially when I was introduced to the devastatingly gorgeous Damon himself. Yes, I officially have a new crush!

Damon, a vampire and a warrior, is so very beautiful, in so many ways. The way that the relationship develops with Nicole is very powerfully described; Teresa captures their feelings, their passion, their heart break so beautifully. I cried in two seperate places. Yes, admittedly, I’m a bit of a wuss, but their relationship did move me.

As mentioned earlier, ‘Damon’ was very easy to read. And I do think this is because of the flow and pace of the narartive as well as the strong characterisations. The dialogue is fresh, believable and at times very entertaining and amusing. The language isn’t overly complicated or sophisticated, which is perfectly appropriate for the genre. ‘Damon’ is a passionate read, with heart-felt emotions and believable characters – applause for Teresa considering this is a paranormal romance. 

There were several typos, and as a teacher and a beta reader, this does somewhat frustrate me; however, I was easily able to look past this as I was happy to allow myself to become absorbed into Damon and Nicole’s world. Also, no doubt this blog will be thwart with errors too – ironic much!

At times, there were moments that were somewhat cliche, and very similar to other books of this genre. These moments made me wince slightly, yet I undertood why Teresa would include such ideas. To be honest, with the amount of books currently availabe in the genre, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to have a completely original idea. Authors, just like you and I, are influenced by what we read. But again, I found that I was able to move past these lapses and enjoy the book at face valuable.

There were times, especially early on, that I would have considered rating ‘Damon’ 4 stars, which in Bex ‘n’ Books speak, means I really, truely enjoyed it and would most definitely recommend it. But in the end, I think that ‘Damon’ is most definitely worthy of 5 stars. Any book that can make me laugh out loud, cry – on more than one occasion – and make me both unbelievably cross and then later like a cheshire cat, surely has to mean that I loved it.

This is the first book of Teresa’s that I’ve read. I’m so glad that I was lucky enough to win a copy of ‘Damon’. It was a real unexpected treat.





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