Hey my friends!!! Hope all is well with you guys!  I was going to do the announcement of the winner at midnight last night, but I fell asleep….so sorry about that. Just can’t kick the late hours like I use to.

I just wanted to say thank you again for the support! All three Warriors are doing well and the word is getting out, so again thank you for that. Without you guys talking about and sharing Damon, Jared and Duncan nobody would even know the existed, yes…they do exist…in my scary mind. HA! Okay enough of that. My scary mind is a different post that could take days to write.

So better late than never the winner of the $50.00 Gift Card is……………………………………………………………..drum roll……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Congrats Crystal! I have sent you a email so as soon as I get your information I will send it to you!! 🙂

Thanks again my friends. You will never know how much your support means to me and one day I hope to be able to express it. Now stayed tuned because tomorrow I will be asking for a little help on a new contest for another Kindle……. will explain more tomorrow.


Hugs and tons of love!






22 Responses

  1. hi, I have loved reading your books and am not sure if you remember but back in January I asked about Sid being available at Kobo…you asked me to get back to you if it did not become available. Well, it has been 3 weeks and still it is not available. Any help you could send, would be awesome, its hard reading all the great reviews and not being able to get my hands on it. lol

    1. Hey Colleen!!! I’m so darn sorry. Damn Kobo!! HA! Let me shoot them a email and hopefully they will respond and I promise I will drive them crazy. I’m good at that. Thanks for letting me know and hopefully soon you will have Sid in your hands. 😉 Hugs!!!

  2. Hi, I just felt compelled to say a quick hi since I discovered your work and your profile recently. I’ve started on the same journey as yours with indie publishing, not quite as successful yet, but it’s going ridiculously well. You are nearly a neighbor as I’m in Huber Heights, Ohio, just north of Dayton, and we have a similar history of interests. So, just a hi and a nod at your success in this unexpectedly wonderful world of making our stories live. My first novel is a sci fi called Last Best Hope, but as a marketing ploy, I wrote a vampire romance “written” by my main character Charlie Quinn, and THAT book sold like crazy. Guess what? I’m putting my sci fi’s on the back burner for a while. Anyway, just a hi to another journey-woman on the same path. Teresa Butts “C.L.Quinn”

    1. Hey Teresa!!

      Isn’t the journey awesome! I love writing and meeting so many people. LOVE IT! We are neighbor’s. I have family in Dayton and I’m there frequently. As soon as I’m finished here I’m checking out your work. Love finding new reads. Thanks for stopping by and best of luck in this crazy, but wonderful world of writing!!!

    1. Hey Lisa….I think I posted it, but I will tell you! Sid is my fave because I love his sense of humor. An alpha who is funny is just plain sexy….but…..Slade almost took it because man there was just something about him. HA! 🙂

  3. Three of the best books I have ever read. Can’t wait for Sid’s Story and can’t wait to find out what happens between Sloan and Jill or if Adam will find Angelina

  4. I was wanting to know if Duncan will be released in paperback? I don’t have a e-reader, I guess i’m old school or that’s what my girls say. Keep up the good work. I love your books

    1. Hey Shirley! Yes Duncan is coming out in paperback. I am waiting on a proof right now, hopefully the last one and if all looks okay then hopefully by the end of next week it will be out. I will post and let everyone know. Thanks so much for asking and for your support! I means a lot!!! 🙂

  5. Just read all three Protectors books. Could not put them down! Cannot wait for the next book! So glad I found a new author to read.

    1. Hey Andrea!! So glad you like the series! Thanks so much for your support!!! Glad you found me and the Warriors! Love talking to you guys!!! 🙂

  6. Congrats Crystal, I’m envious but congrats on your win..Looking forward to Sid’s book..Teresa, thanks for entertaining us..Have a great day 🙂

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