Amazon is on their toes!

So the last release that wasn’t a preorder took over 78 hours to upload to Amazon. That was Slade’s book. So I thought, not going to miss a release date again because of that. Well, seems Amazon is on their toes because Jax uploaded to Amazon in less than an hour. So SURPRISE! Jax is now available on Amazon. Hopefully B&N and Kobo tomorrow….fingers crossed. I will let you know as soon as the other outlets go live. Thanks so much for your support and I sure hope you enjoy Jax! There is a little surprise at the end of the Jax….don’t go looking though. HA!

Hugs and talk to you soon!

Amazon Link To Jax 

Paranormal Romance With a Twist


56 Responses

  1. I loved the book on Jax. I would recommend this series to anyone and everyone. I have bought and read the whole series twice. I can’t wait for the book about Sloan. Can you give me a hint when you’re book on Slaon is coming out. Hugs and kisses Julie

    1. Hey Julie! Thanks so much for the support. Means the world to me. Sloan will hopefully be out mid summer….fingers crossed. Hugs and keep in touch! 🙂

  2. Love your books. I started reading maybe a week ago and didn’t stop until I finished Jax’s story. Looking forward to the next one.

    1. Hey Frankie! Thank you so much for the support. Means so much and I’m excited you have enjoyed the series so far. Working on book number two which is Hunter for Lee County Wolves and then I will be working on Sloan….YUM! HA! Hugs and keep in touch! 🙂

  3. I have every single one of your books which has been fantastic and I check every couple of weeks to see if I missed any. My daughter and I are waiting while chewing on our nails for lee county wolves #2 as well as sloan’s book. As soon as I see a pre order it will be bought. My daughter asks about every week and has started the protector series all over again it’s funny to hear her laughing from her room when I know she’s reading. Jill has been one of her favorites so keep it up looking forward to the next

    1. Hey Jennifer! Thank you and your daughter so much! I’m working on Hunter’s book, which is the second in the Lee County Wolves and then on to Sloan. I will post as soon as I can the release dates to each. I’m careful about doing release dates because sometimes….most times….sends me into writer’s block. Weird, but true. HA! So excited you both enjoy the series so far and hearing that I’ve made your daughter laugh makes my day. Humor in the books are so important to me! Hugs to you both and keep in touch! 🙂

  4. HI Teresa

    Just read Jax again!! my husband thinks I crazy but your books are so good that every couple of months I read them all again , also got my grandaughter hooked cannot wait to hear Sloan,s story and the Lee County Wolves latest, are you going to publish anymore in Audio have the first two great to listen to when lying in the sun as I am retired and living in Spain , never stop writing about these guys ,
    waiting in anticipation Sylvia

    1. Hey Sylvia! First, thank you so much for supporting me and hooking your grandaughter! HA! Yes, I will be doing all the series in Audio, Duncan will be next and coming up soon. I’ll post here on my website as soon as I know a date. Again, thank you so much and please keep in touch. I would love to visit Spain, one of my bucket list places to go. Hugs! 🙂

  5. I love all the protectors books and the first book in the lee county pack series. I can’t wait for Sloan’s story or the second lee county pack book. Thank you for letting us see their world and I hope you will expand and give us more of both.

    1. Hey Angel! Thank you so much for the support. I’m excited you have enjoyed both series so far. Working on Hunter’s book now and then on to Sloan. YAY! Keep in touch and I’ll talk to you soon. Yes, there will be more of both books. 🙂

  6. Discovered your Protector series last week, just finished Jax! I need nore, I feel adrift without an anchor whenever I read the last book in a series.Yes, I know I read very quickly but I enjoyed them so much! I’m starting the Shifter series today but I need more! Yes,I’m a terror but all of you( my favorite authors) give me a world to escape to.No pressure ,lol

    1. Hey Beverly! Thank you so much and I promise to try to write quicker! HA! You guys are the ones who keep me going so the pressure is welcomed. Hugs and again thank you for the support. Means so much! 🙂

  7. I just found this series and have read all the books in a little over a week I am having bad withdrawal and need Sloans book now!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I love them all (Slade is my favorite) I dont know how I never saw these before but now I dont know what to read while waiting I need suggestions !!!!!

    1. Hey Sabrina! So glad you found the Protectors and enjoyed them! Dr. Hottie McVampire is soooo easy to love. HA! Hugs and thanks so much! 🙂 Oh and Kym Grosso, Victoria Danann, Brandy Rivers, Jacqueline Rhoades, Theresa Hissong, Sherrilyn Kenyon are a few I love. 🙂

  8. I love love this series just finish reading about Jax and can’t wait for sloan I hope we don’t have to wait for long .

    1. I am currently working on the second book for the Lee County Wolves and then will start right away on Sloan. Hoping for a late Spring or early Summer release. YAY! Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

      1. Teresa I know this was mentioned early on, but you’re not going to end the series with Sloan’s book are you? I think Blaze deserve a story of his own as well. I’m amaze with his ability to wills fire and his calm demeanor. I would love to get to know him better 🙂

        1. Hey Tara! Yes, Blaze will get his story and I changed my mind. Well you guys changed my mind. HA! Sloan needs his book told and I’m not ready to stop the series yet so what you guys want is what I do. So Sloan it is and hopefully soon. 🙂 Hugs!

  9. Omg I loved reading Jakes series, I have never laughed or cried so much, can’t wait to read Sloans book…. Keep writing fantastic stories thank you for been such a wonderful writer x

  10. Hi Teresa! Thanks for the Jax! Loved it! Looking forward to you next books…… Sloane! Lee County Wolves! and of course something for Blaze! and Steve! would be great… So no pressure!! 🙂

  11. This book is so close to taking my favorite spot (right next to Sid 😉 I absolutely can not wait for the next one and as well as the Lee County Wolves book 2! Do you have an idea when you will release Lee County Wolves and Sloan?

    Fan of all things dealing with the Protectors series! 🙂

    1. Hey Nicole! So excited you enjoyed Jax! I am working on Hunter’s story now. I am hoping for a early to mid summer release of the next in the Protector series. Thanks so much for the support! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Kelly! So excited you enjoyed Jax as well as the rest of the series! Hugs and talk to you soon. Your support means the world to me. 🙂

  12. LOVED Jaxes story and love this series. It is seriously one of the best written paranormal series out there and believe me I have over 2500 books in my Your characters make me laugh out loud but are also romantic strong warriors. I can’t wait to read Sloan’s story as well as Steve’s. I think I can see Steve doin some maturing, but keeping his humor, in Sloan’s book and then coming out swingin’ …Lol Thank for making my downtime incredible!

    1. Hey Lisa! So glad you enjoyed Jax! Your words mean the world to me…thank you so much! I just want to give whoever reads my books a timeout of reality for a little bit so they can laugh, sigh, maybe curse a little and just enjoy! You made my day! Thank you. Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

      1. Hey Carole! A lot of people are saying the same thing and you know me….HAHA….I listen to my readers. Steve just may be a book of his very own. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Carole! Excited you enjoyed Jax and yes, I’m excited to write Sloan next in the Protectors. Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

  13. As always you deliver a story that I have to grab as soon as I can, block out the world and devour it! Loved it! Can’t wait for Sloan and his story and Steve’s! Also can’t wait for the next Lee County Wolves book., Janna and Garrett’s story is still stuck in my mind. All the best to you!

    1. Thank you so much Kay! You totally made my day! That’s my goal…to give you guys a break from reality! YAY! Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Graceane! Excited and relieved you enjoyed Jax! I’m pretty excited about Sloan also. HA! Thank you again! Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

  14. I loved Jax. It was pure awesomeness. I so can’t wait for Slone. I hope he will not be the last. Because Crazy Steve needs to find his mate. Lol. Love this series!!!!!!!

    1. Hey Tracy! So glad you enjoyed Jax! And no, Sloan will not be the last book. I totally changed my mind because everyone wanted Sloan and well he just wouldn’t shut up in my head so he will be next in the Protectors. LOL! Hugs and thanks again! 🙂

  15. Hi Teresa! There’s not a lot I can say really other than LOVED IT! There is no way in hell you can read your books slowly! They are So page turners!……. So Yep looks like I will also be reading it through again!…. Am now looking forward to the Lee County Wolves and Of course Sloane’s Story – He sounded pretty good throughout too!! (I am pretty good at shorthand, typing, filing, computer work….I Missed my chance there methinks : -}) Thanks and Keep writing!!x

  16. Bought Jax as soon as possible and read it right away. Amazing as the rest of the series. I hope you continue on with this series after Sloan. There are more people you can write about too, although it IS Sloan’s time!! Loved the Lee County Wolves too, and glad to hear another will be coming out. These series are my favorites and I’m always looking forward to the next book as soon as I’m done with the one I’m reading. They’re such a great “escape” when you need one! Great job Teresa! Keep up the great stories!!

    1. Hey Carol! Thank you so much! Working on Hunter’s book now. And I won’t be done with the Protectors until you guys tell me ENOUGH! LOL! I think that’s another reason it’s Sloan’s time. Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

  17. HI, I’ve just finished reading Jax, loved it. I love them all there great, can’t wait for Sloan’s story, I think secretly I’ve been waiting for his story from the beginning, so please please don’t be too long

    1. Hey Gemma! So excited that you enjoyed Jax! YAY! Working on Hunter’s story in the Lee County Wolves and then on to Sloan. Thanks so much! Hugs and talk to you soon! 🙂

  18. Hi! Just wanted to tell you how much I love all your books. I just finished Jax in no time flat and can hardly wait for the next one (which can not get here fast Thank you for the books, looking forward to many more.

    1. Hey Kim! Thank you so much and so excited you enjoyed Jax. Working on Hunter’s book in the Lee County Wolves Series and then on to Sloan. Hugs and talk to you soon! Thanks again! 🙂

    1. Hey Anna! So excited you enjoyed Jax! Thanks so much! I am working on Hunter, the second in the Lee County Wolves Series and then on to Sloan. Hoping for a late Spring/ early to mid summer release of Sloan. Hugs and talk to you soon. 🙂

  19. Teresa, Jax was so good that I read it twice. You know when you so excited to read it you read it really fast so you can see what happens. So I did that and then read it a second time slowly. It was just as wonderful the second time. Lol. The little snip it at the end with Sloan was a teaser and of course. Will be waiting for that one. Just a question do you think you will do a novella for Steve like you did for Adam. I would love for him to have a HEA. Have a great week.

    1. Hey Janet! I’m so excited that you enjoyed Jax! And I have been getting a lot of interest with Steve getting his own story. That may just happen. HA! Hugs and thanks so much for your support! 🙂

  20. Hello!!
    I put a reminder in my diary for Jax! I’ve already read it! AMAZING! I already can’t wait for Sloan! I won’t say with whom- no spoilers from me in the little hint left in jax about who will tame Sloan!!

      1. I just finished JAX, it was worth waiting for & I hope SLOAN will be released soon. When you read a book you can’t put down, makes you laugh out loud, making people look at you like you’re crazy, turning your tears of loss into laughter, is special.Thank you for doing that for me for just a little while and making me forget, it’s a special gift you have shared with me.

        1. Hey Kathy! So glad you enjoyed Jax and I have people looking me all the time like I’m crazy haha. Thanks so much for reaching out. Means the world to me. Hugs and keep in touch! 🙂

  21. JAX IS AMAZING!!! I laughed, I screamed,, I cheered, I fell in love all over again!!
    I hope you never stop writing this series! I love that the Lee County Wolves were mentioned! I cant wait to see what happens with those Sexy Shifters!

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