Thought I forgot didn’t ya????

Nah, I didn’t forget about the 50.00 GC giveaway! Just running a little behind on everything, but getting back on track! Good things are happening and I have you guys to thank…so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Duncan is coming along great. I am really loving the story and hope you will also.

Okay enough of that…time to announce the winner. You ready???

CONGRATS COREY WISNIEWKI!!!! Check your email for information!!

Keep checking back everybody. I will be having a pretty awesome giveaway for big bad Duncan’s release. EXCITED!!!




Paranormal Romance with a Twist!!!

Damon (The Protectors Series) Book 1

Jared (The Protectors Series) Book 2

Duncan (The Protectors Series) Book 3    Release date July 18, 2013






12 Responses

  1. Love this series so much!! I wanted to ask if there was a date when Duncan would be available on Amazon for preorder?

  2. Thank you Teresa! I got your email and responded. Let me know if you don’t get it! I have to say I am very excited! I almost NEVER win anything and to win something so great is amazing! Now I can buy all the books I have had to pass on due to not having money…LOL…Thank you again and can’t wait to read the next chapter in the Protectors Series!!!

    1. Hey Corey!!!

      CONGRATS!!! I just got your emails so check yours because your gift card should be on it’s way to ya. If you have any problems let me know! Again CONGRATS, buy tons of good reads, let us all know if you find any awesome ones and thanks so much for your support!!!!


  3. OMG! Now I am showing my age & the fact that I was once blonde now grey *grin* When I saw the Duncan pic I got all excited and & thought I MISSED the release went straight to Amazons to buy just to find that it’s only June! & not July ‘Sigh’ see even the mere thought of missing out is just not acceptable to a devoted reader of ‘The Protectors’. But I did get a laugh at myself. Thanks I needed that ‘haha’.

    1. HAHA! Sorry for the scare Astrid….keeping ya on your toes!!! That is awesome and you just made my night! Thank you!!!


    2. LOL. Don’t feel bad Astrid. I did the same exact thing last month thinking the release was June 18th not July. This last month has probably been one of the longest in my life. 48 hour count down begins whao whao!

      Peace and Love

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