Who wants another teaser?

Okay guess I need to find another little teaser for Jared’s book to wet your whistle. Okay, hold on a minute I’ll be right back. Just another minute…..okay found it. Hope you like.


Tessa felt her grip loosen on the branch she was gripping with all her might. Small pieces of bark rained down on her face. Crap, she remembered this being easier. Maybe that’s because you were much younger and lighter idiot, her mind screamed. Glancing down she saw the bag she had thrown down with Adam, Lou and the vampire she had left in the kitchen with her dad staring up at her. Oh God, this so wasn’t happening.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jared called up squinting up at her nicely rounded ass swinging in the breeze.

Readjusting her grip Tessa squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m weeding the garden.” She huffed annoyed being caught in such an embarrassing position. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

“It looks like your trying to break your fool neck.” Jared replied with a sigh as he made his way underneath her. “Let go.”

“Are you kidding me?” Tessa’s arms were killing her. She started swinging hoping to swing her leg up to hook on the branch. Yeah, that was working out really well. It only loosened her grip more.

“Just drop.” Jared demanded. “I’ll catch you.”

“You can’t catch me.” Tessa grunted now trying to walk her hands one at a time down the branch to reach the tree trunk. “I’m not a petite woman as I’m sure you noticed. Don’t worry I got this. I use to do this all the time.”

 Oh he noticed. He couldn’t stop noticing. “Yeah, when you were sixteen.”  Jared snorted with an amused shake of his head.

“Go on Tessa.” Adam called up. “He won’t drop you.”

Jared was directly underneath her now. Hearing her whimper in pain sent his protective instinct in gear. “Drop Tessa before you hurt yourself.”

“No.” She knew she was being silly, but she was self-conscious about her weight and didn’t want this handsome man who didn’t have an ounce of fat on him to feel her weight even though he could see it.

“I can see up your shirt.” Jared grinned as he prepared himself to catch her.

Shocked Tessa let go to push her shirt against her body. Before she had a chance to scream she was caught and held tight against Jared’s broad chest. 

Don’t forget to grab a copy of Damon at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords for 99 cents.




3 Responses

  1. I literally read all your books in one weekend, loved all the stores and can’t wait to read more. I loooooove Jared

    1. Hey Angela!!! Thanks so much for your support. Hoping for late fall early winter for Sid. Thanks again and stop back. Love talking to you guys!!! “:)

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