Another day, another page.

Wow this has been a long day. I work as a medical transcriptionist during the day typing away at my work computer. After my eight hours is up I do my mother and wifely duties before moving to my small laptop and the comfy couch to leave reality and go into a world of my own making. I do my best to type on whatever story I am working on everyday whether it be a paragraph, page or chapter.  Sometimes life happens and I don’t get to do what I want with my writing goals, but as long as I sit down and type something I feel I have accomplished something in my journey to being published.

Tonight I was on a roll and didn’t want to quit, but six o’clock comes early so I will go to bed and plot in my head until the sandman comes calling. Life happens. I will not give up my goals, but sometimes I have to set limits because my paying job and family come first. Hopefully it will all pay off in the end.

I had such a hard time starting my second book. It kept changing in my head and then on computer. Yes, I wanted to scream in frustration, but now that it’s going strong I don’t want to stop. It’s funny how sometimes the characters in my head refuse the way I am taking their story. They can be stubborn and very uncooperative. Well I think we’re all happy now so hopefully no more blocks, one can hope.

Writers block can really ruin a writer’s day.  I refuse to give up so I write whatever comes to into my head whether it makes sense or not. Once I get a chapter I go back and reread usually cringing the whole time. Mostly I can make something out of the gibberish I have written, but if not I can wipe the slate clean, DELETE, and start again. The importance of this is that I did not let writer’s block stop me. I wrote. I do not have a blank page. If you write, try it. It may work for you.





59 Responses

  1. Hi

    I have finished all of the Protector books and am desperate for the next one, is it still in the pipeline? Please please please say yes!!!

    Thanks 🙂

    1. Hello Charlotte!! Thank you so much for your support. YES!!! How’s that…LOL! Slade is in the hands of my editor now and will hopefully be release very soon! Hugs and thank you again!!

  2. OMG thank God for my Kindle, read Damon and immediately downloaded Jared & Duncan, loved all 3 books, I just love being able to catch up quickly when I find a new author I love.Just finished Duncan & Pam’s story but can’t wait for Sid’s story, he’s sooooo funny but want to read Slade’s, Adam’s & Sloan’s too, in fact whoever else’s you want to write too. Thank for a great read 🙂

    1. Hey Nicola!!

      Thank you so much!!! I appreciate your words. Means so much to me and you made my day!! Working hard on Sid now and then on to Slade…. Thanks again for your support!!! Hugs!!!

  3. Just wanted to say love your guys cant wait for Sid’s story to come out. I’ve truly loved each and every story so far in your Protectors Series, and each one of the character in them. 8 }

  4. Like everyone else here I have loved reading The Protectors. I must admit after reading the first half of Damon I order the rest and read them all too quickly. I really like Sid (cute and funny you can’t ask for more really) and I am eagerly awaiting his book. Your books have provided me the best escape I have had in quite a while Thank You – please keep up the great work.

    1. Hey Janyce!!

      So glad you like the series so far. I appreciate your support and I’m working on Sid now. YAY! I hope I can give you more escaping in the future….I will do my best!!! Thanks again!!!


  5. I Love the protector series!!!!! I have read them three times I am dying to know when the next book will come out. I have been checking kindle everyday. Please tell me when it will be out so that I can get it. You are a amazing writer. I just can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the books.

    1. Hey Jennifer!

      Thank you so much!! Sid will be out soon, but don’t have a set date quite yet. As soon as I do I will post here to let you know….Promise! Thank you again. Your support means so much and I appreciate you!


  6. The protector series is great!!! I read all three in a day and a half. I love the characters, how strong they are and how the women are just as strong in their own way. I can’t wait until Sid comes out. You are right, he is seriously funny and offbeat. I love writing and usually just write about pug Sam on face book. He has his own following for the Chronicles of Sam. If I don’t write about his adventures, people will ask if he’s OK. I also have NoFlo Adventures. These are adventures that my mom and I have. You are a gifted writer and I look forward to all the stories each of them have to tell.

    1. Hey Nora!!!

      Thank you so much!! Glad you have enjoyed the series so far. Please friend me on facebook so I can read some of your stuff on Sam. That would be awesome. I am a big reader and that sounds really cool! Thanks again for your support! I means so much.


  7. I am absolutely obsessed with your Protector Series. I just finished Duncan and loved it. I laughed so much with Sid’s craziness and can’t wait till his story comes out. Also Slade is to die for. I wanna bottle him up:-) anxious for his and Jillians story as well. Keep them coming your amazing!!

    1. Hey Chanelle!!

      Love to hear when someone is as obsessed with the Protectors as I am. HA! Sid is freaking nuts! I am loving his story! Slade, well he was supposed to be a small part, but I fell in love with him and so did everyone else. So he is definitely getting a book. LOL! Thank you again for your support. It means so much!!!


  8. I have to say, I have been enjoying the Protector series, also. I was a bit leery, as I have had a hard time finding books of this genre that I actually enjoyed. (I believe Sandra Hill is the only other author I have seriously loved for quite some time.) I couldn’t put the first book down, and ended up ordering the next two in the series back to back. I just spend the last three days reading, and I cannot wait to read about Sid, as he’s actually one of my favorites! I would also like to read a lot more about Slade. I love your warriors, thanks for the great reads, as I was starting to give up on finding anything new that met my expectations! I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for anything you put out from now on.

    1. Hey Barb!!

      So glad you like the series so far and thank you for your support and words. It means so much!! Slade will definitely be getting his own book after Sid. Thanks again Barb!!


  9. Ok….so I am a HUGE fan! Your series makes me wonder where my Warrior is hiding. I am head over heels in love with all the warriors and their mates. However, when Slade was introduced in Duncan’s series….whew…my imagination is running wild. Haha…I am so happy that I came across the Protector Series. My only complaint is that I have to wait to read the next book! Can you please please please tell me when the next book will be out? Pretty please? Thanks again for sharing these characters with those of us who can’t think of anything they would rather be doing than curled up with a great book for a stroll with fantastic characters and stories. Ya, so back to the important question…..when is your next book to be released ? Sigh….yes I am soooooo not a patient person!

    1. Hey Mandy!

      Thank you so much!!! It is really funny because Slade was just supposed to be a little part, but I kinda got the hots for him and to my surprise so did everyone else. He will definitely be getting a book. YUM! I just started writing full time as of Tuesday so my writing time has changed. YAY! I will know more on a release date in the next couple of weeks and will let everyone know! Thanks again!!!


  10. I absolutely love your Protectors series. I have both my mother and Mother-in-law reading them as well. I’m really excited about more books coming out. I know I will enjoy reading them as well. I do want to ask if you are gonna make a book about Jill and Slade?? Can’t wait for your next book. Thank-you for writting them. 🙂


    1. Hey Jennie! I’m so glad you like the series so far and thank you for spreading the word. I hope your mom and mother-in-law like them as well. Slade is going to have his own book also, yeah, I kinda fell hard for him. HA! Thanks again for your support. It means a lot to me!!!! 🙂

  11. I’m completely addicted to The Protectors series now. Finished reading all 3 novels in 2 days. My congrats on such extraordinary work Teresa 🙂 looking forward for more of you’re talent. I have to admit even do i was excited about Duncan and Pam’s story i was more interested in Jill and Slade <3 will they have their own book?

    1. Hey Leslie Ann! So glad you enjoyed the series so far. I know I’m liking Slade a lot….oh, a whole lot. HA! Yes, Slade will have his book. I didn’t plan on it, but knowing how much you guys love him I will give him a story. YAY! Thanks so much for the support. It means so much!!!

      1. So glad that there will be a book for Slade and Jill, just started this series and I love the books. Cant wait for Sid’s story to come out. Thank you for writing the books and the series they are amazing.

  12. I so cant wait till the next book comes out. I love the series. I have tried righting myself and have come up with a little bit then I get side tract with my kids or house stuff. I am planning on getting back to trying to write soon. I wrote my first book in high school but never had anyone look at it for me. I just my go back and try and finish and make the corrections that it needs. I love the info and the help that you put out. Most of the stuff I do write down is stuff that has come to me in dreams.

    1. Hey Christy!! First I am so glad you like the series so far. Most importantly do not give up. I get sidetracked also. I still have a 40 hour week job with the hubby and son and dogs and the list goes on and on. It’s hard, but so worth it. I love writing and now that I found that people actually like what I write is a extra special bonus! My most favorite thing is being able to talk to you guys! Keep at it and don’t give up! If I did it so can you!!!!!

  13. Loving The Protector Series. I so love the alpha male matched with strong female counterparts. I hate the hysterical female characters so many writers choose to write about. You and Jeaniene Frost and Nalini Singh’s angels are my faves. No wimpy hysterical chicks.

    I am excited that Sid’s story is next. It has to be fun writing him. He is LOL funny.

    Thanks very much and keep them coming.

    1. Hey Malissa! So glad you like the series so far! Wimpy dudes and chicks get on my nerves. I want the Warriors strong and tough, but with heart. I want the women to be strong, but know when they need a man…if ya know what I mean! HA! Sid is freaking crazy. I get done writing some of his stuff and sit back thinking ‘where the heck did that come from?’ LOL! Thanks so much for commenting. I love talking to you guys so much!!!

  14. Love the Protectors series. My only complaint is having to wait for the next book. I wish I had discovered discovered this series after it w a s complete so I could read all the books back to back. Just finished Duncan. When is Sid’s story coming out? Keep up the great writing.

    1. Hey Dezzy!!

      So glad you like the series so far! I don’t have an exact date on Sid’s release, but I will let you know as soon as I do. Thanks so much for your support. It means a lot!!!


  15. Just got done reading Duncan’s book and can not wait for the next one. I love these guys and gals such love they have. Keep up the good work and I will be watching for the next one.

  16. I just recently started reading this series and must say that I have had a tough time putting my Kindle Fire down. These stories are so good that it actually has shut its self off due to needing charged while I have been reading! I love the way each Warrior is different and yet so much alike in their Alpha ways. Got to love those strong Alpha males! *grins* Being involved with a Marine myself helps! Please keep writing these great stories.

    1. Ohhh, a Marine….bet you have a story yourself Marlene. 🙂 Seriously, thank you so much for your words and I’m so happy you are enjoying the series so far. Hugs!!!

  17. I really enjoyed your books. It amazes me you were able to write such entertaining novels between work, kids, and life in general. I barely have time to read, let alone write. Keep up the awesome writing! Also, I cannot wait for Sid, Sloan, and my new fav Slade (with Jill, of course) stories. I would like to say, “hurry up, I want them, and I want them now!” However, with working and having a family, I will just say, “quickly as possible, please.” 🙂

    Here’s to you: happy writing
    Here’s to me: happy reading

  18. I am looking for a printable book list but am unable to locate it.

    Could you let me know if you have one and how I can access it. Thank you


  19. Well you have another follower, love this series. I love the stories and the background of the warriors and their ladies. I feel like I know them, I have cried with them and laughed out loud. My husband caught me crying in Jared’s book and asked me if it was a sad book. :-0 Of course I had to tell him it was just a sad part of a great book. Can’t wait for the next installment. Thanks for letting me share your world.

    1. Hey Wendy!!!

      I love new friends and welcome!! So glad you like the series so far. Working hard on Duncan and Pam’s complex story. Hate to make anyone cry, but love that the story touched you! Thank you so much for your support! It means more than you’ll ever know!!!



  20. Ohh my God… I’m in love with your book, seriously wishing that I could stay the whole night awake just to read Jared’s book…I’m from Brazil and just finished Damon’s book, can’t wait for more…

    1. Hey Amarylis!!!

      So happy you are liking the series so far. You support means everything to me! Thank you!! Working hard on Duncan’s book. Hoping one day to make it to Brazil which is on my families list to visit one day!!! Thanks again!!!


  21. I am totally hooked! I just read Damon and Jared’s books in two days then went to buy Duncan’s and it isn’t out.

    Please release him!!!

    1. Hey Annie!!!

      Thank you so much Annie and I’m excited that your hooked. I’m working hard on getting Duncan finished and hoping it will be very soon. In talks with my editor right now. Thanks again and I will release him as soon as possible. 🙂


  22. I just finished Damon’s book and a I loved it!! I love your writing style. I read a lot of books and I am very excited about finding yours!! I know it must be hard writing and working full time, but keep up the awesome work. Now I’m off to read book 2!

    1. Hey April!!!

      So glad you enjoyed Damon and I’m glad you find him. LOL! It is very hard working when all I want to do is write, but hopefully soon my dreams will be reality and I can write full time. Hoping you like Jared’s book as much as Damon. Fingers crossed. 🙂


  23. Your books are amazing! Don’t stop writing them as I’m addicted to your protector series. Can’t wait to read Duncan and Pam’s story. Would really like to know more about Sloan… Hoping there is a story coming out for him too. Thanks for your books!

    1. Hey Victoria!!!

      So happy you like the series so far!!! I am hearing more and more about Sloan so that is a big possibility!! Thanks so much for your support. It means the world to me!!!



  24. I just wanted to say that I love the Protectors Series and I can’t wait to read about Duncan. I hope there are more books in this series!

    1. Hey Alex!!!

      I am so glad you like the series so far!! Sid will be after Duncan and possibly Adam and maybe Sloan. Thank so much for your support!!!



    1. Hey Kimberly!!!

      I am really trying hard for a May release. I work full time…blah…so it gets a little tricky. But it will be soon I promise. Thanks so much for asking and for your support. It means tons!!!



    1. Hey Sue!!!

      Working for May. As long as me and the editor can work it out. HA! May is the month I am working for!! 🙂 Excited. Thanks for asking!!!


    1. Hey Diana!!!

      Thank you so much and I’m very happy you like the series so far. Duncan is coming along and I’m hoping you like him just as well. 😉 Thanks again for your support. It means a lot!!!


      1. Hi teresa

        I’ve loved reading the ptotector series and read all 3 in 3 days lol, i can’t wait for sid to be realeased, any ideas how long i will have to wait?


        1. Hey Sarah!! So glad you enjoyed the series so far. Sid should be out late fall/early winter. Thanks again for your support and stop back soon!!! Hugs!!!

          1. OMG love the protector series I also read all 3 books in 3 days laughed a lot can’t wait to read Sid. So his book should be out by the end of the year so looking forward to it.

          2. Hey Angel!!

            So glad you love the series. Sid is coming along great! Hoping you love him just as much as the rest of the warriors. 🙂


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