Winner of the Kindle Fire is….. ;)

Hello there my friends!!! Before I announce the winner of the Kindle Fire I just want to say thank you for the super awesome comments you left me. I have read every single one of them and feel so blessed, even shed a tear or two. Yeah, I get a little emotional at times. So again thank you for your words, support and just being awesome. Your shares have also gotten the word out about Duncan and he is right now sitting at #3 in Amazons Top 100 ranking in three categories. You guys ROCK!!

Okay I have messed around enough and I know you want to know who won the Kindle Fire so here we go…………..



I have emailed you Emilia so email me back your information and I will get your Kindle Fire out to you ASAP!!  Again CONGRATS!!!!

Thanks again for everything you guys. You are the best!!! I will continue to have giveaways so keep in touch and check back. I am currently working on Sid, but don’t have a date for release yet, but it won’t be long. I love Sid, he is great!!! I have a week vacation at the end of August where I have been forbidden to use my laptop. HA! I will secretly sneak pens and paper in my bag and go old school. Hey it’s how I wrote my very first book. LOL!

Love and hugs!!!


Paranormal Romance with a Twist!


7 Responses

  1. I also came across this series by accident and boy am I glad I did. Finished Duncan and cannot wait for Sid’s story it should be great! He makes me laugh so much, can’t wait to see what kind of woman will tame him. Thanks Teresa for such a great series!

  2. I am so glad to have paid attention to Amazon recommendations or I would not have found your books!! I’m always on the look out for good vampire romance series. Yours are right up with my favorites! Keep up the good work.

    1. Hey Angela!!! I’m glad you paid attention to their recommendations also. It’s so hard for indie authors to get out there! So happy you like the series so far. Thank you so much!!!! Hugs

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