The Countdown Has Begun!!

Hey friends!! Yes, the countdown has begun! Adam’s release date has been set for June 25th. I want to thank you guys for your understanding. As most of you know family medical issues put me behind as well as the Warrior’s not shutting up during Adam’s book making it much longer than a novella. HA! I appreciate you guys so much for sticking with me. Adam is now with my awesome editor Becky at Hot Tree Editing and yes, I’m working on Slade now. I took only two days off and now back to the Warrior world. I actually started on Slade as I worked on Adam because the books really go hand in hand.

I show my love to you all if you comment to this post you will be entered for a 15.00 Amazon Gift Card because well you guys ROCK!





53 Responses

  1. I so cant wait for Slade to be released because I so went through the books after he came into the picture to see what happens with him! So when will it be out? I really want to know! thanks Hugs

  2. Please hurry on Sladeand Jill. I want this book to be so amazing i love all the books and each one just gets better and better the sex scenes could be a little more graphic though just hurry please ty xo

    1. Thanks so much Shannon!!! HA! I think Slade might be a little more…ah….spicy so that should make you smile! Working on him now…’eyebrow wiggle’. 🙂

  3. AWESOME!!! Great to have something to look forward to. Everyone always asks me what I want for my birthday, and I always say not a thing. I am very blessed in my life with everything I could ever need. (Because really asking that my two boys go one day without arguing is just too much:)) Anyway so now I find myself actually getting a gift I can be excited about!!!
    My bday is June 26.
    So thank you Teresa very much yeah!! I can hardly wait.

  4. Love, love, love these books!! Read all four in under a week and as mom of two boys under 10 that’s saying something. So excited for Adam and then Slade!!! I’m hooked and keep them coming!

  5. I’m supper excited. Although I am secretly engaged to slade and his book, I’m really ecstatic to read Adams book. Adam deserves happiness. I can not wait to see what’s in store for that amazing hybrid!!!!!!!!!

  6. Yeah! I can’t wait to read Adam’s story! I became an instant fan of the Protectors as soon as I started Damon’s book. Congrats on the upcoming release!!

  7. Starting reading Damon three days ago… Just purchased Duncan. It’s a can’t put down series. And so well written and interesting, the pages literally fly by. I’ve always been a quick reader but these go by so fast, you just get sucked in! I love Adam’s character from what I’ve seen of it so far and I CAN’T WAIT for his book. 🙂 Happy writing!

  8. I’m a HUGE fan.

    Love, Love, Love this series. Can’t wait until 6/25 for Adam to come out! The anticipation is killin me!

  9. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for Adam to come out but I am on pins and needles waiting on SLADE!!! This series is the best and sometimes you have to wait for the good stuff!!

  10. You are the best. To even be thinking about us while your family is ill is just what makes you, well….You!!! So looking forward to your next books. Warriors rock! Hugs

  11. I hope everything is going well with your family. I am so excited about the book!!! I can’t wait!!! I’m doing my happy book dance right now 🙂

  12. I’m so excited for Adam to come out and I can’t wait to read Slade. I introduced one of my co-workers to your books and now she’s just as addicted to them as I am. We both have the hots for Slade.

  13. So freakin excited for Adam to come out but I’m dying for Slade!!! I just got onto this series & have read all 4 books in 2 days! Love them! Thank you for writing them Teresa

  14. I Love the series and I am so looking forward to Adam’s and Slade’s stories. And I have to say I cant get enough of Sid. You are a wonderful author, I enjoy reading your books very much. Can’t wait.

  15. Hi Thanks for keeping us up to date with Adam’s story release date, really looking forward to it and it goes with out saying Sloan’s story as well.
    P.S. I love your countdown clocks.

  16. So excited for this book!!! Sorry to hear you and yours have had health issues. Hope everything is back on track and everybody is healthy! The fans will always be here; take care of you and your family first then you can worry about deadlines. We all understand. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this wonderful world we love to read about!

  17. I’m so excited to read more on these amazing characters. I love your “Protectors” Series so much. I also got my mom and my mother-in-law into your books. Oh, and my daughter can’t wait to read them when she gets older. She’s 9 now, but has heard me laugh and laugh while reading your books, so she wants to read them, too. Thank-you so very much for these wonderful books. I enjoyed them so much there were night’s where I would stay up and read them and end up waking up my husband just to tell him something funny that happened or was said in the books. 🙂 So, thank-you. 🙂

  18. Woo hoo! Can’t wait to read about the favorite warriors! Anxiously waiting for the good doctors book!

  19. Goooorrrrrrlllllll.. I am freakin’ out EXCITED for the official countdown of Adam’s release!! I can’t wait to own him!! And then, OH MY GAWDS!! SLADE is next!!!! SO HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!! =D =D =D <333333

  20. You are just the best, worrying about your fans during your families health issues. That is why your fans love you so much, besides you are a great author. We would wait as long as it took because fans/family stands by each other. Cannot wait for Adams story and of course Slade’s and Jill’s story. Have a great holiday weekend and thank you to our vets because we get to do what we do because they keep this country free.


  21. I’m so excited!!! I can’t wait for Slade and Jill’s book but I love a buld up so I am so ready for Adam’s book 😀


  22. I’m so excited that the story of Adam is coming out. I’m glad it will be longer than you thought it would be. I’m so excited. Take care of that family of yours.

  23. I’m so excited to read both Adam and Slades books! Both Slade and Adam always jumped out of the pages and grabbed my attention. Can’t wait!

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