A Warrior Wedding is up for preorder!!!

Hello!!! Wanted to stop by and let you guys know that A Warrior Wedding is up on Amazon for preorder! It says only 12 print pages, but believe me it’s way longer than that lol! Okay, back to writing and will talk to you soon. I will be posting a pretty cool contest very soon so keep your eyeballs open…haha! Hugs

Oh and I had a few people question some things so I’m going to post this here so everyone understands what’s up….

The blurb, which I hate writing with a passion and would rather sniff satan’s underwear than write, did it’s job. I got your attention. Keep in mind when reading the blurb that we are talking about the Warriors and they are kick ass, they will find a way….enough said without giving anything away. I have never and will never kill off a main character, but I may make their lives a living hell….just so the happily ever after ending can happen.

Second, I promise that this book is longer than 12 pages long. When you do a preorder you have to do a draft which I believe is what happened with the page count. It will be taken care of as soon as I reach my rep!

Thank you guys for your passion. I totally love you for it! Hugs and hope this cleared up some things. Also I really wouldn’t sniff satan’s underwear though I do hate blurbs that much! HA!


Amazon – Preorder Here

Just Added Amazon UK

Just Added B&N

Just Added Kobo




25 Responses

  1. Me again. I read Warrior Wedding the day it came out and the GREAT story line you have going in the Warrior series just keeps getting better! I hope there are many more of their stories to come!! Thanks for writing them Teresa. Seriously, I read a LOT and they’re the best!! Guess I’ll have to buy the rest of the Warrior books in paperbacks too !! I already have 5 of them (but only one that was autographed by you).

    Keep writing and entertaining us all!

    Thanks. Carol

    1. Thank you so much Carol! Your support means the world to me and excited you enjoyed A Warrior Wedding which will also be in paperback. Working on that right now! Hugs!!! 🙂

  2. Just read A Warrior Wedding. LOVED IT! It’s a great addition to an awesome series. Loved the introduction of Blaze. I hope that we can learn more about this hot ex-warrior.

    Looking forward to more VC Warrior stories and the second book of The Lee County Wolves.

    1. Hey Pam! Thanks so much! Yes, Blaze will be making his way in future books! Working on Hunter’s book now as well as Jax’s. Hugs!!! 🙂

  3. I love your protectors series and can’t wait for more. I have read all that is currently out and I am just waiting for Jax to make the next appearance. Hunter and Blaze have definitely drawn my attention and I’m still wondering whose going up against Sloan. Thank you for your writing and creativity. I read ALOT of books (my escape) and this is by far a favorite. Keep up the excellent skills you have!

    1. That means the world to me Darci! Thank you so much! I have been thinking and working my way up to Sloan’s book. I’m really excited to write his story. Thank you again! Hugs!!!

  4. Teresa – I just checked and it works now.I REALLY am glad you’re back to writing the Warrior books! I’ve missed them – they’re my absolute favorite series – and I read all the time – so that’s saying a LOT! Keep on writing!!


  5. I don’t know if my reply to your reply went through – I don’t see it here, but yes, that is what I mean. When you click on the first Amazon link for Warrior Wedding it sends you to Amazon UK where you can’t get it. At least it did for me.

    Carol L

    1. Okay Carol! I think it’s fixed…I hope so. HA! I swear I could mess anything up. Let me know if you have any problems now! Hugs and thanks for being patient with me! 🙂

  6. Teresa – I Just wanted to let you know Amazon hasn’t fixed it yet – I just clicked on the link and sure enough, it went to Amazon UK and you can’t buy it here from there – and it’s July 7th already!!


    1. Hey Carol! I’m a little confused….are you talking about the link on the US Amazon page sending you to the UK store. Sorry if I misunderstood ya! 🙂

      1. OK, I just clicked on the first Amazon link above and it still sent me to Amazon UK. I then clicked on the Amazoon UK link below the regular one at the top this section of your site and it ALSO sent me to Amazon UK (as this one should have.) I have no idea why the first link is still sending me to Amazon UK. Just thought you’d want to know. I think it’s really strange that the link doesn’t say UK on it, yet that’s where it’s still sending me anyway. When this first happened, I went to my Amazon shortcut icon and pre-ordered your book that way. Definitely don’t want to miss out!! Carol

  7. Hey! I am so excited for this book!! I thought you would like to know that your Amazon link kept sending me to the Amazon UK page. No big deal, I’m just gonna go look it up. But,again, thought you would like to know. I can’t wait! Have a great day!

  8. Will there be any juicy teasers about this book soon? I love the VC’s! And blew my book budget back in December ’14 when i kept buying the next one on my nook after reading book 1 in the Of Fur and Fangs shortly after i finished reading that anthology on my Nook color! Granted there where a few programming glintches whenever i tired to pick up the next story and it instead locked my screen out then forced it to restart. Got a new Nook (only 6 months old w/ a speical trade in value upgrade when i went back to B&N store in Elizabethtown, Ky. Got the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook and no more problems for reading and betaing ARCs. ^_^

    1. Hey LoneWolf Outlaw! Yes, there will be teasers coming soon! I’m glad the glitches got worked out and thank you for sticking with it and not giving up! HA! I appreciate your support so much! Thank you! Hugs!

  9. I just bought Forbidden Hunger and Pre-Ordered a Warrior Wedding. I am so excited to start reading. My birthday is August 22, so I just bought my own present (can’t wait). Love your stories Teresa! I Love your humor. You make me laugh out loud. You have no idea how that makes me feel.

    1. YAY! Happy Early Birthday! I hope you will enjoy A Warrior Wedding and I hope you’ve enjoyed Forbidden Hunger. If I can bring a smile out on your face with one of my books then I’ve done my job. Love making people smile! Thank you again. Your support means so much! Hugs!

  10. I noticed Warrior Wedding was up for pre-order. Done!! Also from your reply to my original comment, I went and bought Forbbiden Hunger. It was a good book too, but there’s NOTHING like your Warrior Vamps!! They are the absolute BEST!! It’s been a while since I read them, so I’m rereading them now to be up to speed again when the new book comes out. Just finished Damon. As good as ever! Thanks!

    Carol L

    1. Thanks so much Carol. Yeah, Forbidden Hunger was my first experience with writing Shifters. Thank you so much for your support. Means so much! Hugs!!!

    2. OMG just read Warriors wedding in one go , brilliant you never disappoint these guys are soooo part of my life cannot wait for JAX keep on writing Teresa you are great

      1. Thank you so much Sylvia! You guys make me want to write better. I write for you guys. I love to write and love what I write, but the readers (my friends) are always in my mind with each word I write. Hugs and thanks so much for your support! 🙂

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