Okay now that the small holiday break is over it’s time to start hitting it again. Not that I wasn’t doing little things here and there, but my focus is back on my writing. It’s really funny how this has taken hold of me. I have for so long wanted to be a writer, but what I didn’t understand I was a writer, just not published. This journey has taken so many turns it makes my head spin at times.

I think the most important thing I can suggest to anyone in my position with a passion for writing is to keep at it. Don’t stop. Learn where you can, what you can. Listen to those in the field and those who are not, but are trying to help you along the way. Have thick skin. Everyone is not going to like what you write, but there will be some that do. There are millions of people in the world, so don’t sweat a few not liking your style of writing or your stories.There will be haters, but haters can make you a better writer. (More on that in a future blog.)  Just keep your head up and keep going.  You will get bad reviews, good reviews and no reviews at all. Keep going….keep learning.

Perseverance is the key to becoming whatever you want to be. What do J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer and Amanda Hocking (self-published) have in common? They have all been rejected. Rowling 12 times, Meyer 14 by agents and Amanda Hocking, couldn’t find a exact count on her so didn’t want to post. They have now gone on to make millions. In no way am I comparing myself to them or anyone, but I will try to learn from them because right now they are at the top and who better to learn from. I can tell you one thing I know for sure, the most important thing they have in common is perseverance. No matter how dumpy I feel about this or that in the writing world sometimes, I love telling stories that are always in my head. Whether one person reads it or a thousand I get a chance to put it out there and that my friends is an awesome feeling.

So stay tuned my perseverance is going to pay off soon! If one person reads a book I have written then I have persevered in my goal. Then it’s time to move to my next goal which would be the second person reading my book and so on and so on and so on………. 🙂

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill





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