Why Indies Rock Blog Tour!

I am so excited about being a part of this tour. First, I am going to be totally honest and say when i was first called an indie author I was like…”Huh?” I didn’t know what the heck it was. Okay, another honest revelation. I had to ask Tamara Beard what exactly a blog tour was and how it worked. I know…I know, duh moment, but this is the reason I am proud to be an indie author. I am new to this and need help….obviously. I don’t know it all and don’t pretend to. There is always someone to help even when they think you’re a little nuts, someone who has your back and someone to lift you up when things just aren’t going your way. The indie community, whether it’s authors, bloggers, or readers are people who will go out of their way to help you with whatever you need no matter how big or small. To me that means a lot.

The first indie author I met was Colleen Hoover  on the Amazon Community pages. Someone was saying things about her and I spoke up because I felt it was unfair. She thanked me and we have talked ever since. She is one of the most selfless people I have ever met.  When I decided to self publish I thought I would be alone in my venture, but Colleen was the first person to show me that wasn’t going to be the case. Since then I have met so many wonderful indie authors that it has made the time, sweat, tears, hair pulling, head banging….well, you get the picture….moments so worth it.

The reason I think being an indie author rocks is because of the people you meet along the way. Never have I found a group of people more willing to help each other. Also the freedom of writing what you want and really getting to listen to the readers and talk one on one with them ROCKS.

There are going to be haters in everything you do. I try to roll with the punches, stick with the peeps who believe in me and smile when times get tough. The tough times, and there are many,  mean nothing when a reader says, “When is the next book coming out?”

So yeah, I’m a indie author and proud of it. For the haters out there I just got one thing to say to ya…..Your Loss!!!! 😉



Please help support this blog tour and check out the post by these awesome people! Thanks guys!

November 1st- Tamara Beard http://theindieshop.blogspot.com/

November 2nd- Amber Garza http://ambergarza.wordpress.com/

November 3rd- Alli & Laura http://sparringstepsisters.blogspot.com/

November 4th- Lori Parker http://contagiousreads.blogspot.com/

November 5th- Jennifer Bogart http://remembernewvember.blogspot.ca/

November 6th- Coral Russel http://alchemyscrawl.com/

November 7th- Supagurl http://www.supagurlbooks.blogspot.com/

November 8th- Jo Michaels http://jomichaels.blogspot.com/

November 9th- Tammy-Louise Wilkins http://tammy-louisewilkins.blogspot.co.uk/

November 10th- Matt Gannon http://www.mattwgannon.blogspot.com/

November 11th- Brianna Lee http://www.briannaleereviews.blogspot.com/

November 12th- Katie Shelby http://katieshelby19.blogspot.com/

November 13th- L. Leander http://lleander11.wordpress.com/

November 14th- Cynthia Hill http://cynthiahillbooks.com/

November 15th- Mandy Anderson http://twimom101bookblog.blogspot.com/

November 16th- Jamie Loeak http://www.jamieloeak.blogspot.com/

November 17th- Amy Miles http://amymilesbooks.com/

November 18th-Karly Blakemore-Mowle http://karlenebm.blogspot.com.au/

November 19th- Steph Brentson http://starrynightbookreviews.blogspot.com/

November 20th- Annie Walls http://www.anniewalls.com/

November 21st- Becky Elizabeth Searson http://theindieshop.blogspot.com/

November 22nd- Ivana http://willingtoseeless.blogspot.com/

November 23rd- Jamie Cross http://www.kainas.com/

November 24th- Teresa Gabelman https://teresagabelman.com/

November 25th- Jennifer http://indiesupporter.com/

November 26th- Ren Reidy http://www.alittlebitofrnrreviews.com/

November 27th- Delphina Miyares http://www.delphinareadstoomuch.com/

November 28th- Nikki http://www.vampandstuff.com/

November 29th- L.a. Freed http://www.delphinareadstoomuch.com/

November 30th- Patricia Lynne http://www.patricialynne.com/blog.html

December 1st- Mary Smith http://www.booknerdsacrossamerica.com/

December 2nd- Danielle Banister http://daniellebannister.wordpress.com/

December 3rd- Janiera Eldridge http://janieraeldridge.blogspot.com/

December 4th- Caddy Rowland http://www.caddyrowlandblog.blogspot.com/

December 5th- Shanora Williams http://shanorawilliams.blogspot.com/

December 6th- LM Preston http://lmpreston.blogspot.com/

December 7th- Candy Ann Little http://candylittle.wordpress.com/blog/

December 8th- Jill Cooper http://jillcooper.drupalgardens.com/

December 9th- Martina http://virginiebarbeau.wordpress.com/

December 10th- Shelly Pratt http://www.shellypratt.net/blog.html

December 11th- Kelley Grealis http://myarttoinspire.com/

December 12th- Michelle Hughes http://www.tearsofcrimson.com/

December 13th- Allison Medina http://deebestbooks.blogspot.com/

December 14th- Angela http://readingcave.blogspot.com/

December 15th- Jennifer Martinez http://booksnbrownies.blogspot.com/

December 16th- Brandi http://twistingyourmindonewordatatime.blogspot.com/

December 17th- Kristina Snyder http://everandeversight.blogspot.com/

December 18th- Jolene Perry http://www.jolenesbeenwriting.blogspot.com/

December 19th- Stephanie Constante http://stephanieconstante.blogspot.com/

December 20th- Jessica Gibson http://www.bookonthebrightside.blogspot.com/


8 Responses

  1. Thanks for the support Lorraine! I sure hope you enjoy. Something tells me your indie and you know exactly what I’m talking about. 🙂 If so give me some info cause I love to spread the love. Thanks again!!!!

  2. Congrats on your book, and yep, going indie can be overwhelming but all the wonderful support you wrote about makes it all worth it.

    Oh, after I looked at your book on the side there, I had to buy it immediately. Sounds very interesting. I can’t wait to read it. Something tells me I’ll be the one saying, “When is the next one coming out?”

    Beautiful website, by the way.

  3. I enjoyed your post. As an indie author myself, I was laughing out loud at your comment about time, sweat, tears, head banging and hair pulling!! I can absolutely related! I’ll look you up on FB & Twitter to connect. Have a great day!

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